Okay guys. We need a couple spots filled for raid. We're atWarpriest.
I can help for another hour or so.
Okay guys. We need a couple spots filled for raid. We're atWarpriest.
yea we have two focused on getting his attention, the other four focus on ads(whice there are so many of themn) running around killing them. Should the four stay in the pit the whole time?
It's impossible to find people to do this antiquated rune run with so I can finish off this quest.
It's impossible to find people to do this antiquated rune run with so I can finish off this quest.
Went through about half the raid and figures out a bit of the next stage before calling it a night. Got nothing but the equivalent of shards.
I'll help if you've got one
PSN is toasty_T
I'll help. PSN zewone
Sorry, should have clarified I'm on Xbox. Even when raids aren't going on, the Naught is always a ghost town.
Went through about half the raid and figures out a bit of the next stage before calling it a night. Got nothing but the equivalent of shards.
It can be a ghost town sometimes. You still doing it? I still need that for the quest as well.
I still need it, yes. Tried with a couple guys from LFG but we failed. I'm down to try again, though.
Friend and i are available ilevel 290Need 2 for a blind raid starting as soon as it fills
Anyone up to run heoric strikes? Make sure you are properly leveled for it. I would like to make a farming morning to get my sniper and heavy ready for raid. Starting in 10mins
2 spots open.
If we can grab some more guys I can join you for a bit. GT is Ghost241887
I'll run a few. Probably no mic though.
Anyone up to run heoric strikes? Make sure you are properly leveled for it. I would like to make a farming morning to get my sniper and heavy ready for raid. Starting in 10mins
2 spots open.
Yes, blues can drop up to 300 I think. I've got some 295+ blue armor pieces.can you get 291+ drops in the game that aren't purple/legendary? i have a blue shotgun but think that was a quest reward. Like, i'm at 292 and engrams aren't going higher than 285 except purples, and I've decrypted quite a few blues
Unstable and them are still playing? Is that almost 12 hours now?
We're stuck in a certain area.
can you get 291+ drops in the game that aren't purple/legendary? i have a blue shotgun but think that was a quest reward. Like, i'm at 292 and engrams aren't going higher than 285 except purples, and I've decrypted quite a few blues
Yes, blues can drop up to 300 I think. I've got some 295+ blue armor pieces.
I'll go against the popular opinion and say I don't really care much for the new raid. While aesthetically and visually its brilliant, mechanics wise I don't like it.
normal mode is tuned way too hard, no one is going to be pugging past the first two or three bosses for a while. Also I think it depends way too heavily on people having perfect platform jumping skills. Not just one platform jump area but essentially three, if you count the sisters.
I do think bungie did it to show they can make a hard raid after all the criticisms of Crota/POE, and expect some nerfs to normal a few weeks down the line after people stop trying normal and hard mode is cleared.
Its stupid that they still allow this to happen. After all their talk of knowing people found that shit frustrating.
Yeah. It's sad that Oryx himself is a dps check. Sure there are mechanics, but the dps check is too strong. Basically everyone needs to be 295+ with weapons of light.
Yay I got 2 Engrams both were weapons, Jade Rabit and Telesto!