Got space?Starting second NF. Join up.
Right sorry didn't mean to sound like I did. I was actually curious what people were doing to have little to none. Pretty much any nerf to the economy is bullshit and anti fun/player imo.At least three of us have lost our whole collection in a matter of seconds by having the cursor a bit off when using motes to level stuff. Others really like to max weapons to see if that weapon and perk configuration works well with their playstyle. Just because you have a lot doesn't mean that is not a real issue for some.
Tons of fun shit to play with, but having 12 parts right now is limiting what I can do.
Got space?
Nobody joined yet. I'm currently doing warsat glitch.
Yep. I'm gonna try and finish off Oryx today and I'm done running the full raid for a while. No point in chasing max light at any point tbh. You'd figure we'd learn this after a year. I'm to the point after today where I realize all the time I put into this game isn't worth much in the long run in its world.
Get max level exotics? Here comes an level increase that makes your current gear shit.
Get a cool gun you like? Max level? It was a mistake. -20 points.
We added a cool new function to the gunsmith where he sells you guns every week. Want to level said guns up to try them out? You'll need weapon parts for that. BTW did we mention we are nerfing the amount you can get even more?
Strange coins? Who needs 'em? Let's nerf those too because surely everyone has thousands in the bank right?
Now don't get it twisted I'm not mad I'm just genuinely befuddled by a lot of these decisions. My play time is about to start tapering off...
Glitch? Please explain
Do we know if the XLI: Dreadnaught fragment is glitched? I've spent hours trying to get it to drop from T2 in the Court, but I'm getting nothing. I would go for the Agnorach Rune but it's currently not working due to the whole fiasco over the weekend, apparently. I'm at 44 of 45 Fragments and as I cannot get the final T3 drop until next Tuesday, I'm stuck.
So for Tier 2 CoO you can get any combination of two Tier 1 encounters, but only four of those combinations can currently give you a calcified fragment? These four combos give fragments but I have done other tier 1 combos and not gotten a fragment:
Lookar and Vorlog
40. XL
Bracus Horu'usk and Cra'adug + Mengoor
41. XLI
Krughor and Cra'adug + Mengoor
42. XLII
Krughor and Vorlog
That's what I think that I am understanding from the Internet...
Then for Stolen runes I can buy them from Eris for 20 Black Wax Idols, or via dreadnaught chest RNG, or dropped from KF raid, or dropped from Tier 1 or 2 or 3 CoO.
I need five Stolen runes because I want to do all of the CoO fragments on my alts... But I don't want to grind RNG for them and I don't want to pay 100 Black Wax Idols either. Guess I have to wait...
Wish I could transfer some charged stolen runes from my Warlock.... So annoying that they block transfers once the rune is charged.
Starting second NF. Join up.
I don't understand what some of you are doing with your weapon parts. If there had been a 25% reduction from the start I would only have 750 instead of the 1000 that I have. I had to go look to see what they're even used for because I pay no attention to them.
The one that's going to hurt me is the strange coins. I liked using them to buy a bunch of 3oC then using those throughout the week when I'm bored.
Right sorry didn't mean to sound like I did. I was actually curious what people were doing to have little to none. Pretty much any nerf to the economy is bullshit and anti fun/player imo.
And yes they absolutely need to fix the discarding issue. How ridiculous that you can lose everything like that so quickly.
Preparing to download ... 80%. This thing is slow and annoying
80% here as well lol
Check and see if you have a Rocket League update in front of it
Is it seriously still that bad? Thought it had gotten fixed in the past couple months. If you post that on a halo mcc thread these days you'll get called out for concern trolling and not actually playing the game lol.
Ah ok looks like you're full oh well.Nobody joined yet. I'm currently doing warsat glitch.
Need 1 more for full GAF Iron Banner train.
Need 1 more for full GAF Iron Banner train.
Iron Banner, Welcome to Red Death City
I just noticed on Destinystatus there's a new 5 point Grimoire for "Cathedral of Dusk"? Any ideas?
Iron Banner, Welcome to Red Death City
What's the benefit of doing the harder strikes like Nightfall and Heroic over the normal and legacy?
is 3oC just as effective in normal strikes compared to the harder ones?
also, I'm kind of stuck on 290. Grinding strikes drops a ton of blues but nothing decrypts over 280. What should I be focusing on?
Wait, what?Black Hammer back at 310. Take that, Bungie!
The Pumped Up one has it a little bit.We all need a Just Do It emote.
Just do it, BNG.
The fragments are not RNG. You need to use your own rune to get the fragment too. There are four boss combinations that give a unique fragment. If you don't get the one you need jump off the platform In the front to cancel the event, save your rune and try again later:
Wait, what?
Oh Fuuuudge, I was trading in radiant shards for Motes and pushed the button 2x too many. Accidentally bought 2 Hunter Cloaks. I'm out 120 marks smh lol.
oh oh pick me!
poop me and invite
Damnit beaten
GAF IB Train that need 1? Plis Takeee on meeeee
Take on meeee
Take meeee oooooooon
Any IB trains in need of warm bodies to fill spots?
Yeah, that's the thing- I've done all the combinations multiple times. Or, I believe I have. I'm out of runes now so I suppose I'll take a bit of a break and hope that I was somehow just not getting lucky on the spawn.
Also, any Xbox One users not having achievements pop? I've been waiting on Taken War for half a week.
Almost done? Isn't it a 18GB patch?
K this thing is almost done. Sorry for any hold ups.
Oh Fuuuudge, I was trading in radiant shards for Motes and pushed the button 2x too many. Accidentally bought 2 Hunter Cloaks. I'm out 120 marks smh lol.
most unattractive kiss ever
I just noticed on Destinystatus there's a new 5 point Grimoire for "Cathedral of Dusk"? Any ideas?