I know my post is probably gonna be lost in the frenzy for Black Spindle but here I go still:
Anyone excited over this weeks' armsday drops?
The Hakke Herja-D Pulse has injection mold, making its stability very similar to what FWC's Villainy offers.
The Omolon Tuonela Scout has hand laid stock and firefly, giving it perfect stability. This would be just like Hung Jury minus triple tap, and only cost me 2500 glimmer.
The Suros Ari-45 Auto Rifle has high impact, 50 round mag, perfect balance to stack with handlaid stock AND half glass full. This gun looks insane on paper.
For next week we have another Suros Ari-45, a Suros Dis-47 which should still be a reasonably good scout, Omolon Thesan, which is the high impact close to max stability fusion, and the Omolon Eirene Sniper, which is high impact omolon sniper variant. There's also a low impact Hakke sniper but I don't care about those, lol.
I'll probably buy 2 of the Omolon snipers, the auto rifle and the scout. In total I can buy 10 orders, but I don't think I want to blow 25000 glimmer on armsday.