PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for daily so we can get exotic sniper
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PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for daily so we can get exotic sniper
Wanna try it with me and my gf?PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for daily so we can get exotic sniper
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for daily so we can get exotic sniper
Fireteam is set to invite only
Let's do this!
Yup, Black Spindle is real. triplewreck just got it from the Daily.
glad i assumed wrong lol
ugh i already beat the daily
Apparently Bungie didn't want us to know about every single Exotic weapon and quest before TTK released. So they coded some stuff in a way that doesn't let the data mining APIs see it.
My Hunter has a Touch of Malice equipped right now, but if you try checking out my gear in Destinystatus or any tracker page, or even the official Destiny Companion App, it just shows as blank.
can be done if beaten. was also confirmed. go go go.
He's 298 so 290 maybe?Lol. Based Triplewreck.
Fuuuu- what's the Light lvl you've got to be to do a Heroic?
Lol I love the photoshop detectives always going "obviously fake"
Damn now I wanna get home. This will be extremely useful once the Touch of Malice big in KF gets fixed
On the other hand I'd like to be 300+ first (just need a Ghost!) to guarantee it drops 310
so do we scan the door after opening the door that needs 3 tomb husks, or before?
So what's the deal with that secret mission in the daily heroic story? I found a route up to the skiff where you fight Taniks, and there was a timed section instead of the normal end of the mission where you had to fight some Taken invasion.
Thing is the mission is complete horseshit to try and do by yourself on heroic, and when the timer ran out while I was fighting the Ultra at the end, I didn't even fucking get credit for the daily heroic.
How do you do the strike?
So what's the deal with that secret mission in the daily heroic story? I found a route up to the skiff where you fight Taniks, and there was a timed section instead of the normal end of the mission where you had to fight some Taken invasion.
Thing is the mission is complete horseshit to try and do by yourself on heroic, and when the timer ran out while I was fighting the Ultra at the end, I didn't even fucking get credit for the daily heroic.
Is there a list of requirements, or a walk through on how to get this?
Dude lets raid. I'm home in 3 hours and can do it 2x. With a Ghost I'll be 300!!! White Nail hype.That's what I was thinking. It would be wise to do the raid first, granted you're not 300+ light yet, hoping for good drops, and then do the daily.
I'm 298 so I think I'll do that.
That alternative end will reward you with a year 2 Exotic Black Hammer. Beats 15 Marks.So what's the deal with that secret mission in the daily heroic story? I found a route up to the skiff where you fight Taniks, and there was a timed section instead of the normal end of the mission where you had to fight some Taken invasion.
Thing is the mission is complete horseshit to try and do by yourself on heroic, and when the timer ran out while I was fighting the Ultra at the end, I didn't even fucking get credit for the daily heroic.
Lower the health of the major that you specifically need to kill (it will depend on the element of your sword) and the boss's health. Then when both are low enough, kill the major then quickly kill the boss.
Note that if the group has different element swords then you need to keep the relevant majors up. Fun times.
Dude lets raid. I'm home in 3 hours and can do it 2x. With a Ghost I'll be 300!!! White Nail hype.
Let's start a list for whatever time works for you?
That alternative end will reward you with a year 2 Exotic Black Hammer. Beats 15 Marks.
Aw yissssstripleWreck just said on his stream that they had a guy that was under 300 light, but it still dropped at 310 for him.
Gaf I need 2 friends to help me out with the scent is key chest.
I cant do it solo. Can anyone help? Silvertonguebr
Need one for daily story... Going for exotic black hammer.
Just join.