Quick question for anyone 295+ was it just lucky drops to infuse gear?
After exotic farming, I have:
Jade Rabbit
Suros Regime 2.0
Monte Carlo
4th Horseman
Alpha Lupi (Titan)
Alpha Lupi (Hunter)
Obsidian Mind
The Taikonaut
No Backup Plans
Claws of Ahamkara
And a dupe Graviton Forfeit.
Not bad.
Good haul right there.
I spent all my coins on Xur engrams to get that damn Graviton Forfeit and ended up not getting it![]()
Quick question for anyone 295+ was it just lucky drops to infuse gear?
Forgot I actually got Don't Touch Me as well.
I definitely got really lucky with my helmet engrams.
You have an incredible ability of pissing yourself off because you didn't bother to read the engram name NOR description.
I'm 294 (was under 280 before Xur) and I've barely infused at all, I just shamelessly use whatever is highest level and deal with it. I haven't found any legendaries I really like yet so I'm not attached to anything. I have run a lot of strikes and Court of Oryx stuff which is where all my engrams came from.
Was maxing out on marks so I bought a couple engrams from Rahool and he has strangely decided to hook me the fuck up. Got an arc primary exotic and a really high level chest from him.
If anyone wants to join in on a Tier 3 rune run at the Court of oryx later today let me know. I still have a few hours before I can get back on the PS4
Oryx Raid anyone? Oryx CP. I think we need 295+ as far as ive seen
1) Me, Tec
2) Ape?
haha go to bed guys.
What a crazy experience![]()
Okay, so, used a primary and special telemetry at the same time on two weapons that had no upgrades. One exotic, one legendary. Use 20 motes. The exotic is fully levelled, but not the legendary.
Final farming haul: 54 engrams. Still haven't decoded anything: should I dismantle everything on my Titan? Or split engrams between alts? Like a helm on a Titan can still give a Warlock item? Any tips for smart loot w/r decoding?
I used around 140 3oC.
the game might put more XP into the exotic and less into the legendary because it thinks you want to level the exotic first.
I really wish this game had a theater mode.
Thanks for NF guys. Got the new Praxic. Not bad.
I would definitely be up for that later this evening (German time)
Amazing, amazing experience. Doesn't get any better than that.
We busted out those two encounters real fast. Team ~1st Tried, lol.Warpriest
Raid quest spoilers:I finished that step of the exotic weapon quest but there seems to be a few more steps. Next part requires 50 Hadium Flakes, 50 Weapon Parts, and 25 Wormspore :-/
So I'm stuck at 275, any advice for getting to 295+ as quickly as possible? Really want to do that raid.
Nice Ray, congrats!
Nah, I was 292 at start and got to 294 by the final boss fight. Every level makes a difference.
By the end of the raid I reached 297, while Drizzay and Unstable both are now 299.
295+ is highly recommended for Oryx boss fight.
yeah it's a known glitch
Imagine checking our raid fights yesterday from all angles![]()
True, looking forward to running it again with other classes before reset.
I already have those items Drizzay![]()
Not me xD I was happy for you guys!
1 spot for GOLGOROTH!
Nice Ray, congrats!
Nah, I was 292 at start and got to 294 by the final boss fight. Every level makes a difference.
By the end of the raid I reached 297, while Drizzay and Unstable both are now 299.
295+ is highly recommended for Oryx boss fight.
yeah it's a known glitch
I wonder how long it will take to level up the alts when transferring the weapons and using unwanted high light armors to infuse stuff.
I need another two shots at that 300+ Light ghost!!!
Me too.I need to do Taken Mars and the kill the shield bros with shotgun quest.
Final haul after 141 ToC's used:
Hawkmoon x2
Telestro x2
Hereafter x2
Knucklehead Radar
Empyrean Bellicose
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps x2
Don't Touch Me
Ruin Wings x2
Young Ahamkara's Spine
Skyburner's Annex
Graviton Forfeit
Claws of Ahamkara
Crest of Alpha Lupi x6 (Hunter, all 3 elemental resists on hand now at least)
Crest of Alpha Lupi (Titan)
Zhalo Supercell
Helm of Inmost Light
The 4th Horseman x2
Invective x2
Monte Carlo
Mixed feelings because I went in only really wanting or hoping for the Jade Rabbit and the Graviton Forfeit. I got the Graviton Forfeit (and the first Hawkmoon) within 5 minutes, never saw the Jade Rabbit (I really really want an exotic scout rifle, still salty I never got the MIDA after switching over to PS4). Obviously hard to complain, the Zhalo is pretty rad, Hawkmoon is Hawkmoon, and I haven't tried the Monte Carlo yet but with the AR buffs it's probably solid? Also almost every list I've seen from people who have done this a lot is similarly filled with shitlaods of Lupi chests, no idea what's going on there or why the game seems to prioritize that one so much. Maybe because they can roll the elemental resists now?
At the end of the day ToC needs to be adjusted, but I don't think it's super broken. I spent most of my stash of Strange Coins (down to around 90 now) to get the above, and while I got some good shit it's still gambling and time spent. I wound up doing Gatelord because I am terrible a suiciding on Draskis apparently. So doing Gatelord was about say 3 minutes a run because of orbit time and everything. If the ToC didn't work on Story bosses, I would have just run Nexus Mind at base difficulty which is 7-8 minutes total with orbit time, maybe even less now with the new gear. Obviously Draksis is even faster, but all people are doing currently is shaving off 5-10 minutes per Ultra "run" which obviously it what it is, but isn't super super broken IMO. I'm still in favor of just having it not work on story bosses as opposed to a timer, but either one will work IMO, I just don't hope they nerf the drop rate because that just penalizes people who don't have huge stashes of Strange Coins. Also at this point anyone who really wants to do this will have been able to get in on it anyway.
I wonder how long it will take to level up the alts when transferring the weapons and using unwanted high light armors to infuse stuff.
I need another two shots at that 300+ Light ghost!!!
Just need 285+ armor on alts and with the weapons from 1st character, base light level would be 290+ easily.
I'm kind of dreading running the raid with my warlock.
If you really want an exotic scout rifle, go for the Boolean Gemini. It's great.
You have to complete all of Variks and Petra's missions to get it.
If you really want an exotic scout rifle, go for the Boolean Gemini. It's great.
You have to complete all of Variks and Petra's missions to get it.
I want that, too bad it seems there's also a rep requirement because I've done Petra's and Variks missions, including Lost and Found. So it'll be a while til I can get it I guess since there's no consistent method of getting rep.