But hammer of sol.
We always had some pretty great supers but gear is mostly crap.
But hammer of sol.
I tried getting the 3 wins last night. None of the randoms on my team were helping me defend any zones. Just kept running at the other zones and getting crushed.
Week 2 Xur sells Gjallarhorn
"Why would I waste my exotic on a heavy?"
imessage from me to T-44
So is the spindle going to be what the ghorn was to crota? Think of how much constant damage you can put on the bosses in the raid and staggering oryx.
lol, Ive seen to completely different and successful strategies on youtube for the spindle.
Datto says focus on the boss rigth away them mop up adds and byf says take out the blights, some adds, DPS the boss and rinse repeat when the blights show up again.
whats everyone finding works the best?
lol, Ive seen to completely different and successful strategies on youtube for the spindle.
Datto says focus on the boss rigth away them mop up adds and byf says take out the blights, some adds, DPS the boss and rinse repeat when the blights show up again.
whats everyone finding works the best?
I'll join, 294 okay?
I'll take you up on that, need to get it done.
sure, join party chat
sorry, looks like theGentleman beat you by a few seconds.
I've come to the conclusion that Black Spindle is absolutely not worth the frustration of that mission. Sorry, but no.
I think I can manage the game fine with my 299 1000 Yard Stare thank you very much.
Wait, some people are farming the Daily for a chance at the ship? What the fuck? I can't even finish it once.
Ok, is anyone still looking for a spindle group? Last few people that have friended me have had their group fill up before I accepted.
Our team managed to make it after 4 hours of trying when adopting the balls > adds > boss > repeat strategy.lol, Ive seen to completely different and successful strategies on youtube for the spindle.
Datto says focus on the boss rigth away them mop up adds and byf says take out the blights, some adds, DPS the boss and rinse repeat when the blights show up again.
whats everyone finding works the best?
Balls, Adds, Boss. Way of life when it comes to that room.
We did a combination. One guarded the left side of the entrance to prevent adds from getting us in the back while two poked out of the right side to take down the boss. On the right side we threw a bubble at the bottom of the stairs so enemies lower than us couldn't hit us. We effectively had free reign on the boss with only a concern of him hitting us. When the boss went behind the center so we couldn't see him we cleared some adds. But we never once left the entrance to wipe all the adds out before doing damage. Nighthawk, WoL Illuminated, and Shadowshot. Creates a lot of DPS and orbs quick so the titan always had a bubble.
I am. I might be too low though. 283 light if I take void and sol special and heavy, 285 if I take void and arc. Stormcaller Warlock.
PSN ZombaXIII if that's ok.
Need 1 more for antiquated rune fight. I have one.
Ran Spindle with two lower level friends (250 and 220-ish) and had a smooth run aside from not being able to output enough damage.
I was pretty sure we were boned from the start, but the group wanted to try. What's frustrating is that they did everything right, heh.
I'm retired from trying today, though. After that sacrificial effort to get the mechanics down for those friends, I am up to ten or eleven runs with no Spindle.
(And If You Can't Today) He says in the Twitter message this daily story mission will come up frequently. So there will be many more chances to get it for those that can't today.
Can't you just choose the heroic version of the mission?Today is your only chance until the mission is another daily heroic again
Today is your only chance until the mission is another daily heroic again
Oh good, there will be more chances. I guess I'll give it a shot in the future since it'll come back up eventually.
Sorry for bailing guys. Been trying with other groups and its beaten meI need one more to help. j_rocca42
Can't you just choose the heroic version of the mission?
Kill Taken Lieutenants with a fireteam to summon Champions.
Do you have to have a full fireteam or just 1 person is ok?
I'm 0/2 on champions (what are those?) and 14/15 on Blighted Ether (So close!)
Good thing then that those may be last words that Kell ever spoke, according some theories.
Kill Taken Lieutenants with a fireteam to summon Champions.
Do you have to have a full fireteam or just 1 person is ok?
I'm 0/2 on champions (what are those?) and 14/15 on Blighted Ether (So close!)
It will be exactly what Black Hammer was (which is certainly not Gjallarhorn) but use your exotic slot. Make of that what you willSo is the spindle going to be what the ghorn was to crota? Think of how much constant damage you can put on the bosses in the raid andstaggering oryx.
I need one more to help. j_rocca42
It will be exactly what Black Hammer was (which is certainly not Gjallarhorn) but use your exotic slot. Make of that what you will
It's actually kind of particularly poorly suited to Oryx himself.
Holy fuck... This black hammer mission is not easy.
Time to kill Oryx! Need four more! Don't necessarily have to know the whole fight but must have mic, 295+ light. To be clear, only doing Oryx.
1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3. BroodShadow
4. Kartik21
5. Ultrajarl
It does not.
I need dudes to run the Spindle with in about 1 hour or so, hope we can pull this off!