Someone fill me in on this nerf nonsense...? Link? contains the sad news
Someone fill me in on this nerf nonsense...? Link?
2 for 2 on ye ol' Spindle Quest, hooray.
Trying to speed-level my Warlock then I can help some more folks. fill me in on this nerf nonsense...? Link?
FR sent
Nobody said that.
That was just a gaffer estimating.
k accepted. I'll do a couple tier 1 first if you need it? Maybe we can get another stolen rune out of it.
someone has a spot for me for the spindle mission?
Anyone want to do daily story to get Black Spindle?
LFG is the worst when it comes to grouping up for this stuff. "Must be 300+ super player."
We 3 can do it I suppose lol
lets do it then.
LFG is the worst when it comes to grouping up for this stuff. "Must be 300+ super player."
Group 9 one-and-done. I owe Afro a favor so he gets a spot. Need one more for Blackhammer 2.0.
Group 9 one-and-done. I owe Afro a favor so he gets a spot. Need one more for Blackhammer 2.0.
Can I join psn forgrim been attempting all fayGroup 9 one-and-done. I owe Afro a favor so he gets a spot. Need one more for Blackhammer 2.0.
My meeting ended and I need that weapon. Must hurry home lol, btw commish and manic, what start worked?
Group 9 one-and-done. I owe Afro a favor so he gets a spot. Need one more for Blackhammer 2.0.
So with the nerf incoming I wonder if I should bother at all with the spindle. My fusion rifle is already 300, my Sniper that I do use is 295 and the kiosk versions will get it to 300. But I doubt my Susanoo will hit 310 off it. Watching people say they were at it for hours kinda puts me off.
Can I come
Hahaha indeedSo how am I supposed to read this? Will they retroactively nerf my 310 spindle down to 290?
If so, what if I by a 300 spindle and infuse my 310 into that to get it to say 307, will it then stay at 307?
So how am I supposed to read this? Will they retroactively nerf my 310 spindle down to 290?
If so, what if I by a 300 spindle and infuse my 310 into that to get it to say 307, will it then stay at 307?
If you haven't tried then definitely give it a shot. ymmv, but for me after about 8-9 total runs today I'm done.
Looking to get in on the spindle hunt. Any teams with a spot open add me. PSN is d-psipher.
LFG sites never work well for me.
Stick with DGAF and r/Fireteams