My best pvp match ever:
Slow start, then I went on a 43 kill streak
Just barely missed the elusive 50 kill/10k point mark in one match.
Probably not going to replicate that any time soon, but I was streaming while I played that game, so I clipped it out.
High damage per shot but low fire rate. The DPS is good but not unusually so, especially if you need more than 6 shots.
Supremacy is the same but with much better handling and recoil. I would guess that low impact high RoF snipers also have very similar DPS, but haven't tested this.
I'll be home in an hour or so. Time to catch up. Any tips for the Nightfall? I know how to cheese Phogoth, but what about the Dinklebot part?
You're waiting for each shot to charge before firing? At that point you're better off switching to your heavy/primaryYou can easily get 9 or 10 shots off during Time's Vengeance. Throw a grenade or two as well.
I'll be home in an hour or so. Time to catch up. Any tips for the Nightfall? I know how to cheese Phogoth, but what about the Dinklebot part?
Also, when you get the wizards in the third wave they'll chase you all the way up those stairs. Be ready to run all the way to that previous room and then you can pick them off quite easily. If you kill Mormu the others will become less aggressive (which actually makes this fight more awkward)Stay near the door of that area and when getting hamered go back to the stairs and shoot stuff.
You're waiting for each shot to charge before firing? At that point you're better off switching to your heavy/primary
Those sun breakers have been with Xur a bunch of times, so the chances are high. Those Titan gauntlets only appeared the first week when he first started appearing. So I'm worried they won't be back tomorrow.
Come onnnnnn Xurngsus
Destiny has invaded my dreams. I dreamed I had mythoclast.
I'll be home in an hour or so. Time to catch up. Any tips for the Nightfall? I know how to cheese Phogoth, but what about the Dinklebot part?
1-2 shots recharge.2-3 shots will recharge while you're firing the initial 6. And my primary is saved for Oracles and won't do shit. Heavy is a rocket launcher that would do nothing but kill me in the bubble.
easiest with 2 people IMO pop back to the top of the stairs once the wizards start spawning or once you're close to being overwhelmed get back to the top of the stairs and they'll retreat back in to the room after 30 seconds
Destiny has invaded my dreams. I dreamed I had mythoclast.
If Xur sells the Ballerzhorn this week I'd buy two just in case
Haha, yeah. I've had multiple people tell me they'd give me one if they could.Id give you mine just to see you smile again.
Yep, this is the easiest way to deal with them. Do some damage once they're in the hall with icebreaker if you have it or rockets.easiest with 2 people IMO pop back to the top of the stairs once the wizards start spawning or once you're close to being overwhelmed get back to the top of the stairs and they'll retreat back in to the room after 30 seconds
Yeah, I hate them.Also don't underestimate the Knights arc weapon splash damage, it's rediculous.
HM Atheon cheesed, what do I get? 6 shards and a ship. My bro's got Mytho lol
Stay near the door of that area and when getting hamered go back to the stairs and shoot stuff.
Stay close to the door where you came from. If things get ugly (aka 4 wizards) run all the way to the top of the stairs.
easiest with 2 people IMO pop back to the top of the stairs once the wizards start spawning or once you're close to being overwhelmed get back to the top of the stairs and they'll retreat back in to the room after 30 seconds
Event system is fucking broken, how would anyone find them without the event timer apps? Half the time they turn up 5 minutes late or not at all. Doing the events bounty is such a time sink.
Was the only person not to buy sunbreakers for my warlock.Raid gaunlets elude me,have all the rest for both my alts reach level 30.This is what's going to happen, The Last Word will be available for sale and he will have exotic weapon engrams instead of gear for once. If we all focus our mental energies so it shall be, don't let me down now.
... ^_^HM Atheon cheesed, what do I get? 6 shards and a ship. My bro's got Mytho lol
Event system is fucking broken, how would anyone find them without the event timer apps? Half the time they turn up 5 minutes late or not at all. Doing the events bounty is such a time sink.
1-2 shots recharge.
I'm not saying Ice Breaker is bad, just that infinite ammo is its only advantage over other snipers. Supremacy has it matched or beat in every other regard. Faster snipers have other uses (most notably Crucible). Slower snipers I still haven't found in legendary or exotic form
But again, infinite ammo is a huge plus and there are many situations where that outweighs anything else.
I just got the Vanquisher VIII from leveling up the Cryptarch... Now I have three legendary AR's... what's better the Vanquisher VIII or Shadow Price? They seem pretty similar except Vanquisher has a higher rate of fire and one more bullet in the mag.
1-2 shots recharge.
I'm not saying Ice Breaker is bad, just that infinite ammo is its only advantage over other snipers. Supremacy has it matched or beat in every other regard. Faster snipers have other uses (most notably Crucible). Slower snipers I still haven't found in legendary or exotic form
But again, infinite ammo is a huge plus and there are many situations where that outweighs anything else.
I wasn't trying to dissuade people from using it (apart from in crucible), just pointing out that other options have benefits that are well worth understanding.My Supremacy isn't fully upgraded and has a mighty kickback that my Ice Breaker doesn't. I have a Praedyth's Revenge as well, but the Ice Breaker beats it. I see no reason to chenge snipers, we're not actually trying to break a world record.
I think I need look into putting group together this weekend for Flawless Raider -trophy. I'm thinking dedicated, high level, players with raid experience and good weapons for burning bosses down fast.
That's what I usually do when I get in trouble. But I distinctively remember doing this strike on a hard difficulty before (also Nightfall? I can't remember), and there were some Wizards at the top of the stairs.
Not long until I'm home. I'm going to find a fireteam just in case.
I wasn't trying to dissuade people from using it (apart from in crucible), just pointing out that other options have benefits that are well worth understanding.
It's supposed to be "random". How is it broken?
Because events are tied to a bounty so trying to get the bounty done in a reasonable time takes ages waiting around for the events to start.
I just got the Vanquisher VIII from leveling up the Cryptarch... Now I have three legendary AR's... what's better the Vanquisher VIII or Shadow Price? They seem pretty similar except Vanquisher has a higher rate of fire and one more bullet in the mag.
There's basically 4 different sniper versions in this game (by which I mean 4 sets with same impact and RoF values). Praedyth's Revenge, Final Boss, most other legendaries are the fastest firing type (Hieracon LR5 at rare level, Trajan C at uncommon I think).I don't know what this Supremecy is, but I compared Ice Breaker to 3 other legendaries(final boss, raid legendary and something else) and the the aforementioned breaker deals 25% more damage per hit than the next highest impact, that's how big the difference is. Not to mention that it's 6 bullets per clip, plus another 1 or 2 like you said, that means mostly anything will go down no matter if it's at full health, no matter what type of shied. It's demonstrably head and shoulders above everything else.
Also the best compliment to a serving of cheese, the OT title had it wrong.
Well, it's not broken. Public events are "random" and sometimes a bounty can take a while to finish, rightfully so. However, the tank in Old Russia always spawn between 14-17 minutes over each hour for me. Try that.