Anyone down for The Taken War Earth or The Court of Oryx?
Still need someone for the Court?
Wouldn't mind doing some runes.
Still need another for Taken War Earth?Anyone down for The Taken War Earth or The Court of Oryx?
please look at it this way.Names of bosses are spoilers too?
You'll get a quest from Shaxx to find materials, then you create it yourself.
Lol in the Kings fall raid all the smart Titans are. (Not a raid content spoiler just want to be super careful.)switching back to defender.
What's ur psn?
Raid so far has been really cool, some pretty interesting mechanics and sections. Struggling like crazy on the first boss though hot damn.
Only negative I have at the minute isit feels more linear than prior ones, not many books and crannies to explore. I was hoping for some sneaky chests to find and open, there's still time I guess.
Gogoroth is no fucking joke.
I'm not looking forward to fighting Oryx at all....
UnstableLol in the Kings fall raid all the smart Titans are. (Not a raid content spoiler just want to be super careful.)switching back to defender.
I've used like 12 of these fucking 3 of Cards on Heroic Strike bosses and have nothing to show for it. What a fucking waste of coins and what bullshit.
im not gonna get it til Xur has it outright, just like nighthawk. actually I still don't have a ram though, hahaI'm at about 250 coins and still haven't gotten the new Hunter helm. It's pretty much the only armor I want this expansion (it's my Nighthawk/Ram for sure). I'm tempted to keep going/trying.
I gotta think I have a better chance than by 3oC. 3oC's loot pool is so much bigger.
Why are you doing strike bosses? Go to draksis scourge of winter. Suicide kill him and rinse repeat until you get drops. It's not 1:1. It's still based on probability. My friend did 50 and got three. I did 18 and got 4I've used like 12 of these fucking 3 of Cards on Heroic Strike bosses and have nothing to show for it. What a fucking waste of coins and what bullshit.
Most intense fight of the forever. Big spoiler on second boss:Unstableswitched from Defender to HAMMERTIME for the Golgoth fight.
Never managed to get the Ram, but got Graviton on my 4th engram with Xur this morning. After 2 knucklehead and a Celestial Nighthawk (with full int, yeah!).im not gonna get it til Xur has it outright, just like nighthawk. actually I still don't have a ram though, haha
So I'm kinda gonna stop trying. I don't have the mad stacks of coins that some here do
The HP on the Warpriest is absolute fucking bullshit
Names of bosses are spoilers too?
Please help me with Nightfall.
PSN: androo2300
Oh you wait. Oh you wait.
just stop then. jeez. o_oI've used like 12 of these fucking 3 of Cards on Heroic Strike bosses and have nothing to show for it. What a fucking waste of coins and what bullshit.
bahhhNever managed to get the Ram, but got Graviton on my 4th
engram with Xur this morning. After 2 knucklehead and a Celestial Nighthawk (with full int, yeah!).
My main is light level 248. I'm too weak for Heroic Strikes so am I stuck with normal strikes until I'm LL 260?
Anyone getting close to killing oryx? The war god that has been eradicating entire civilizations for thousands of years.
please look at it this way.
I have read a fair bit of lore and understand some of the naming conventions for hive creatures. as a result I am now pretty sure I know what kind of enemy one of the bosses is. now I have certain expectations about the fight. Even if they are wrong I would prefer not to know, or think I know, anything about it at all.
If someone else who doesn't want to know can be successfully able to avoid knowing by the simple use of spoiler tags, that is worth it to me.
All I can say is that sucks, and I've glad I haven't done soBut the names of the Kings fall raid bosses have been sitting in your profile on for more than a week. If you go there to check out what you've done this week then Bungie is going to spoil you!
im not gonna get it til Xur has it outright, just like nighthawk. actually I still don't have a ram though, haha
So I'm kinda gonna stop trying. I don't have the mad stacks of coins that some here do
Indeed6 hour mark on the raid. CE still fastest cleared in any event now.
All I can say is that sucks, and I've glad I haven't done so
Is the Drax exotics exploit been fixed or not? I want to try this before they patch it tonight.
Repost of how to easily farm Draksis for people just starting on this:
You can also just run up to him and yolo rocket him, but I find this method to have been the most effective and consistent for me. Sometimes he would not go after you and teleport to the middle, then going all the way to the right of the room: just run up to him there and do your usual thing.
Protip: wait for him to get close, and when he starts his stomp animation hug him and shoot the rocket.
If somehow you kill him but survive, IMMEDIATLY go back to orbit, you have just enough time to do so before the timer kicks in, which would erase your checkpoint.
Happy farming time, fellow guardians! :3
Welcome to the party, pal!
Ask your questions and they shall be answered in the order received.
Hey! There's no real catch-up guide. There's kinda too much to really put into a guide to cover everything! Just start by going through the story missions and explore at your own pace. Talk to all the Tower and Reef NPCs, do some quests, some patrols/bounties, some strikes, some Crucible, see what you like.
Here is a guide to the new style of progression the game uses, which can help throughout.
Sure, I'm up to him tooAnyone forcheckpoint? One of our members disconnected.Golgoroth