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Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner

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They said in weekly update that IB is normalised just like normal Crucible and your "power advantage" is your skill.

TL:DR; IB is normal Crucible with fancier name.
That isn't what they said...

The advantage apparently doesn't relate to your level, but to the attack and defense ratings of your gear. The differences have been made way to small (I think they even acknowledge this, although it's always hard to tell with Deej's writing style), but the stuff about skill was just padding to fill out the 'discussion'.

Deku Tree

I wish Destiny gave PS gamers some way to get the PS exclusive Weapons without RNG with very low drop rates. Make it really hard. or give us exotic bounties for them... But I don't think I'm ever going to see the exclusive weapons otherwise so it seems kind of pointless


fucking WOOOW playing a strike for the first time and it wasn't a completely fucking hassle... love my leg auto rifle.. I did cheese it at the end but I didn't die :p :D..
I got 3 strange coins can I do it again and get the coins or no? It's the heroic weekly strike???

Deku Tree

That isn't what they said...

The advantage apparently doesn't relate to your level, but to the attack and defense ratings of your gear. The differences have been made way to small (I think they even acknowledge this, although it's always hard to tell with Deej's writing style), but the stuff about skill was just padding to fill out the 'discussion'.

I wish they would just give us the really arcane math formula's that they actually use to program the game to explain how they are adjusting stats for PvP. That would be much more understandable to me than the way Deej writes those weekly updates.
fucking WOOOW playing a strike for the first time and it wasn't a completely fucking hassle... love my leg auto rifle.. I did cheese it at the end but I didn't die :p :D..
I got 3 strange coins can I do it again and get the coins or no? It's the heroic weekly strike???

What levels have you done it on? You get 9 per week max


That isn't what they said...

The advantage apparently doesn't relate to your level, but to the attack and defense ratings of your gear. The differences have been made way to small (I think they even acknowledge this, although it's always hard to tell with Deej's writing style), but the stuff about skill was just padding to fill out the 'discussion'.

Power differences are such fucking joke in IB that it's basically normalised Crucible with different name. We don't want level 12 Tommy to get his feelings hurt by level 30 Johnny rekking Tommy's face in, do we now?
My super important question fell at the bottom of a page a bit back, so I'm giving it one more shot:

Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?


fucking WOOOW playing a strike for the first time and it wasn't a completely fucking hassle... love my leg auto rifle.. I did cheese it at the end but I didn't die :p :D..
I got 3 strange coins can I do it again and get the coins or no? It's the heroic weekly strike???

You need to do the harder versions. Doing the same level weekly gives no rewards. Or just do the lvl 28 and get 9 at once.
I wish they would just give us the really arcane math formula's that they actually use to program the game to explain how they are adjusting stats for PvP. That would be much more understandable to me than the way Deej writes those weekly updates.

DeeJ writes updates like I write essays. On the face of it, it looks fine, but it's all fluff and no substance.

I'm bad at essays :(


The kills you get during missions are slower than WWTH... but not by much. Let's be generous and say WWTH gives twice as many kills per minute, that's half of your xp I am making already, then I have the xp bonus at the end of every mission, plus bounties. It's not even going to be close.

Don't just pull numbers out of thin air, there's no value to that. I don't know of anywhere in the game that could guarantee the 1500 kills per hour you are suggesting you can get away from WWTH. It gives around 40-50 kills per minute @ at least 20XP each. If you want to compare that with anything else, provide empirical evidence, otherwise it's just worthless speculation.

The bounties you mention require giving additional Xp are great for that when out and about, but they often require you to go out of your way to do other things, some several minutes away via sparrow - 2 minutes driving is a guaranteed 100 kills you could have shooting hive, or 2000XP. If you sack these off, there's still the time taken to collect and junk them which again is all dead time you co9uld be spending gaining a guaranteed return facing the suicidal hive.

WWTH is boring, it's tedious, but it's guaranteed to level up characters and gear fast, and I'm saying this from experience and any YT video of hive farming shows you how quickly the cycle flips. Add in a black wax idol every 10 minutes while the results screen is up and you're farming around 15000-18000 glimmer an hour easily as well.

The only way you can prove me wrong and show your method is better in terms of XP-per-hour is to record your gameplay for a minimum of at least one full hour and provide the evidence that you have a reliable and better method of gaining XP :)


also is the bad juju still bad.. should I even waste my time on the bounty.. I also have the one for the shotgun.. I just didnt want the thorn???
My super important question fell at the bottom of a page a bit back, so I'm giving it one more shot:

Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?

On the normal mode I noticed sometimes an oracle spawns on top of the right portal..


Power differences are such fucking joke in IB that it's basically normalised Crucible with different name. We don't want level 12 Tommy to get his feelings hurt my level 30 Johnny rekking Tommy's face in, do we now?

What would be the point of that? To just demonstrate that the matchmaking RNG decides victors?

Deku Tree

My super important question fell at the bottom of a page a bit back, so I'm giving it one more shot:

Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?

We usually do two-two-two for the second relic. And the first relic holder uses their super in the second portal. I think there is an oracle, but I don't remember because I didn't do that part. It seems to work OK.

I also noticed that if you have a very laggy player on your team in the Raid it can majorly mess up the whole Raid. You can do something and then things can reset to 3 seconds back, and you have to do something again, because it is the last time the laggy player was transmitting data. Really horrible.
I got the Titan Helm I was waiting for from Xur but I already uploaded last weeks Helm to light 30 - so putting this new one on drops me from Level 28 to 27 but I'll grind it out when I wake up

so I guess I have a Defender exotic and a Striker exotic to work on now

gottah love the grind


I'd love to see the Queen's brother in a cutscene after that last story mission. Leveling my alt now, I'd totally forgotten what an asshole he is.


My super important question fell at the bottom of a page a bit back, so I'm giving it one more shot:

Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?

You get marked when both Gatekeepers are dead and/or you pick up relic. Oracle spawns on top of that portal that is taken over by Vex, it's big and red.

Considered tactic where:

1. Open and go into left portal with 3 men. Nuke Gatekeeper to low HP, but don't kill it. Get out.

2. Go to right portal and open it, 2 people in. They nuke adds and Gatekeeper. When this Gatekeeper is between 30 and 50 % of HP 1 guy goes into left portal to kill Gatekeeper there.

3. When Gatekeepers are dead [around same moment] pick up relics and haul ass to middle.

4. Pre-determined 3 people defend portals all times with 4th as help when waiting for right portal men to do their jobs.
On the normal mode I noticed sometimes an oracle spawns on top of the right portal..

On the inside or outside? If inside, that completely screws the strategy we were trying to use since the relic is on the outside protecting the conflux. I wish there were some good youtube videos of this part that showed what people in and out are supposed to be doing.
it was level 22 lol.. I really hate this game when it takes 2 whole clips to kill one enemy.. its shitty and lazy game design

You can only get more coins by doing the higher levels (so 6 more max if you went straight to 28).

And if you do, expect enemies to take more than 2 mags haha
My super important question fell at the bottom of a page a bit back, so I'm giving it one more shot:

Question for you Raid Vets. We really struggled last night with the gatekeeper phase. We've all done it before without a problem, but it was a pick up group and I'm wondering if we all knew about the same parts of the encounter, but there was a vital piece of info that we were missing as a whole. Other than just the usual people dying and falling off the side (me) we had no problems getting the left relic, and defending the construct. Where we were having problems is keeping the right portal open while defending the construct, and often while getting the right relic, we would get marked. Should two people defending the construct with one keeping the right open while three get the right relic work? Also, why do we get marked before picking up the right relic? Is there an oracle somewhere that we should be killing?

Go in the first portal and remove 90% of boss health but don't kill him, go into next portal, kill the boss and get the relic. Come out and go back into first portal, OHK the injured boss (2 guys are enough), get the relic and come out as quickly as possible.

Edit: beaten


What would be the point of that? To just demonstrate that the matchmaking RNG decides victors?

They advertised Iron Banner as "end game PvP" where your level and gear matters most. This to me says "Iron Banner is end game PvP for people at level 25 or above".

Now it's just Crucible with nice name and false advertising.
On the inside or outside? If inside, that completely screws the strategy we were trying to use since the relic is on the outside protecting the conflux. I wish there were some good youtube videos of this part that showed what people in and out are supposed to be doing.

I mean literally on top of the portal ring itself. We never noticed it before till we all wiped on that particular run.


I like using sniper in campaign/single player a lot(as opposed to in the crucible). I can afford this week's exotic weapon from Agent of the Nine -- does anyone know if this weapon is worth it or should I save my coins for another week?
I like using sniper in campaign/single player a lot(as opposed to in the crucible). I can afford this week's exotic weapon from Agent of the Nine -- does anyone know if this weapon is worth it or should I save my coins for another week?

Lol, since you ask, it'll probably be one of the best exotics you'll use.


Anybody down for the weekly heroic? I know most people will want to do the lvl 28, but I'm 24 so the best I can do is 26.

I'd really like some help because I only need 3 more strange coins to be able to afford some gear from xur so I can finally get past lvl 24.


PSN: fjurbanski


Pocket infinity FINALLY :)

What a fucking letdown. I was so excited too. I got mine yesterday. Charge time and stability and range are dogshit at first. My Light/Beware is so much better. I'm not giving up though, going to level it and hope it gets better. What a major step backwards at first though.


Power differences are such fucking joke in IB that it's basically normalised Crucible with different name. We don't want level 12 Tommy to get his feelings hurt by level 30 Johnny rekking Tommy's face in, do we now?
Agreed, I never liked the idea of Iron Banner but if they're gonna do it they should at least do it properly.
Don't just pull numbers out of thin air, there's no value to that. I don't know of anywhere in the game that could guarantee the 1500 kills per hour you are suggesting you can get away from WWTH. It gives around 40-50 kills per minute @ at least 20XP each. If you want to compare that with anything else, provide empirical evidence, otherwise it's just worthless speculation.

The bounties you mention require giving additional Xp are great for that when out and about, but they often require you to go out of your way to do other things, some several minutes away via sparrow - 2 minutes driving is a guaranteed 100 kills you could have shooting hive, or 2000XP. If you sack these off, there's still the time taken to collect and junk them which again is all dead time you co9uld be spending gaining a guaranteed return facing the suicidal hive.

WWTH is boring, it's tedious, but it's guaranteed to level up characters and gear fast, and I'm saying this from experience and any YT video of hive farming shows you how quickly the cycle flips. Add in a black wax idol every 10 minutes while the results screen is up and you're farming around 15000-18000 glimmer an hour easily as well.

The only way you can prove me wrong and show your method is better in terms of XP-per-hour is to record your gameplay for a minimum of at least one full hour and provide the evidence that you have a reliable and better method of gaining XP :)
I'll do some testing later to check, think your numbers were far more optimistic than mine though.


I like using sniper in campaign/single player a lot(as opposed to in the crucible). I can afford this week's exotic weapon from Agent of the Nine -- does anyone know if this weapon is worth it or should I save my coins for another week?

It's insane, bordering on overpowered on single player. I got it yesterday and wrecked everything in sight in the Nightfall :) It's got maximum range and ammo region (basically infinite ammo), doesn't ever reload. Recoil on it is very bad so it sucks for Crucible but it's a godsend for Strikes. If there's Solar Burn even better.


It's insane, bordering on overpowered on single player. I got it yesterday and wrecked everything in sight in the Nightfall :) It's got maximum range and ammo region (basically infinite ammo), doesn't ever reload. Recoil on it is very bad so it sucks for Crucible but it's a godsend for Strikes. If there's Solar Burn even better.

Wow. That sounds amazing, thanks! It helps that it looks super cool as well. Alright, I'm sold.


G***n S**n*bi
Bungie really fucked up the way they designed the entire experience and leveling in iron banner.

First, The rep for ranking up is too Damn high for an event that lasts one week. Two, Only getting rep in a win (why stick around and waste your time if your opponent is dominating early when you can just quit and take your chances in a different match) they really shouldn't have done this to prevent quitting. Three, the selection of items for sale are fairly shallow for having to put up with this amount of grinding. Four, some of the bounties they have up are ridiculous, no way am I capable of doing some of those bounties without dedicating several hours to this game for just a SHOT at getting a single bounty.

Number one and 3 are the biggest problems for me though. #TheRankIsTooDamnHighParty2014

Deku Tree

If there was another loot cave I would just take my alts to the loot cave and AFK so they could level up quickly without any effort on my part. I miss the loot cave for that purpose.
Thanks guys, we'll just have to try again.

We usually do two-two-two for the second relic. And the first relic holder uses their super in the second portal. I think there is an oracle, but I don't remember because I didn't do that part. It seems to work OK.

I also noticed that if you have a very laggy player on your team in the Raid it can majorly mess up the whole Raid. You can do something and then things can reset to 3 seconds back, and you have to do something again, because it is the last time the laggy player was transmitting data. Really horrible.

I think that would help to bring the relic into the second portal for the fire power and it could do some cleansing.

You get marked when both Gatekeepers are dead and/or you pick up relic. Oracle spawns on top of that portal that is taken over by Vex, it's big and red.

Considered tactic where:

1. Open and go into left portal with 3 men. Nuke Gatekeeper to low HP, but don't kill it. Get out.

2. Go to right portal and open it, 2 people in. They nuke adds and Gatekeeper. When this Gatekeeper is between 30 and 50 % of HP 1 guy goes into left portal to kill Gatekeeper there.

3. When Gatekeepers are dead [around same moment] pick up relics and haul ass to middle.

4. Pre-determined 3 people defend portals all times with 4th as help when waiting for right portal men to do their jobs.

This is what we started with, but abandoned the method because we kept having trouble with the left portal. If we cleared it real good, a lot of times we'd accidentally take down the gatekeeper during the wear down phase. If we didn't clear it, the guy going to get the relic at the end couldn't get to it through the adds.


I think that would help to bring the relic into the second portal for the fire power and it could do some cleansing.

If you fully clear left and pick up Relic from there before going to right then Relic carrier HAS TO go into right portal. People will get marked upon entry to there.


This is what we started with, but abandoned the method because we kept having trouble with the left portal. If we cleared it real good, a lot of times we'd accidentally take down the gatekeeper during the wear down phase. If we didn't clear it, the guy going to get the relic at the end couldn't get to it through the adds.

If your party has hunter in it have him go to the left during pick up phase of tactic while having invisibility talent. It makes getting out super safe and guaranteed.


No doubt already talked about but I've only just got around to doing this weeks Heroic and Nightfall strike and with the Ice Breaker and the Arc/Solar/Void modifiers turned on it's probably the easiest one so far, didn't have any trouble soloing it.
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