Flocki and De! We got it! Chained Supers FTW!
The Black Spindle? Can you tell me what exactly did you do to accomplish it? From the start of the heroic mission.
Flocki and De! We got it! Chained Supers FTW!
The Black Spindle? Can you tell me what exactly did you do to accomplish it? From the start of the heroic mission.
I can upload a video!
Gimme 15 minutes![]()
Ok I've not been at home all day. Someone break down what the requirements are for the Black Spindle.
All I've heard is "do the daily but go towards the ketch ala taniks"
Anyone like to do the Black Spindle daily with me?
I need 2 more or I can join people.
PSN Jignxs
well yeah, that's it.
This gun is ridiculously sexy.
The Black Spindle? Can you tell me what exactly did you do to accomplish it? From the start of the heroic mission.
What are the requirements to get it? I don't have any gunsmith rank or anything...
The Black Spindle? Can you tell me what exactly did you do to accomplish it? From the start of the heroic mission.
Just play until the room where you have to use three tomb husks to open the door. That's the circulat room with the big Hive pillar thing in the center. Don't open the door, but head for the location of the Taniks strike. It's the stairs at the opposite end of the room.
At some point, Taken will appear and a countdown starts. Use your best weapons, because the time limit is tight. In Tanik's room, you will encounter an Taken Ultra and bazillions of adds. Clear the adds until you have a clear shot at the boss. Do as much damage to him and keep clearing adds if you have to. Killing the boss is not enough, you have to kill the adds as well. Chain your supers all the time. Use heavy synths.
Also I found that AR are better than slow shooting rifles.
Switched from the DO Scout to Suros and then we finally did it
Cheap boss. This time we had him at ~1%.
Also I found that AR are better than slow shooting rifles.
Switched from the DO Scout to Suros and then we finally did it
I'm up for it. PSN is RevolutionaryCooking some chilli and then I'll fire up Destiny, will need 2 warm bodies for this Daily exotic.
How many times can you try? And if you fail do you have to do the whole mission over? or just the ketch part?
What's that Vienna thingy you got?
I can upload a video!
Gimme 15 minutes
Rendering now.
It starts after you get the Shard.
Just play until the room where you have to use three tomb husks to open the door. That's the circulat room with the big Hive pillar thing in the center. Don't open the door, but head for the location of the Taniks strike. It's the stairs at the opposite end of the room.
At some point, Taken will appear and a countdown starts. Use your best weapons, because the time limit is tight. In Tanik's room, you will encounter an Taken Ultra and bazillions of adds. Clear the adds until you have a clear shot at the boss. Do as much damage to him and keep clearing adds if you have to. Killing the boss is not enough, you have to kill the adds as well. Chain your supers all the time. Use heavy synths.
I read an unconfirmed report that you don't have to do the daily to get it and can just do it from the 240 light mission on the map - trying now and will report back
Didnt get it but it was close. Anyone still up for this?
Psn DerWalde
I'm in. V1ctIm.I'm still down with you if you want to find a third. I thought you might of had to leave as well
I like you!
We are 300+ guardians, got the raid twice, we are effing doing this, no doubt about it.
Okay. Does it drop at 310? Or only if LL=300+?
Yes, he teleports around the room, I think at one attempt he jumped into one of the doors somewhere and we could not find him...
So how does the full mission for the Black Hammer 2.0 take, over 20min?
Trying to determine if I can squeeze it in during lunch or not.
See my edit, it was the ship
Also we tried 5 times I think. You get to orbit every time the countdown gets to 0.
We made it this time with about 6:30 on the clock entering the final boss room and had 20 sec. left when we did it.
Got it:
Two questions: does it show up in your kiosk at 280 or 310?
Can you get it a second or third time on your alts (for infusion purposes)?
That's fucking bullshit. What the fuck, Bungie.
This gun is ridiculously sexy.