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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided I Review Thread I I asked for this



I'll be disappointed if this cover animation was removed.
Alright, so consensus seems to be that it's basically more Human Revolution with a worse plot? All in baby.

Human Revolution was fantastic and more of its gameplay is all I ever wanted.


I don't get it.
Do you guys belong to some secret masterrace society or something.

Seriously, why can't they accept our lord & savior the Sony Playstation 4 Entertainment System. I'll never understand the posts on here that don't praise Sony exclusives, don't downplay anything not exclusive or that don't just dismiss perceived attacks on our savior with one word posts like "LOL"


damn shame was expecting goty material...

guess ill just buy the disc beat it on hard first time through then trade it back for half the value.. $35 seems a good price but not 60$ will just skip the dlc......
Is anyone else disappointed about the "piss filter" look of the previous game being dropped?

I know it had a lot of haters but it gave the game a unique visual style, like everywhere was lit with cheap incandescent lights. MD looks a lot more generic to me in terms of the visuals, where HR had it's own character. I can't be alone in that surely? I mean, there must be... dozens of us?

Speaking of character, since reviewers are commenting here, does MD retain some of the goofiness of HR with the voice work?

Is there an NPC like Pritchard who is a blatant prick all the time and spits your name at you (pritchard's "Jensen!" delivery was awesome)?

I know they dropped the voice actor for Sarif but he still appears, does he still come across like a two-bit hustler?

Is there anything like the Hengsha NPCs giving you banter and calling you a filthy gwai lo everytime you say hello them?

Any idiot break dancer type things? I even kinda liked the infamous homeless lady in Detroit, but I suspect they learned their lesson on that. Really i'm just hoping this one still has it's OTT moments and isn't self-serious 100% of the time.

I'm with you. We are a small group who loved the piss filter but yeah having that orange/yellow glow to HR gave it a bit more atmosphere I feel. And MD feels more clean. You'd expect the game to look less clinical due to the story of MD as well. Which I think the sharpening filter comes into question. I'll be turning that off for sure.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Seems there was nothing to worry about quality wise, so why was square so sparse on the marketing?


Considering it is always fairly obvious of someone's stance when they use the term "masterrace" as such, maybe now is the time to stop.
As such what. Masterrace is a shit community that exists on internet Wether u like it or not. Why u don't follow the conversation b4 u commenting.


I'm with you. We are a small group who loved the piss filter but yeah having that orange/yellow glow to HR gave it a bit more atmosphere I feel. And MD feels more clean. You'd expect the game to look less clinical due to the story of MD as well. Which I think the sharpening filter comes into question. I'll be turning that off for sure.

Is anyone else disappointed about the "piss filter" look of the previous game being dropped?

I know it had a lot of haters but it gave the game a unique visual style, like everywhere was lit with cheap incandescent lights. MD looks a lot more generic to me in terms of the visuals, where HR had it's own character. I can't be alone in that surely? I mean, there must be... dozens of us?

Speaking of character, since reviewers are commenting here, does MD retain some of the goofiness of HR with the voice work?

Is there an NPC like Pritchard who is a blatant prick all the time and spits your name at you (pritchard's "Jensen!" delivery was awesome)?

I know they dropped the voice actor for Sarif but he still appears, does he still come across like a two-bit hustler?

Is there anything like the Hengsha NPCs giving you banter and calling you a filthy gwai lo everytime you say hello them?

Any idiot break dancer type things? I even kinda liked the infamous homeless lady in Detroit, but I suspect they learned their lesson on that. Really i'm just hoping this one still has it's OTT moments and isn't self-serious 100% of the time.

Just run a reshade or sweetfx profile and force it in.

Wait, do those work with DX11?


Seriously, why can't they accept our lord & savior the Sony Playstation 4 Entertainment System. I'll never understand the posts on here that don't praise Sony exclusives, don't downplay anything not exclusive or that don't just dismiss perceived attacks on our savior with one word posts like "LOL"


Perfect user name u have there


I wanted it to combine consistently excellent storytelling with consistently excellent gameplay design.

I guess I can live with just the latter.


As such what. Masterrace is a shit community that exists on internet Wether u like it or not. Why u don't follow the conversation b4 u commenting.

The only time "masterrace" is used seriously on this forum is the typical condescension shit post. See earlier:

Masterrace always trying to justify the money they spent on pc.
Don't expect nothing else from them

I don't see the point in this attitude, I never have and I never will. Go platform war somewhere else


As such what. Masterrace is a shit community that exists on internet Wether u like it or not. Why u don't follow the conversation b4 u commenting.

1) Master race is a bannable term, and justifiably so as it's offensive, brings up a dark place in history, and generally has no place or reason to be used on GAF.

2) The term tends to be further inflammatory as you rarely see PC users throwing it around on GAF. Typically see someone using it to derail the thread instead of taking part in meaningful discussion.

Aaron D.

Masterrace always trying to justify the money they spent on pc.
Don't expect nothing else from them

I don't get it.
Do you guys belong to some secret masterrace society or something.

As such what. Masterrace is a shit community that exists on internet Wether u like it or not. Why u don't follow the conversation b4 u commenting.

Please don't do this.


Now I can't tell if 'Gaf is being trolled.


I am excited for this! I'm not worried about the story complaints. In HR I was more interested in the world more than the main plot anyways.


I'm just about to start Human Revolution via Xbox One backwards comparability. I hope I love it, can't wait to dive in tonight. I'll probably pick this up in a few weeks if I like it.
So, sounds like a solid sequel that improves upon HR but doesn't do anything drastically different.

As long as the hubs and side quests are great, I'll be happy.
Human Revolution was pretty good for 2011, since then many prolific games have come and gone and the industry has changed, especially the narratives and depths of stories.

Like what? Outside of a very few examples (TLoU), I really don't think that the quality of narrative and story depth is significantly different in 2016 vs 2011. Especially if you are talking about "prolific" games.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
I'm just about to start Human Revolution via Xbox One backwards comparability. I hope I love it, can't wait to dive in tonight. I'll probably pick this up in a few weeks if I like it.

You have a Wii U too, right?

You should've gone for the version since it's the best console version with also good use of the touchscreen. =(((((
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