When I feel myself getting frustrated with someone I just stop talking. It's only a game after all and really unfair/unnecessary to give someone else a hard time just because they haven't played as much as you. (Plus it's unusual for it to truly be one persons fault that a team fails, so more likely general frustration that has been unfairly focused at them).In all my hours of doing the raid, with many folks that 'sucked' (really, they just didn't listen to directions, it's never about actual play skill), I haven't heard anyone get shit on by other people. The only exception is the one hard mode raid where the guy was using Bad Juju and the raid leader freaked out and kicked him.
That said, this is on PS4. My experiences in the past with the Xbox crowd wasn't always so positive.
I might avoid raiding with them in future, at least until they've levelled... 6 hour fail raids are honestly hard work
I've also come across... "less positive" players. These I avoid like the plague, skill level be damned