It does recharge over time. It's pretty noticeable at higher percentages, I've felt.
I don't have any numbers though, just feelings!
For example, while doing the Shrine of Oryx mission, I had like a little over 1/3rd super by the time I examined both cracks (what a dumb mission).
Doesn't increasing intellect also increase the amount the bar refills for each individual kill/capture/revive?
It sure seems like it for me, but I'm at like 200 intellect at the moment.
In PvE, it slowly charges on it's own over a period of time even if you're standing still doing nothing. I believe it's referring to that.
EDIT: Beaten with a FoH
It increases for doing nothing too.
So if you stay without do nothing it will increase slowly in both PVE e PVP... and kills will make the increase be faster and orbs even faster.
Grab the Proxima Centauri II and don't look back.
Did Bungie ever explain - even in bullshit 'lore' terms - why the three clans only accept crucible marks?
I mean, what's the reason for arbitrarily limiting those who prefer the PvE to one vendor, while offering people who like Crucible 3 vendors? Is it just a calculated effort to push people into the PvP, with the expectation that like CoD, the multiplayer will far outlive the 'singleplayer' campaign?
It's just annoying playing on my PSN account, where pretty much none of my friends play PvP, that I'm stuck with only the ugliest Titan body armor.
Le sigh...
I'd blow a blood vessel if I had to grind enough crucible rep for that. I got the FWC to rank 2 without ever touching the busted ass pvp.There are four pieces of armor with int + dis at the crucible handler, all named "DURGA-GNT TYPE 0" if you're a Titan. You can buy them at reputation level 2.
I have the gauntlets, chest armor, and leg armor from that vendor, along with an exotic helm (either saint-14 or inmost light, depending on what subclass i'm rolling with).
Yeah handcannon is really good in PVP.
Was gone for a week, noticed AR's got a slight nerf. I wonder why they didn't touch Pulse Rifles.
Any notable scout rifles attainable through Vendors? Leaning towards the Dead Orbit one just for looks.
I have the GC III maxed, but the patch wasn't live when I was playing last night. I'll find out tonight, I one experiment with post patch Grim Citizen yet?
Don't buy the Shadow Price the Vanguard vendor sells, it doesn't have the Field Scout perk for extended mag. I wasted 150 Vanguard marks on mine only to find I spend more time reloading than I do shooting.
why do i only get shards from nighfall, every... single...time.
Also do the raid and get shards....
Man, 1 exotic bounty for the invective and my playtime is around 3 days.
This game hates me
Atheon dead again, no vex. I still want the damn thing even though Bungie murdered it.
I'm joining the HC club. But, uh, that means I have to start aiming, right?
Ska says I can't aim. Dammit. I must learn. I'm taking the blue HC to our NF encounter tonight.
I'm thinking 5:30pm CT for the NF? Work for you? Can't imagine this one will be too bad.
500 void kills is killing me man
Omg I didn't know that their stock refreshes. There's no indicator of a stock refresh like with other vendors.The one they're currently selling actually does!atleast on the app it is
It's basically useless it seems.So what's the consensus on the Mythoclast post nerf? Is it still the best weapon but less of a gap? Not worth using over other exotics?
I do too but to be honest, I'd never use it.
Omg I didn't know that their stock refreshes. There's no indicator of a stock refresh like with other vendors.
Son of a... I paused before spending the marks too because I felt like I should wait for a stock refresh for one with better perks but didn't see a timer so I figured that's the only one they were ever gonna sell.
Holy shit I can remote play from my ps4 at home on my vita here at work. Lag is a little worse than at home but amazing that it is even possible. Great for collecting iron and helium for upgrades and patrol mission bounties.
Bravo Sony well done!
Got this from the Nightfall earlier today. Thanks RNGesus!
Such a grind! It's killing my spirit lolIm feeling you man. Today was ROUGH, got annihilated. Im at 422 now and when this is done i might have gotten enough of the PvP to last me a lifetime.
if my workplace allowed us access to wifi, i would do that too during lunch. fuck my workplace.
500 void kills is killing me man
Humanity had a "device" which enabled them to see the future or futures. During "The Golden Age" probably and they knew something way off into the future that was bound to cause a problem (darkness most likely). This prompted the creation / use of this Device Lets just call it (The Device). This device enabled them to observe and see into the future.
In 11 of the observed futures The Darkness won (more poetically phrased in the cards^^). 1 or 2 futures were fine, but for the most part things looked grim.
The problem was that humans weren't able to cope with the visions the "Device" gave them, depending on their nature and severity. Some survived, but most died and the program was abandoned until The Future war Cult was Founded By survivors, haunted by what ever they saw.
They Created The Exo, in order to gain more information through this "Device" and in turn prevent the darkness ending life on earth. Human minds were to frail and struggled with what they saw. The Exo however could handle it. They were created for it.
The Future war cult believes that an inevitable war is in the future because they saw a lot of futures at one point. This all happened Pre-collapse.
396 attack. I was under an incorrect impression that legendary/exoctics had max attack of 300. guess I was wrong. so very wrong
Tether your Vita to your phone![]()
Anything is better than pvp exotic bounty crap.It will do more than just kill you. But at least when you're done with that part you only have 1 part left which is cake.
Devils cake with acid and fire and poison and bee stings and a thousand ant bites. But have fun with that.
i can't, still using grandfathered in unlimited data plan. tethering would kill that plan![]()
Are you on AT&T? Or Verizon?
Don't buy the Shadow Price the Vanguard vendor sells, it doesn't have the Field Scout perk for extended mag. I wasted 150 Vanguard marks on mine only to find I spend more time reloading than I do shooting.
Facepalm.gifThe one that is currently showing looks like a dream. Glass half full, Field Scout, Feeding Frenzy.
I think I'm (finally) burned out. If I'm not gonna get Raid gear tomorrow, I will concentrate on different game instead.
Beta version.
Completed my first Nightfall Strike (solo) and was rewarded the Crest of Alpha Lupi for my 28 Hunter which is the chest piece I wanted most. I thought you were supposed to get Strange Coins as well for Nightfall? I didn't receive any.
I have the dead orbit one (Crypt Dweller). Out of the vanguard one and crypt dweller, unless you find the vanguard one with explosive damage, the Crypt Dweller feels better. I tried both and the ROF and reload speed of the vanguard is slow for both. It has a bigger clip but with the crypt dweller taking like 1s to reload it doesn't make that much of a difference.
So in short, go for it. It has less impact, but the speed makes up for it.