Self professed bad raider
I'm only 294 but I'd like to kill him this time
Close enuf homie
I'm only 294 but I'd like to kill him this time
Time to kill Oryx! Need four more! Don't necessarily have to know the whole fight but must have mic, 295+ light. To be clear, only doing Oryx.
1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3. BroodShadow
4. Kartik21
5. Ultrajarl
Holy fuck... This black hammer mission is not easy.
Hehe.Holy fuck... This black hammer mission is not easy.
sounds good guys, thanks for the tip. cant wait to try it out!
YeahYeah really the biggest thing right now is it's the highest weapon most people will have, bringing their light level up, and snipers are in pretty heavy use during the raid. It's also got the highest impact, but for the most part people's 290 1000 Yard Stare's are fine.Warpriest and Golgoroth technically have DPS windows so not having to reload is great as well, even if it does come out of your reserves.
If anyone needs a third for spindle, I'm down. 294 warlock.
Anyone down for spindle hunting?
If anyone wants a single 288 lock I'm looking for a group for spindle psn forgrim
Titan 262.34
Primary 0.12 248 29.76 Helm 0.1 291 29.1
Special 0.12 278 33.36 Arms 0.1 290 29
Heavy 0.12 271 32.52 Chest 0.1 292 29.2
Legs 0.1 170 17
Ghost 0.08 294 23.52 Class 0.08 286 22.88
Artfct 0.08 200 16
Hunter 296.3
Primary 0.12 294 35.28 Helm 0.1 290 29
Special 0.12 305 36.6 Arms 0.1 294 29.4
Heavy 0.12 294 35.28 Chest 0.1 293 29.3
Legs 0.1 296 29.6
Ghost 0.08 302 24.16 Class 0.08 296 23.68
Artfct 0.08 300 24
Titan [B]289.24[/B] If I can find Legendary Legs and Artifact to infuse
Primary 0.12 294 35.28 Helm 0.1 291 29.1
Special 0.12 305 36.6 Arms 0.1 290 29
Heavy 0.12 294 35.28 Chest 0.1 292 29.2
Legs 0.1 [B]255[/B] 25.5 infuse Hunter 276
Ghost 0.08 302 24.16 Class 0.08 286 22.88
Artfct 0.08 [B]278[/B] 22.24 infuse Hunter 297
I've come to the conclusion that Black Spindle is absolutely not worth the frustration of that mission. Sorry, but no.
I think I can manage the game fine with my 299 1000 Yard Stare thank you very much.
points at Rob![]()
I can give it a shot,I have not done the fight but i'm light 300
soo anyone doing the raid and would let a first timer Llv293 go with???
Time to kill Oryx! Need four more! Don't necessarily have to know the whole fight but must have mic, 295+ light. To be clear, only doing Oryx.
1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3. BroodShadow
4. Kartik21
5. Ultrajarl
I think that is actually a suggestion, the fire team part. Technically you are a fireteam of 1. You'll struggle to take one down yourself so you'll have to have some other guys out there with you anyway.
You can just do it solo in patrols. When the Taken atatck an area kill a bunch and Lieutenants will spawn. Kill a bunch of them and then a Champion will spawn. They can bit a bit hard to do solo because of the constant add spawns. You can get credit by doing it with other random people in patrols.
Yeahin particular is very well suited to it.Warpriest
I want it primarily for the boost to my total light, a possible 1 or 2 310 infusion sources, and a replicable 300 infusion source at the kiosk.
If it were like the original Black Hammer, then maybe. Right now it really isn't worth it, you blow through your ammo way too quickly.
Game just gave me the Taniks strike twice in a row. Like I hadn't seen the area enough already. :lol
Game just gave me the Taniks strike twice in a row. Like I hadn't seen the area enough already. :lol
Ahh thanks! I can always try it solo first then ask for help if I struggle. I got my first ones (the 14/15) last night while doing heroic strikesbut with a full fireteam of 3 so I wasn't sure.
Looking for Nightfall strikes or anything help really on Xbox One. I mostly play after 9pm central/
GT is Somewhatgroovy
Not good from what I hear.How is Zaouli's Bane? The raid hand cannon. Picked it up from Oryx.
How is Zaouli's Bane? The raid hand cannon. Picked it up from Oryx.
Eris' legendary artifact is the only one I've seen (for the CoO quest)![]()
I do one quest, like 4 others pop up. I don't wanna do anymore quests...
I'll join!Anyone up for the daily heroic for the sniper? 301 Titan.
Eh, reading the thread from here as a 275 light level seems just as when the gally was sold on week 2 and just a few had enough coins
Guess I'll play strikes and try to forget about a weapon with 310 ._.
One person is fine, that's how I did it.Question:
Kill Taken Lieutenants with a fireteam to summon Champions.
Do you have to have a full fireteam or just 1 person is ok?
I'm 0/2 on champions (what are those?) and 14/15 on Blighted Ether (So close!)
Eris' legendary artifact is the only one I've seen (for the CoO quest)![]()
Black Hammer 2.0 Sherpa Group 2 complete. Still no ship. The Sherpa continues for those who need Black Spindle.
Count me in 301 hunter PSN MutenTurtle.Anyone up for the daily heroic for the sniper? 301 Titan.
Black Hammer 2.0 Sherpa Group 2 complete. Still no ship. The Sherpa continues for those who need Black Spindle.
Anyone up for the daily heroic for the sniper? 301 Titan.
Hahahahahahahahaha!I don't wanna do anymore sword kills in crucible
Just need one more, but please tell me that's it for the exotic sword