Done farming. Did 3 Tier 3 runs and a bunch of other tiers.
Is the Tier 3 CoO always the same fight?
Done farming. Did 3 Tier 3 runs and a bunch of other tiers.
That's cool. Where's figs?
The last part of the chaperone quest line requires you to wait for weekly reset. So try to get it done by Monday and not on a Wednesday.What?
Looks like it. Did 4 altogether in the past two days. Same fight.Is the Tier 3 CoO always the same fight?
How do I earn some glimmer!
Ive been broke since I started TTK!
Need 1 more for shield brothers 290 strike.
Need 1 more for shield brothers 290 strike.
BTW how do you get strange coins now?
Has Drakis been patched yet?
Okay first off, "Draksis" isn't being patched.gutter_trash said:what for? he doesn't give out Engrams for Free. the 3oC are working as intended with chance involved.
Draksis shouldn't be patch IMO. Or else that would affect the way checkpoints function
Bleh, please no3OC should only work on strike bosses or above. ~1/5 chance of getting an exotic after a strike is good enough and way better than what the game ever offered before. Exploiting the save/checkpoint system so you can kill a piss easy "boss" without it counting as a checkpoint is surely not how they intended this to play out. It's really lame.
Holy smokes 300 Court of Oryx is nasty.
You and me both brother. I'm going to squeeze in maybe an hour now and then I'm babysitting until pretty late at nightEveryone is getting the new exotic weapons and I've barely had time to play the past ~24 hours and won't have much time today. Ugh.
Its especially rough today to do the Rift one because it happens to be the daily too. A lot of people are just there to camp and bullshit and don't really try to win because the incentive is just to finish the game.Trying to do the same atm, I can't even win 2 rift matches even though I'm top of team or 2nd every single game.
I'm on the home stretch... Only have to do the scout rifle 6+ kills // win along with the hand cannons next.What step are you on? I've been slowly progressing through this.
If you are in a fireteam does it matter who kills the shield Bros with the shotgun or do you have to be the one to do it?
ah do I have to do Venus first for the quest? I haven't done those yetHawk, Rob and I are on Mars for the champions if you need them
One stack of 5? I don't like that eitherBungie just have to make the 3oC being purchasable 1 stack per week, done
no.Bungie just have to make the 3oC being purchasable 1 stack per week, done
You and me both brother. I'm going to squeeze in maybe an hour now and then I'm babysitting until pretty late at night![]()
Bungie just have to make the 3oC being purchasable 1 stack per week, done
If you are in a fireteam does it matter who kills the shield Bros with the shotgun or do you have to be the one to do it?
Yeah, I still need info on the Shield Brothers strike too. I'll solo it if need be.
Jade Rabbit is a huge disappointment.
i had to rever back to the Answering Chord auto rifle to be able to complete heroic Strikes
i am hoping that Tlaloc to be better than Jade Rabbit.
Banshee's Susanoo fusion rifle is my favortie Legendary fusion rifle, hiping that exptic Scout rifle Tlaloc will be on that level of good
#1 solution, with no downsides I can think of actually. We don't know how tough to implement it is on the backend though. Fingers crossed :-/I figure they will just add a cool down on them. Something like 10 mins.
Yeah we did. Me, Unstable, Jigga Man, Ruthless, Vaalbara and ZW got up to Oryx then Sentinal subbed in for Vaal who had to get to bed. A bunch of people got to Oryx already I know. More completions will follow soon.
Looking for the Taken Champions in the cosmodrome if anyone wants to join
Yeah, I still need info on the Shield Brothers strike too. I'll solo it if need be.
Do you have to do this? Because I do, let me know and we can group up at some point today.
It's pretty hard. I joined a group of 2 half-way into the Strike via matchmaking and they were getting destroyed. Bring void weapons/sub-classes because the Psions with void shields are actually the most difficult.
If you guys are down I can run this now.
Yep. It hands out drops at the end of matches, with no regards to performance. In fact if you ask most people they'd say it seems more likely to give good loot to the last place person every time.
You also get exp, and 15 legendary marks if you do the 'daily' pvp objective. It's the one on the main screen next to the daily heroic, nightfall etc icons.
There is crucible reputation and it raises your pledged faction. There's also crucible-specific bounties.
That's cool. Where's figs?
3OC should only work on strike bosses or above. ~1/5 chance of getting an exotic after a strike is good enough and way better than what the game ever offered before. Exploiting the save/checkpoint system so you can kill a piss easy "boss" without it counting as a checkpoint is surely not how they intended this to play out. It's really lame.
Yea I do. I'll be back on n like 30 minutes ill shoot you an invite then
I'm hopping on now then. PSN: DY_nastyIV
Onim & Nuszka - THANKS FOR THE HELP!
Okay sounds good!
See above with Strider, is in 30 min okay with you?
Yup, join me.If you don't mind waiting for me to finish my breakfast I can join. I'm at 295 and am also at that quest step.
The only difference that needs to be made to 3 of Coins is you shouldn't be able to use it on the same boss multiple times without redoing the mission or having a cooldown. The only thing broken currently is that people are able to kill draksis repeatedly in short amounts of time while using coins.
I'm a few points shy of Rank 3 gunsmith so I'll have to wait until next week to get Ace of Spades.
Is it the Fatebringer successor many wanted it to be?
With its range, I'm kinda hoping it will be PvP viable too.