Get ready for that patch.
Move over to the Gate Lord people.
Edit: Top of Page:
Raid Boys... You READY?!

Get ready for that patch.
Looking for 3 for a blind Kings Fall raid at launch or shortly after.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Kilau
3. hydruxxo
Please reply and I will add to it as we go. We are all 287+ light. So looking for at least 285
You can run to the boss really quick. Almost no need to kill anything.
I'll join. 292 light Titan.
PSN churmom
So, any groups need a 294 titan for the raid?
Looking for 3 for a blind Kings Fall raid at launch or shortly after.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Kilau
3. hydruxxo
4. Bitsurugi
5. Churmom
Please reply and I will add to it as we go. We are all 287+ light. So looking for at least 285
Looking for 3 for a blind Kings Fall raid at launch or shortly after.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Kilau
3. hydruxxo
Please reply and I will add to it as we go. We are all 287+ light. So looking for at least 285
You got the Jade Rabbit?? Respect.Exotic haul today now consists of
Hawkmoon yr 2
Jade rabbit
2 x 4th horseman yr 2
Saint 14 yr 2
Ruin wings yr 2
Plus Talkonaut from Xur's engram
Not bad for an hours work, that's me done for now though methinks.
285 light
30 three of coins farmed.
Last Word
2x Zhalo Supercell
Light Beyond Nemesis
Ruin Wings
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
Young Ahamkara's Spine
4th Horseman
So who wants to log on my account and farm for me while I'm stuck at work rofl.
30 three of coins farmed.
Last Word
2x Zhalo Supercell
Light Beyond Nemesis
Ruin Wings
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
Young Ahamkara's Spine
4th Horseman
How do you use motes? Is it applied to everything you are equipped with?
Ok, which mission is it again? And where?
I really feel like they knew this would happenlol
Get ready for that patch.
I could be down for that. Dont' think i'm going to get a chance to raid later like planned :\
Added the two of you to the list! Just need 1 more!
Looking for 3 for a blind Kings Fall raid at launch or shortly after.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Kilau
3. hydruxxo
4. Bitsurugi
5. Chur
6. commish
Please reply and I will add to it as we go. We are all 287+ light. So looking for at least 285
Where are you farming the Ultra kills?
What's your spot?
Get ready for that patch.
Exotic engram farmOk so i'm at work watching Gothalion on twitch and he's doing what I believe is the daily mission which is the Kell is the room with his chair (forgot the name) but what he's doing is damaging him until he's low health and then using a rocket launcher up close killing the Kell and himself. He's still getting rewards and xp for the kill but then gets to start immediately at the fight again.
Get ready for that patch.
Ok so i'm at work watching Gothalion on twitch and he's doing what I believe is the daily mission which is the Kell is the room with his chair (forgot the name) but what he's doing is damaging him until he's low health and then using a rocket launcher up close killing the Kell and himself. He's still getting rewards and xp for the kill but then gets to start immediately at the fight again. He just got an exotic engram....
You got the Jade Rabbit?? Respect.
30 three of coins farmed.
Last Word
2x Zhalo Supercell
Light Beyond Nemesis
Ruin Wings
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
Young Ahamkara's Spine
4th Horseman
I'm doing Draxis, like everyone else. I don't even have an icebreaker, I just whittle him down with a primary.
I'm trying to think of how they'd patch this method, and I can't think of a reason. Maybe a cooldown for 3oC?
Most likely this:I'm trying to think of how they'd patch this method, and I can't think of a reason. Maybe a cooldown for 3oC?
If they patch ToC to only work off strike bosses instead of story mode ultras (as opposed to just putting them on a timer) I wouldn't even be upset. Dramatic decrease in the speed with which you can acquire exotics but it doesn't actually nerf the functionality of the item.
very nice, for clarification, how do you use the coins? one at time, wipe, use another one?
Most likely this:
YessssssOT 32 better be called "Three of Draksis"
That's what almost every post in this thread today has been about
Just got a 297 blue, how high do blues go?
Sorry just catching up while watching the stream and was like wtf....carrying on. Back to page 4 I go.
We need one more for a chill launch raid with a 5 hour window. Game can be found here:
Join up!
I know lol. And xur is selling heavy weapon engrams so those two wouldnt ever come out of that engram. I was talking about the farming method.