Vergil should just be revived by some demon or entity that has the power to revive people. Attempts to rationalize it beyond that is just going to end up being convoluted.
Whoops, you're totally right.
And yeah, I like the way that DMC4 has DT subtly improve Trickster (infinite dashes, if anyone ever needs them! multiple sky stars!) and transform moves like Stinger (and give you bonus Air Hikes), but I still feel like Styles got nerfed really hard in exchange for being able to switch between them. Gunslinger's still pretty decent, all things considered, though I miss the hell out of Artemis and wish E&I had a Ricoshot charge like DmC; Swordmaster's just kinda strictly necessary and lacks some of the cool feels-like-a-low-level-super stuff that Cerberus and A&R had in DMC3; Trickster's generally neat but could use some newer tricks; and Royal Guard has apparently never been able to work out a good level 3 move for itself (Ultimate and Dreadnaught are both fucking awful and boring).
My opinion about DMC4 Dante is that I love all the additions, but I mourn everything that was lost in the process.
Considering how most of his move set remains the same from DMC3 while for DMC3 they created 10 weapons and 6 styles from the ground up (along with the fact that style switching was planned for 3 originally) makes the stuff that makes Dante such a combat marvel in 4 feels a bit trivial by comparison. I mean, sure, the sheer amount of depth is mindboggling, but most of the groundwork was already there.
For DMC5 I would:
- Integrate Styles into Dante's default control system. Give him a dodge button, have Royal Guard be circle or something, have Gunslinger moves be possible via the gunfire button or via a double button input like DmCs gun special. Swordmaster moves would easily fit into Dante's standard movesets as long as they give him more button inputs.
- Have additional styles be unlockable, and be something you map via the controls. That way you don't need to switch via the D-Pad, and could replace say Royal Guard or Trickster if you preferred.
- Add back-forward and 360 degree inputs.
- Have all directional inputs be possible in mid-air, and have neutral direction, lock on + forward, backward, back-forward and 360 inputs mostly be unique moves while in mid-air.
- Add super moves like Nero's Maximum Bet and Showdown. Inputs are the same. Have at least one of the supers be unique to each DA and have the other be unique to each firearm.
- Make gun charge moves into unique abilities like Ricoshot. Same goes for the Shotgun and potentially other firearms as well.
- Bring back Free Ride, Pole Swing, Wall Hike and Crazy Combos. Add more Crazy Combos for different situations and have more contextual actions like Pole Swing.
- No recycled movesets for any weapon, especially not the gauntlets. I swear if I see Straight or Real Impact return one more time I'm not sure I will react. Only exception I feel is Rebellion. Stinger, Hightime, Helmbreaker, Aerial Rave, Drive, Prop Shredder and Sword Pierce are fine.
- Bring back elemental weaponry for the love of Cerberus.
- DT should: have elemental gunfire like in DMC1, elemental damage, level up style moves (Trickster InfiniDash, multiple Sky Stars and Air Tricks, for example) and special moves (multi-hit Kick13 and Stinger, etc.), boost an additional stat specific to each weapon like DMC3, add DT-exclusive moves like super moves and Air Raid, but have unique moves for each weapon like in DMC1. Otherwise it should boost damage, gunfire and health regen like it normally does, as well as Distortion.
I have other things I'd like to see, but this is the kind of stuff I'd like to see for Dante in DMC5.