I don't understand what to do. We killed the major and the boss within 30 seconds of each other and the quest didn't complete.
I wonder what the HM Oryx exotic will be. Figured it would have been Touch of Malice. Maybe that weird-looking exotic rocket launcher?
Or Y2 Ballerhorn
did you kill the boss first?
160 Wormspore from drops in strikes. Thank fuck for these perks on ghosts. Need one for Helium Filaments.
Oh thanks for that. Better keep a closer eye from now on.
Just to let you know there is huge delays with these arriving to the postmaster. I've done 11 over 3 weeks and still waiting. It has it mentioned on Bungie.net but no eta on a fix.
The exotic sword is 310 light and you get to keep your legendary sword. Link
That's awesome news! Will be fully infusing my legendary sword now, and this way we can decide to keep an exotic slot free if need be![]()
Wait what, how? The worm spore I mean. Only ghost perk I have seen is highlight on the map.
Got the Ace of Spades HC. Can´t I infuse it above 290?
has anyone ascended strangers rifle yet?
Maybe this starts something?
Yes.Is the exotic sword 310?
don't even need to use the sword. What we did was keep the warden we needed to kill for our sword alive and bring Darkblade's health to like 5-10%. We kill the warden(s) and then super the heck out of Darkblade.Exotic sword quest for people who have finished it. What do we do at boss?
Wait what, how? The worm spore I mean. Only ghost perk I have seen is highlight on the map.
Fuck these blueberries, we were with freaking 8 man in CoO and I helped them kill mini Crota. Then it's my turn and they fail twice to even get him down...
Got the Ace of Spades HC. Can´t I infuse it above 290?
8 people wow that's pretty sad. for the fragment do you have to put rune in OR get kill OR both?
280, same that my exotic year 2 suros started at... Which I found weirdAre the arms day weapons going to be 280?
It would suck if so
It's super sad when I'm the only one alive while the rest is trying to kill him with their own sword while he's immune XD
At least I didn't lose the rune.
For the fragment you need to be the one that puts the rune in, doesn't matter who kills him as long as he goes down.
6x daily? I thought they were once per account
It's super sad when I'm the only one alive while the rest is trying to kill him with their own sword while he's immune XD
At least I didn't lose the rune.
For the fragment you need to be the one that puts the rune in, doesn't matter who kills him as long as he goes down.
.... errr ... GAF?
It's super sad when I'm the only one alive while the rest is trying to kill him with their own sword while he's immune XD
At least I didn't lose the rune.
For the fragment you need to be the one that puts the rune in, doesn't matter who kills him as long as he goes down.
.... errr ... GAF?
what are the perks?.... errr ... GAF?
6x daily? I thought they were once per account
what are the perks?
.... errr ... GAF?
What the.. How?.... errr ... GAF?
It is the year 2 exotic version of "Black Hammer" with 310 light.
I don't know if it has to be triggered a certain way, but when you are at the part where you have to find 2 relics to unlock the door for the second time as you escape the temple of crota, go towards the Shadow Thief strike where you board the ketch and finish the mission form there.
You have 10 minutes to clear the ketch of Taken enemies and kill the ultra taken captain "Driviks".
So who wants to do King's Fall Flawless Raid?
.... errr ... GAF?
Source on that exotic sniper pls, everything is fake until we have proof!
So who wants to do King's Fall Flawless Raid?
Count me in, I will die on a jumping puzzle confirmed.
you get one free boost to 25 with TTK
But I would actually just play through the first story and use the boost for a second character.
Does anyone know if those boosts rank subclasses as my titan was always just a bubble bro he was only meant for crota.
8 people wow that's pretty sad. for the fragment do you have to put rune in OR get kill OR both?