Light level doesnt matter when decrypting exotic engrams.Please anyone? Should I decrypt my exotic engram at 34/168?
Light level doesnt matter when decrypting exotic engrams.Please anyone? Should I decrypt my exotic engram at 34/168?
5 out of how many engrams? That's awful
My time with TTK so far has me thinking this really won't be an issue going forward. I'm constantly getting the loot I need in the slots I need it. I think the 'smart loot' system works.
I'll let you know in six months if I'm still chasing something!![]()
Exotic engrams decrypt at 290 no matter what.
Edit: At 40. I'd hold off until level 40 before decrypting anything legendary, exotic, rare... anything. Wait.
I got 7 special weapon engrams, the first 6 turned into the hereafter sniper rifle. Rahool is the ultimate troll.I heard you like Alpha Lupi... I'm at 5 for today.
That's where we are now
All blind
All hype
So good
Did the Paradox mission. So good. First Destiny story mission that really stands out. I see replaying for fun even!
Was disappointed in the now official Kabr pronunciation, Kah-BEER. I always said it KAY-buhr.
After 130 3 coins in scourge of winter i got:
5 Crests of Alpha Lupi titan
1 crest of alpha lupi hunter
1 Saints helmet
5 Skullforts
2 Empyrean Bellicose
1 Taikonaut
2 Skyburners
1 Third man mask
2 Ruins Wings
1 No backup plans
2 ImmO fists
1 4th horseman
2 Telesto
1 Hereafter
2 jade rabits
1 hawkmoon
1 suros
2 Zhalos
1 inmost light
5 out of how many engrams? That's awful
I hope neither of us are chasing anything in 6 months from now haha.
Also, smart loot... did they apply that to all loot in-game? Including exotics?
I thought it was just raid loot.
Definitely tag and LABEL all raid pics and spoilers. I had the ending of one of the story missions spoiled because someone did a blind tag out of context and I thought it was part of an ongoing discussion about something else. It sucked.
I'm not sure on duration yet, but I think a 1 week minimum is in order.
Edit: that definitely includes rewards.
Praise the Sun Exotic Year 2.
Loving it.
My Sunsinger is back.
Yours was my pronunciation as well.
I agree. I can see wanting to get a few exotics to kick off year 2 but getting 10+ exotics this quickly would just ruin it for me. We'll see if I can show restraint later, though lol.
That grind though! I just don't have enough time to play the game to do that. Don't get me wrong I will do 30 mins max when I get on in a bit. But wow. Don't think I could bring myself to repeat that so many times.
Goths group just did
also one of em got a sick launcher haha. I got no pic of it
I'm with you! I really like it as the bonus on actually completing the strike, very satisfying. I totally get the PLR instinct though. Just personally, totally share your school of thought on this.I'm such a curmudgeon. I see the exotic farming and think - why? Seriously. I love the feeling of that great loot drop, and short circuiting that so early is really unappealing to me. I'm looking forward to building out the exotic collection, not cheesing it in one day prior to an exploit getting patched. (This is more a commentary on me than you guys, but I still just don't get it.) It's like blitzing through all your presents in 3 minutes Christmas morning.
After 130 3 coins in scourge of winter i got:
5 Crests of Alpha Lupi titan
1 inmost light
I'm going to log on tonight and see dmh playing Scourge of Winter.
I pronounced that way, because I think subconsciously I associated it with Caber tossing, that Scottish sport of tossing huge logs. Seems like something a Titan would do
He was the titan of titans. If you think about it, the Relic, which he created, has a mini version of: Shoulder Charge, Fist of Havoc, Ward of Dawn, and even kind of Hammer of Sol with the super shot.Was Kabr a Titan?
I'm a proud Scot myself. Well...proud of my heritage anyway. It's been years since I've been back to the homeland. 2004 I think it was. Maybe that's where I got it from too.
If I use my Warlock to decrypt these exotic engrams do I have a better chance of getting another classes gear? Really want that new Hunter helmet exotic. Or does it not matter at all?
He was the titan of titans. If you think about it, the Relic, which he created, has a mini version of: Shoulder Charge, Fist of Havoc, Ward of Dawn, and even kind of Hammer of Sol with the super shot.
30 mins is a long time at this if you're rolling good. Only takes 30 seconds(maybe less) to load in, pop 3oC, kill Draksis/yourself and repeat. If you get lucky heavy drops and you don't have to synth. Point is you don't necessarily need to grind for hours upon hours to get all that. I got 5 in 30 mins of my hour lunch break and that included me actually running through the mission and several tower trips. J/s.
After 130 3 coins in scourge of winter i got:
5 Crests of Alpha Lupi titan
1 crest of alpha lupi hunter
1 Saints helmet
5 Skullforts
2 Empyrean Bellicose
1 Taikonaut
2 Skyburners
1 Third man mask
2 Ruins Wings
1 No backup plans
2 ImmO fists
1 4th horseman
2 Telesto
1 Hereafter
2 jade rabits
1 hawkmoon
1 suros
2 Zhalos
1 inmost light
Yes.Wow!! You use 1 3 of coins each time? And what is scourge of winter?
Raid so far is all jumping puzzles and encounter puzzles. Barely any enemies.
What are you talking about? It does give you two smoke bombsSealed Ahamkara Grasps verdict:
Smoke melee does NOT work (not even when using toxin), knife throw does work. Don't need a melee charge for the effect to proc. A regular melee works too. Pretty solid bonus overall. Let down it doesn't work on the smokes though.
I had the craziest thought right before I crashed last night. I never thought I'd be saying this, but for me personally I feel like TTK lived up to the hype even without the raid. If'n this one is good then hooooo boy
Concerning the raid.
KxoZ's group got past the first true raid part.
Looks like two totems and a plate in middle. You need two people on each totem and two in middle. One of those two on totem has a mark that protects you as the totems are covered in poison. It lasts for about 30 seconds and then you lose the mark and have deathsinger powerx10. Other person there has mark, person with deathsinger goes to middle to charge a relic. person in middle goes to totem to be next to get the mark. you keep that up until done.