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Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner

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What kind of weapon are you using? Initially I tried it with my void sniper and my void rocket launcher, but that was pointless. Then I got the 77 Wizard fusion rifle and the points just kept coming.

Recently upgraded to the Comedian, but I really hate PvP. :p I need a new Void fusion rifle, accidentally dismantled my rare for Pocket Infinity.
Any sites to view all the Titan marks the speaker has had available? Want to see if I should wait till the refresh or pick one up now. Feel like the sites that come up in Google constantly bring my iPad to the AppStore for whatever reason. I go to view an item and then hey why don't you buy this game on the App Store.


Deku Tree

Any sites to view all the Titan marks the speaker has had available? Want to see if I should wait till the refresh or pick one up now. Feel like the sites that come up in Google constantly bring my iPad to the AppStore for whatever reason. I go to view an item and then hey why don't you buy this game on the App Store.


Destiny mobile app


What's the fastest way to get vanguard marks? I'm trying to level up my alt who hasn't hit the cap yet. Is daily events the way to go or Tiger strikes?

From what I remember vanguard rep rewards are equal to events. Tiger strikes rely more on your team and knowledge of strike, and can be done quick if those are in place, but Earth public events can be ripped through with ease using destinypublicevents.com or whatever. Events give the shard/energy bonuses, tigers drop engrams and occasional exotics. I'd find a friend for strikes and work between the two.
Farmed enough Spinmetal now to fully upgrade my Ice Breaker once they unlock. Thanks for the downtime Sony.



Does anyone have a pic of the Voidfang Vestments on a female Warlock?

Thinking of picking it up for my Warlock alt even though I already have full Legendary and Exotics for her, including Heart of Praxic Fire and the Veil helm.

Worth it?


What's the fastest way to get vanguard marks? I'm trying to level up my alt who hasn't hit the cap yet. Is daily events the way to go or Tiger strikes?
I find daily events quicker to farm marks, once you understand a bit how they work.

So, is PSN still fucked up?
Man, I'm happy I got some fellow gaffers help me get my ice breaker yesterday. Server issues when trying to farm for Xur would have been hell...
Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?


So had quite a epic day yesterday. Been playing all day to fullfil the exotic shotgun bounty.then to wrap it up did my first nightfall with a fellow gaffer and managed to complete the weekly requirement for the bounty. I also managed to pick up 'the last word' hand cannon :)
Not used hand cannons yet so will need to adjust but is it a good gun?
I also need 3 more strange coins before xur leaves to get ice breaker... time to farm!!
Oh also hit lvl27!

The Last Word is a full auto hand cannon with super precise hip fire. Lacking range but excelling in precision.

Can still be used to pick off heads individually or even full auto at ads for a little more range, but close to mid range encounters is where it shines as you hold the trigger down and pump your enemies full of hot metal.

There's barely any recoil to full auto when you get the stability upgraded. The weapon is almost surgical.

There's a reason it's been named the way it has.
Fucking first blood bounty is broken. Just have to do one more and I should get it but the last two times I did, it didn't count. Fuck this.



People using PMs over Xbox Live in order to find people to Raid with. The website on the computer also takes a long time.

Why can't we just talk in the hub?


Quickest way I find is to play through until you open up the moon, sit in front of the first story WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE with an auto rifle for as long as you can stand, for breaks go hang around some public events on Earth and do bounties while you wait for them to happen. Doing the WWTH gives you a ton of white then green engrams, so you can easily level your gear with your character. It's no good for engram farming anymore but still has its uses.
That's sounds like the slowest way to level an alt... Killing an enemy gives 20xp, finishing a heroic mission gives several thousand. You are also killing enemies (at almost the same rate) when playing missions, and you unlock more areas which gives you more bounties you can do along the way.

WWTH is slower and more tedious, but then people stand in front of loot caves all day, so knock yourself out I guess


Subete no aware
You know, that would actually be a good use of the Wii message board system. Too bad Nintendo is the only one who has done it. lol

(Well, they could always have matchmaking but you know how that goes)


That's sounds like the slowest way to level an alt... Killing an enemy gives 20xp, finishing a heroic mission gives several thousand. You are also killing enemies (at almost the same rate) when playing missions, and you unlock more areas which gives you more bounties you can do along the way.

WWTH is slower and more tedious, but then people stand in front of loot caves all day, so knock yourself out I guess
This. Crucible is also a good way to level, with a decent control match getting you around 3000 xp at least.


The Moon isn't the only place you can get ship plans from chests, right? I've gotten so many from the moon and never any from other planets, and I usually chest farm on other planets more. I just got 2 within a 10 minute span of opening maybe 10 chests.

On a side note, PSN has been an absolute joke the last month or so. Between Plus not working to Friends Requests falling into the black hole or being 30 minutes late its ridiculous. The worst part is Sony doesn't acknowledge it. Hopefully this maintenance on Monday helps resolve some of these issues, but I have extremely low expectations.


Am I supposed to be able to do the weekly Ishtar strike solo? I'm level 25 and even trying it at level 22 is too tough.
Yes, just take your time. When waiting for ghost to crack the door you can head back up the hill where it's safer (no enemies spawn beyond the little metal bridge) and pick enemies off below. Watch out for enemies running up the hill towards you (usually berzerked goblins/minotaurs and a group of hobgoblins that spawn just across the bridge during second wave).
If you are struggling on the boss section you can hang out near the entrance after clearing the area and releasing the priest. From here you can creep out to take potshots at the boss then run back in and even jump back up to the safe area you entered from if he chases you. Watch out for stealth guys and captains that start spawning around 50% boss health and are much more likely to try rushing you. If you play the level 26 version (certainly possible at 25) then you should also what out for snipers at the opposite side (high platform and the cave further to the right) as these can mess you up. Ignore the servitors, they have a shit ton of health and are unlikely to come close enough to be a problem. For level 26 the last quarter of the boss health will probably be quite slow, but it's best to not take too many risks at this stage to avoid restarting.

Almost forgot the most important advice :) Use void weapons, the damage is boosted. Watch out for minotaurs, hydras, hobgoblin grenades and servitors as these use void attacks.

Good luck!
Got the Hardlight from a control match last night (didn't do too hot myself wtih a .75 kd lol). I turned in a bounty afteward and my last exotic bounty, pocket infinity here I come! Now if only the PSN servers would go back up so I can get nightfall kills...

Side note, ran normal raid again last night for a friend who didn't make it in the first group, we're slowly getting better. Under 2 hours now and that was with trying new strategies (still cant seem to nail down the templar strategy where you keep him from teleporting)

Deku Tree

I am just terrible at PvP. I want to play a whole bunch of rumble matches to do the bad juju bounty. I keep getting one shoted while I am unloading my ammo into the other guy even if I start shooting first it seems... Can anyone tell me good strategies for PvP and rumble? How do you get good and win?


I am just terrible at PvP. I want to play a whole bunch of rumble matches to do the bad juju bounty. I keep getting one shoted while I am unloading my ammo into the other guy even if I start shooting first it seems... Can anyone tell me good strategies for PvP and rumble? How do you get good and win?

1. Get good AR [e.g. Shadow Price] and Shotgun [e.g. Invective]

2. Good heavy weapon helps, but isn't really required in Rumble

3. Learn maps [turns, corners etc.] through playing, this way you learn possible camp spots

4. Read radar with glances a lot to keep eye on enemy approaches and angles

5. Practice, practice & practice


Anyone working on alts? I'm at level 15 with my alt warlock and replaying story missions is less boring with someone else :)

a_javierp on PS4.


That sniper is the reason why I haven't sold the game and why I spent a week grinding for the legendary auto rifle so I can equip it whenever I get it...

Today's a good day.

Thanks for the replies btw.

Anyone wanna do the nightfall on Xbox one?
Or 28 heroic strike?

Let me know!


1. Purchasable weapon and one from e.g. rank up package may have different perks, but one in store is always same

2. Yes

After 98 hours and only one primary Legendary drop, I'm willing to pay for a slightly inferior version then, rather than rely on RNGesus.

Deku Tree

1. Get good AR [e.g. Shadow Price] and Shotgun [e.g. Invective]

2. Good heavy weapon helps, but isn't really required in Rumble

3. Learn maps [turns, corners etc.] through playing, this way you learn possible camp spots

4. Read radar with glances a lot to keep eye on enemy approaches and angles

5. Practice, practice & practice

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