Most of what I've read here is not "constructive" criticism, but simply criticism.
The "constructive" part of that phrase means that you provide meaningful solutions or suggestions. Not just "this is bad."
Criticism is good. Complaining isn't. I haven't heard one person just simply say "this is bad" about the raid.
"Unconstructive" criticism is "This sucks!" or "F--- Bungie!"
"Constructive" criticism is analyzing the raid and discussing how certain encounters and mechanics work. What we like and don't like. Which is what we've been doing.
We are have ZERO obligations to provide solutions. As a general rule I think designers should listen to users when they say something is broken and ignore them when they say how to fix it.
Discussion today has been great across the board. To those like me who want a more flexible raid that's still challenging, and those who praise the current mechanical difficulty and the exhilaration of finally nailing that 5 minutes of a perfect run. I'm loving getting everyone's perspectives on raids and encounters and what they like about them and don't like them.
r/destinythegame is the other big Destiny hub I feel and it's a tremendous resource, but it isn't DGAF. There's no raid philosophy discussion there. This is where DGAF shines, in my opinion. A intelligent, skilled community.
Edit: I was away from my desk for a while and came back hit submit on this post. Now see it's replying to something like 6 pages ago. Sorry.