Great game until the Spurs pulled away in the 4th. Manu came up big for them-- I didn't expect him to be able to penetrate (or at least finish) with the regularity that he did. Duncan is imperturbable, and they let Rasheed get away with a LOT of crap on him tonight. There were a TON of missed calls on both sides, though, so I guess it evens out. I hate brutish ball, and am always looking for the refs to call the games the right way, so I'll hold my tongue, because apparently some people like to see ball when it's played like wrestling, but I don't.
I mean, you don't think hacking has an effect on the game? Answer me this, then: when, prior to these past two seasons, was Rasheed Wallace EVER known as anything other than an adequate defender? Never. His defense was never touted. Now, the system and team defense helps his rep a bit, but the fact remains that he knows that he can get away with murder on Detroit because that's the rep they have as a team, and he got away with murder tonight on Duncan. It pains me to hear people calling Wallace "an excellent defender"-- I can be an excellent defender too if I grabbed, held, and flailed away wildly at guys' arms. Nonsense...