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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided I Review Thread I I asked for this


First the Nier thread, now this. It seems there's been some bottled up anger for PC blowing up on Neogaf this week.
The platform you stand on a soapbox for has less value when it loses exclusives (as I have been told). Thats why theres been a rash of sony fanboy meltdowns this week. That and the fact that NMS was bad.


The writing was the worst thing about the last game, and the thing that most held it back from being a worthy successor to Deus Ex. If it's even worse in this game then I don't have that much interest in playing it.


The writing was the worst thing about the last game, and the thing that most held it back from being a worthy successor to Deus Ex. If it's even worse in this game then I don't have that much interest in playing it.



Elden Member
The writing was the worst thing about the last game, and the thing that most held it back from being a worthy successor to Deus Ex. If it's even worse in this game then I don't have that much interest in playing it.

Rose tinted glasses for the original, just finished another replay of it and the writing is just as bad and cringe worthy at times (often times more).


Put me in the "Deus Ex has aways had a dumb story" camp.

Its all about the atmosphere and the gameplay for me.

Well, kind of.
The writing in Deus Ex oscillated between awful and amazing but it always had character. It is a large part of why the game is good I think.
Rose tinted glasses for the original, just finished another replay of it and the writing is just as bad and cringe worthy at times (often times more).

Yes, it has cringe. A lot of it, and the voice acting doesn't help.
It also has this though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b-bijO3uEw

The writing in Human Revolution wasn't cringe worthy, but it was utterly dull and uninteresting for something that took itself so seriously.


Posted yet?



Not really sure how legit, it's in Russian and they somehow have DX12 benches as well (which aren't pretty).


Junior, please.
Reviews sound good to me. 8 or 9 out of 10 because it's an incremental improvement = more than good enough, especially when it's Deus Ex.

Definite purchase, in fact let's head over the GMG right now...
Solid reviews. I was expecting a bit higher, but none-the-less I'm still excited for Tuesday. I love HR, so it seems like I'll love this game just as much. Kind've bummed about the story apparently ending abruptly and being average, but opinions on story are very subjective. I'll just judge for myself when I play it.


The platform you stand on a soapbox for has less value when it loses exclusives (as I have been told). Thats why theres been a rash of sony fanboy meltdowns this week. That and the fact that NMS was bad.

But NMS was on PC too, PC players also got duped. I thought that would bring camaraderie more than anything else.

It's sad (and I guess good in a way!) that the worst they can do is try to paint the NEOGAF PC community as a boogie man, based on some other community on the internet*.

* Not that that community is any way shape or form as bad as some GAF'ers make it seem either. I went to the reddit once out fo curiosity, expecting to see nothign but stupid console gamers this and peasant that. To my surprise, the top thread was about how PC gamers who put down consle gamers just ebcause they like to play game son consoels are stupid.... I was like... that doesn't sound like what GAF was saying about these guys.

50% of the threads were people posting pics of their new GPU's, or giving away Steam keys, or asking ahrdware advice. And the rest were the main thrust of the subbreddit and that is to call out console gamers who post idiotic thigns about PC gaming. But they don't even let you post unfiltered screenshots. They blocked screenames and handles etc to prevent harrassment as a rule.

Anyway, sorry for the asid,e I just went in there a while back and found a completely different community from what GAF said they would be.

Back to Deus Ex: I'm sad abotu the story beats being so universally panned. A lot of the magic is in the story and the narrative agency. The ending seems ot eb the crux though, hopefulyl DLC or better a free content extensions will alleviate?


Rose tinted glasses for the original, just finished another replay of it and the writing is just as bad and cringe worthy at times (often times more).

Yep. Writing was never particularly amazing. It worked and was pretty good at the time, but saying Deus Ex was some eloquent philosophical achievement is remembering things wrong.

Also, I've seen people critique Adam Jensen as a bad allegory....ADAM = START OF NEW MANKIND, GET IT? HOW SUBTLE!

As it's been pointed out here, JC Denton wasn't exactly a nuanced messiah allegory. If I recall correctly, early script ideas actually had him as a descendant of Jesus in case you didn't quite get what the themes of the games are.


Arthur Gies
Like, for real, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gave me Halo 2 levels of "wait, that's it?" at the end. It doesn't end so much as it cauterizes.



Posted yet?



Not really sure how legit, it's in Russian and they somehow have DX12 benches as well (which aren't pretty).

Is that for maxed out or something in between? If this isn't maxed out, that's terrible news if true. I was hoping/expecting 40/50fps on high-ish with my 280X :(

Also, doesn't this conflict with earlier reports from a gaffer with a 770 who said it ran at 50/55fps on Medium, 40 on high and 30 on ultra?
Strikes me as a natural extension of Deus Ex HR.

A good game, but doesn't really feel special in many ways, except the art style that stands out.

Will get at budget price prob.


Hmm, expected some 9s. Maybe it's better to wait for the GOTY version when all the DLC is out. :| Fck, just finished my Human Revolution replay a couple of days ago.


Is that for maxed out or something new? If this isn't maxed out, that's terrible news if true. I was hoping/expecting 40/50fps on high-ish with my 280X :(

Also, doesn't this conflict with earlier reports from a gaffer with a 770 who said it ran at 50/55fps on Medium, 40 on high and 30 on ultra?

It's VHQ, so maxed out. Thuugh apparently the reran benchies were made without AA, so it's not AA tanking performance. Must be some other setting.


Where should I start if I haven't played any of the DE games?

The original is the benchmark, but obvisouly game mechanics and graphics are VERY dated by today's standards.

Otherwise I'd start with the last game. It's a continuation fo that sotryline, and it's a solid experience.
I've got a question for those that have played it,is
storyline only limited to one mission or is it an ongoing thing throught the game?I really liked his character and his interaction with Adam in HR hearing his va change was disappointing enough i'm hoping his presence is not limited to just a small cameo.
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