Blue Ninja
And found. That was quick! Time to wear Oryx' ass likea hat. Or, you know, die trying.
I don't know as I've been out a little while, but I think the consensus is that it's good now. It wasn't when it first arrived in year 1 but I think they buffed it.
People were actually trying to get the Year 1 version just before TTK hit so they would unlock the Year 2 blueprint; I'd consider that good!
I had the old one and now have the new one too, seems to work really well - no complaints here![]()
Another thing regarding skill in the raid right now, is that for example the first two bosses don't really require much personal "skill" or at least the definition of it usually used for a shooter.
At no point does anyone say "ok I need you to go over there and solo 8 enemies on your own,perfectly manage your melee and grenade cooldowns AND generate at least 5 orbs of light. If you can't do this,you suck and we wipe".
The game isn't made like that, the game is more about positioning and movement, like "I need you to stand here and look down this way and kill anything that you see. Then once I shout MIDDLE you turn right and run to the middle."
That's basically the MMO mechanics that Destiny uses to keep raids and such from needing "shooter skills" apart from "hit this enemy".
It dropped for me yesterday. Fantastic auto rifle.I really want a zhalo supercell or whatever it's called.
Raid ready.
I just got 15 marks for a Crucible match and it wasn't the daily.
I joined a Rift game that was 5k to 1k and only 3 people on my team and we got rekt 12k to 2k and mercy and got 15 legendary marks. Maybe for staying?! hah.
i'm at the boss on Fear's Embrace if anyone wants to join. Psn biggy70686
Was it during the reset? Today's daily is Rift.
There are definitely some DPS checks in the raid but you now have multiple sources of greatly increasing the damage you deal via buffs aka Nightstalker Super, Weapons of Light, that Sunbreaker melee, etc... These are INCREDIBLY helpful in beating the bosses.
As far as I have heard though, Oryx is more about mechanics.
There is actually a difference between being elitist and acting like a dick.
I think the kind of elitism in regard to this raid is not "your K/D must be this high to raid" but instead it's "are you dedicated enough to figure this shit out,wipe on it for possibly hours and STILL bring your best every try?".
No one wants you to be the best player ever, but you need to be someone who is willing to learn and someone who is willing to get told "you are doing it wrong".
my "personal elitism" is that I want to raid with those kind of players, not with "yo brah i'm just here for phat lootz, don't tell me how to play" players.
Anyone wants to do the antiquated rune summon? I have a friend who is 290+ (I myself am under 290 but I think I can do enough damage against 290s)
It's the 5th step of the taken war mars quest.What's that, a mission? Required light?
Anyone wants to do the antiquated rune summon? I have a friend who is 290+ (I myself am under 290 but I think I can do enough damage against 290s)
Pais 31SC for Xur's weapon engram and get a Gjallahorn. Year 1.
This game has the incredible ability of pissing me off in ways no other can.
Pais 31SC for Xur's weapon engram and get a Gjallahorn. Year 1.
This game has the incredible ability of pissing me off in ways no other can.
Me and Ray could join. I would have to switch.
It's the 5th step of the taken war mars quest.
Required light level is 260.
after lunch so in 2 hours +/-
It's the 5th step of the taken war mars quest.
Required light level is 260.
Pais 31SC for Xur's weapon engram and get a Gjallahorn. Year 1.
This game has the incredible ability of pissing me off in ways no other can.
It's the 5th step of the taken war mars quest.
Required light level is 260.
Yeah guys... seriously stop buying Legacy engrams it's year 1 shite.
Congrats guys!!!
Thanks for joiningAfter spending an hour soloing it earlier and getting close, that was a proverbial cakewalk in comparison
Thank you
oryx is dead
fuck oryx
S H A D O W B O Y S!
Congrats guys!!!16.5 hours later, It. Is. Finished.
Oh crap, thanks! I forgot the reset time is 11pm where i'm at currently. I'm used to it being 4am my home time -_-