They fucking made silver into a fucking questline.
Fucking tutorial questline
This is untrue. ALL Y1 exotic armor was in the armory at 310 defense with TTK emblems since the day that Taken King launched. That also includes a bunch of unreleased, new exotic armor. They've all just changed to 330 today.
Yup, it gives them an excuse to sell 'material' packages for real world currency. It's not buying power, it's just a shortcut-Just like buying an item that maxes your subclass is a short cut. It fits in line with what they want out of microtransactions.
Feel free to dangle that carrot but when you give us a smaller carrot, it's not worth it.
Yep, they know their IAPs well! ^^Gotta pay up if you want the Carlton
wow how?
you havent played for long or?
I have 2500 +
So 2 emotes i wanted are 500 each.
Fuck that.
Fucking Carlton Dance is 500 silver.
Motherfuckers knew.
The game is becoming less compatible with the collect everything mentality of its hardcore fanbase, for better or worse. I get the legendary weapons and exotics I care about, level them, and use them. I don't do armsday every week, level and try out every single weapon I come across, (I might give them a try before leveling though) and I've yet to have weapon parts be an issue. Just to be clear, I don't think it's fair to call the collectathon mentality wrong.
Yup! Now they said if we played until December there would be more free silver so...
I'm keeping mine to eventually buy the slow clap for free.
So here's how it'll go down:
Introduce Real Money Purchases
Patch to reduce economy income and parts
Slowly expand from emotes to subclass purchasable items
Give options to purchase parts and motes
The fear is real.
$45 to buy all the emotes?
I'll be curious how it goes. I gave up Shoulder Charging. I run Striker a lot, mostly as a way of saying "NO!" to other peoples' supers.
I'm also going oddball and running Defender. No Back-up Plans and Invective. Invective can nearly max out the range bar & there's no shot package to compete against now.
Yeah. It's crazy how strong the super is. A lot of folks are suggesting it's because of how weak the class is outside of that, highly competitive modes like Trials that super is almost a guaranteed round win. Yes, you can run away and or focus fire, but neither is safe.
I probably won't raid with people who haven't taken their new Spindles to 305+ yet.
Yup. I'm ok with all of this/that. The only things i wouldnt be ok with would be Silver for non-cosmetic armor/weapons/shaders/items etc.
Id be pumped for purchasing armor and weapon "Shader/Skins"... turn my Hawkmoon urban camo... or my armor set some special pattern...
BUT i would NOT be ok with straight up purchasing an exotic weapon/armor/etc!
$45 to buy all the emotes?
Bungie doesn't want us experimenting with weapons or trying new things. It's the strangest thing ever.
I wonder if they even realize that.