Helms are definitely the hardest to get, either farm Draksis for infusing or buy one
I bought the helmet engram from Brother Ives and ended up with a 274 artifact.

Can't help but laugh.
Helms are definitely the hardest to get, either farm Draksis for infusing or buy one
With most of the mechanics explained from the raid. Anyone up to start raiding today?
290+ seems to be a fair light level to start it.
If anyone is up for that let me know and we can organize a group.
From what I read 295 is almost mandatory to do ANY damage on Oryx.
From what I read 295 is almost mandatory to do ANY damage on Oryx.
I can't take post like this seriously and I'm pretty good at pve. The issue is, its not fun needing the entire team to be good, to get pissed when you hear the ghost say "guardian down!", its toxic for everyone and to want that type of experience is a little odd. There should be enough room for helping weaker team mates and managing with at least half the team being really good.
Guys need more help at the same spot in the raids again
Ran an amazing run on Golgorth, engaged with 10% left. What are some DPS tips?
I am fine with playing with not-as-skilled players but if you're there to raid then you should be prepared to get good or don't play.
Guys need more help at the same spot in the raids again
Ran an amazing run on Golgorth, engaged with 10% left. What are some DPS tips?
I can't take post like this seriously and I'm pretty good at pve. The issue is, its not fun needing the entire team to be good, to get pissed when you hear the ghost say "guardian down!", its toxic for everyone and to want that type of experience is a little odd. There should be enough room for helping weaker team mates and managing with at least half the team being really good.
There is actually a difference between being elitist and acting like a dick.
I think the kind of elitism in regard to this raid is not "your K/D must be this high to raid" but instead it's "are you dedicated enough to figure this shit out,wipe on it for possibly hours and STILL bring your best every try?".
No one wants you to be the best player ever, but you need to be someone who is willing to learn and someone who is willing to get told "you are doing it wrong".
my "personal elitism" is that I want to raid with those kind of players, not with "yo brah i'm just here for phat lootz, don't tell me how to play" players.
Telesto is a fucking amazing gun and feels completely OP.
Oh shit. I stopped watching around 2AM my time. It's now 9:30 the next day. Wow.
Spolier-ish question regarding the Raid and an observation I made.
It seems no elemental primaries dropped in normal mode.
Or did I miss something? You guys think they might be exclusive to the hard Raid?
They have him down to 50% right now - this might actually be the run!
Stream just diedI should imagine he's to preoccupied to get it back up, we may miss it after all that :d
Telesto's the bomb. Absolutely amazing.
With most of the mechanics explained from the raid. Anyone up to start raiding today?
290+ seems to be a fair light level to start it.
If anyone is up for that let me know and we can organize a group.
Unstable Team has Oryx at 5%!
GOOO Unstable! Not watching the stream though!
What is the consensus on the 4th horseman? Got an exotic drop for that with the 3oc and never had it during year one.
Has bungie made a statement at all about the exploit yet?
They have this. They are pretty determined now. Everybody is on point.
Is it RNG only?
How's the 4th horseman? Any good?
How long from now are you looking to do it preferably?
So the DPS check complaints were in reality just failing mechanics?
So the DPS check complaints were in reality just failing mechanics?