everyday math
Time to kick some ass
Time to kick some ass
It hurts you to keep firing but kill 3 enemies and you record health
I need a calculator and a few snipers for DPS comparisonnot having to reload and being full auto means sustained crit damage on this thing is savage (until you die
Anyone want to do Court of Oryx level 3? I have a Rune ready
Anyone for CoO? Akai_XIII
I have an antiquated rune.
Never ending Battle = 300 attack shotgun or Fusion RifleIs there a list or could someone tell me which quests are actually worth doing. I'm a 289 Hunter. So looking for better gear basically. The crap rewards quests I'll just abandon.
Quests I have are:
The Taken War: Earth
The Legion's Beachhead
Path of The Gunslinger
Path Of The Bladedancer
Neverending Battle
Blighted Worlds
The Old Hunger
High Value Targets
The Court Of Oryx (Is this the 300 artifact one?)
Make The Vanguard Smile (I don't know how to do overcharge 3 and don't really want to either)
I hate youWow, so I've been hella lucky.
She gave me four T1, one T2 and one T3...
Thought it was guaranteed.
Anyone for CoO? Akai_XIII
I have an antiquated rune.
Never ending Battle = 300 attack shotgun or Fusion Rifle
Court of Oryx = 300 Artifact
Make Vanguard Smile = Red Bull sparrow
You should eventually try them all though, there's a ton of story mission you'll miss out on otherwise
Time to kick some ass
You fire like normal until down to 1 bullet. Then that last bullet "never ends". You can keep firing that last bullet forever, and each shot of that does 2x damage.it hurts you?
Anyone for CoO? Akai_XIII
I have an antiquated rune.
Until I can't fire no more! Truly an exotic weapon. That's for sure. I need to finish my quest up later tonight and give it a go.Feels truly exotic with that risk reward game. Like how weak are you willing to get to keep getting that sustained 2x damage before you reload?
Looks like I know what I'm doing for the next couple days.
You fire like normal until down to 1 bullet. Then that last bullet "never ends". You can keep firing that last bullet forever, and each shot of that does 2x damage.
However, every time you fire the gun with 1 bullet left you take damage. Hold the trigger long enough and it'll kill you. You can counteract this by reloading (back to normal 1x damage) or killing 3 enemies quickly to regain health and letting you keep shooting alive.
Feels truly exotic with that risk reward game. Like how weak are you willing to get to keep getting that sustained 2x damage before you reload?
Anyone up to do King's Fall (or barring that the NF?) at around 6pm pdt? Stuck at work till a little before then :/
Joining you now!
Looks like you found another group
On a related note, good ol' Nightfall rewards seem to remain unchanged.
Who decided that farming materials from planetary mats that have a 5-10% chance of dropping should be part of the exotic sword quest was a good idea? I just don't understand these kind of stupid decisions made at Bungie. Ugh.
Huh?Can't believe they are giving out year 1 rewards for Nightfall. So useless.
Looks like you found another group
On a related note, good ol' Nightfall rewards seem to remain unchanged.
You fire like normal until down to 1 bullet. Then that last bullet "never ends". You can keep firing that last bullet forever, and each shot of that does 2x damage.
However, every time you fire the gun with 1 bullet left you take damage. Hold the trigger long enough and it'll kill you. You can counteract this by reloading (back to normal 1x damage) or killing 3 enemies quickly to regain health and letting you keep shooting alive.
Feels truly exotic with that risk reward game. Like how weak are you willing to get to keep getting that sustained 2x damage before you reload?
Yep. Same thing I did. The grind on both of those suuuuck.The ability kills part was almost worse to me, at least I could run around and kill taken champs and shit too whole farming mats. Ability kills was just throw on my old lucky raspberry and wake the hive like 40 times until II finished, yawn.
Does anyone need to do the Shield Brothers strike for the Red Bull quest line? It's the level 40 version with a 18min time limit. It has matchmaking, but the game apparently doesn't find any other players for this one.
The dead orbit scout rifle is for sale?Damn, I just bought the Y2 Suros, wish I'd seen all of this DO Scout Rifle talk first. Ah well, it'll be there when I get back up to 150 marks sooner rather than later.
Wait, is that Truth? I thought it didn't get a Y2?
Yes it does. Check your blueprint kiosk peopleWait, is that Truth? I thought it didn't get a Y2?
SmhOh haha i thought it was a ballerhorn.
Well, just play what you like.I meant the main granade. The one with a horizontal area of effect.
I think this class my work out better in a team.
I'll give it more chances! =)
The dead orbit scout rifle is for sale?
Sure, just did that one. It was more fun, because I got to do at least 2 public events while waiting!
What is the thing the bottom guy got? Also that's the biggest troll of a reward I've ever seen.
I have the year two version. Havent tried it yet![]()
We need one more for a nightfall, we are at the boss.
Collecting Chronoshards...zzzzzzzzz
Looks like you found another group
On a related note, good ol' Nightfall rewards seem to remain unchanged.
I can help, PSN: Okonoko