I'm getting a Ps4 soon and going to get destiny. I've been invested in Destiny on my xbone since day 1, but I kind of want to go through everything again, and maybe do some endgame stuff with GAF.
Anyways, what would be the best class to run with you guys? My main is a Warlock on xbone, but I've got a fully leveled Titan and Hunter as well, so can play any class.
Thinking Titan though. Love my defender and the new sunbreaker class is awesome.
Class has next to no relevance in raids, until your group is missing one entirely. Arguably warlocks are the least required class, but still absolutely fine to bring multiple along
We only had one Titan on our raid run. Eventually, having familiarity with the mechanics of the fight and having high light levels is gonna be waaaaay more important than bringing 4 Titans and 2 Hunters to the King's Fall. We were all 295+, as long as somebody generates the orbs for the Titan's WOL, its easy.
Only on Undying Mind. Also, I have yet to see the Devil's Lair, Phogoth, and the Nexus appear in the Heroic Strike Playlist. I'm starting to miss them now...
we gave up but when we checked the actual strategy we were actually doing it, so I'm proud of that. We just didn't have the execution.
In the first gaze steal section I was doing about 1 million damage and nobody else could quite get there. We got him down about a 5th of his health, sometimes a quarter, but we'd always hit enrage after a few more rotations. It is a bummer but at the same time I can see the progression from doing the first part of the raid a few times will get us to high enough level to beat him fairly handily. We had 4 at 295ish and 2 below 290.
We didn't find any of the chests but did find a fragment and had a lot of fun. Can't wait to do the rest of the raid in mid-October, hopefully you all have it down to a science by then and will let me tag along
We got through the
in about 2 hours which was pretty cool, the
jumping ships
gave our hunters big problems. Put in about 4 1/2 hours total. I think if we banged our heads against the wall we would have gotten a bit further.
Does anyone know if it's possible to do Eris' Urn of Sacrifice mission anymore? I'm reading a few guides that say the quest begins with a bounty from Eris, but it doesn't look like she has bounties anymore. It's kind of annoying that I can't play this quest that I ostensibly paid money for.
If by "late night", you mean at around rollover time (in 5hrs 15mins) then I'd definitely want in on a group. I beat the first 2 bosses last week, but have yet to face the Sisters, and Oryx.
Does anyone know if it's possible to do Eris' Urn of Sacrifice mission anymore? I'm reading a few guides that say the quest begins with a bounty from Eris, but it doesn't look like she has bounties anymore. It's kind of annoying that I can't play this quest that I ostensibly paid money for.
If you only ostensibly pad then I'm not sure it's a big deal.
I don't know, but it doesn't look like you can do that quest anymore. The ultimate reward for fhat quest was a piece of underpowered arm armor that you wouldn't want to wear these days anyway.
There is a "the dark below" quest line in the quests kiosk that you can do that contains all the available dark below story content.
Several hours later xD The first time we got him to 1%, we wiped. Took another hour to get back there. But hey, got it eventually. The hand cannon and autorifle dropped for me.
I've taken my time with the game and enjoyed every second of it. Not too concerned with raiding right now; I just want to have fun and discover things on my own.
Too many quests to do, not enough time to do them. Need 12 more legendary marks for the Vanguard Ghost. I could do the Daily Heroic for them, but eh.
Still need to finish the two Dreadnaught quests (Shield Brothers and Sunless Cell) and try to continue to put a dent in Petra's questline. I'm 238 right now.
Yep. At 293 I did my 3 weekly heroics, nightfall and some CoO last night and got:
Nightfall - 283 sniper.
First heroic legendary engram - 273 machine gun
20 blue engrams total - 1/20 decrypted above 290. The rest were anywhere between 264 (why?) and 280.
In the old system, you get a gun with a good roll and you level it up and use it. Now you get a gun with a good roll it's most likely below your light level. You then need to find 1-2 other weapons to sacrifice just to bring it to a point where you can use it without gimping yourself. Obtaining those sacrificial lambs is entirely up to RNG.
Light system is great for the most part don't get me wrong, it has been enjoyable logging on and working my way up each night and being able to see an improvement. RNG gonna RNG I suppose.