Diablofans has some more datamine info.
Wow they changed Demon Hunter Marauder set. I wonder if it will play better or worse. Probably worse at first until people learn how to play it.
RIP DH Meticulous Bolt + Ball Lightning build.
Diablofans has some more datamine info.
Wow they changed Demon Hunter Marauder set. I wonder if it will play better or worse. Probably worse at first until people learn how to play it.
Diablofans has some more datamine info.
Wow they changed Demon Hunter Marauder set. I wonder if it will play better or worse. Probably worse at first until people learn how to play it.
RIP DH Meticulous Bolt + Ball Lightning build.
"Sentries cast your Hatred spender when you do and deal 100% increased damage."
I suppose it still exists in some form - you just need a Kridershot for it now instead of Helltrapper.
I guess T&T no longer matter much for sentry builds...? T&T replaced with Cindercoat for Cluster Arrow spam? CDR becomes RCR? Could be interesting.
I was curious to see what they were going to do regarding the 4.15 breakpoint server overload problem. This will certainly do it.
I wonder if they'll make it something less than a 6 piece bonus to let people put together a build with the new "active" set.
Depends if they actually fixed IAS calculation for Mammoth. If they did, that means a lot more gear optimizing.Poor hydras.
Why on earth would they nerfe Hydra? It's not that long ago since they buffed it... It does not need a nerf!
Maybe it's because of the Serpent Sparker, I dunno. Sigh. Could have been worse.. But still. So unnecessary.
This could be pretty interesting. Wonder if off-hands will work or if it's only meant as a CHD gem alternative (hopefully not).UpgradeableJewelInstructionsWeapon - Can be inserted into weapons with sockets.
Also on live server they just hotfix nerfed Boon of the Hoarder.
We don't actually know if M6 is nerfed or buffed. The thing that was actually nerfed was the Helltrapper build but I know you didn't play that build for 900 hours. IMO it's a good thing that build got nerfed because people in parties using that build crashed my game and after that I took a break from the game.Blizzard has no idea what to do with Demon Hunters having two resource pools, fucking seriously.
Also the Mara Set getting effectively nerfed may finally kill my desire to play the game depending on how they do it. I don't care about DH being the best class, but I spent over 900 hours on the class during vanilla when they were shit tier behind WAY behind all of the other classes except for brief moments before they patched Smokescreen in the first month or so then later Nether Tentacles. I'd much rather they buffed other classes and add more diversity then just effectively nerfing something because it was so much better than everything else.
It's almost certainly going to be a CHD/Emerald replacement.This could be pretty interesting. Wonder if off-hands will work or if it's only meant as a CHD gem alternative (hopefully not).
Would be cool if they tried to mimic your direction/target of attack.Seems like new m6 is a huge nerf just because now that spenders aren't spamming at a ridiculous rate, everytime they shoot at useless target is a big hit.
My only real disappointment with these changes is that it's looking like we might go back to Cindercoat + M6 Loaded for Bear DH spam. TNT is not going to be effective for DHs anymore so Cindercoat will replace it.
The M6/Smokescreen nerfs were honestly something people saw coming a mile away. We have played Blizzard games long enough to know that if 1 thing is too good and 9 other things are just "ok" then they would rather bring down the 1 rather than bring up the 9.
The M6/Smokescreen nerfs were honestly something people saw coming a mile away. We have played Blizzard games long enough to know that if 1 thing is too good and 9 other things are just "ok" then they would rather bring down the 1 rather than bring up the 9.
They said they are going to be adding a 6 piece bonus to Nat. Didn't say what but it's in the works.
I hope that new "Entangled enemies take X% more damage from all sources" Legendary is a 1H Xbow. Would combo well with Calamity for the Multishot set and allow you to have +20 Discipline from the weapons alone. The Multishot set has a Cloak so that's another +10. I wonder if it's possible to get 100 Discipline on a DH... that would make Multishot hit 10 times as hard.
Those are ones they specifically pointed out in the panel as likely getting an overhaul in the future (since nobody wants to use both rings at once).I see there are lots of people talking about Focus + Restraint for demon hunters now too.
I had to look it up since I'm so used to ignoring those rings - "Your primary resource spenders that spent resource deal 50% more damage while you are at full resource".
The M6/Smokescreen nerfs were honestly something people saw coming a mile away. We have played Blizzard games long enough to know that if 1 thing is too good and 9 other things are just "ok" then they would rather bring down the 1 rather than bring up the 9.
Thanks game, just what I needed for my Monk =/
That weapon is actually really good for monk. Roll vit to dmg and it'll be insane.Thanks game, just what I needed for my Monk =/
I'm expecting a nerf on Tiklandian Visage lockdown at some point unless they decide to bring the other crowd control options up to par. Still working on my WD in the mean time.
The messed up part is even if they nerf Tiklandian it won't matter much for WD since Halcyon is also still OP. You can keep everything but elites locked forever with just Halcyon/SMK and even then the elites can only use their default attacks because of that taunt, it's nuts.
Seems like whenever I finally use a gift I've been holding onto, I manage to get another one soon after. I have only once actually had more than one at a time (not that I'm really complaining).
Maybe I should DE some of my lightning Stone of Jordans...
It did take them what, two years to fix CM wiz and perma WotB Barb.The problem with nerfing M6 was that they did it so damn late after people had spend months on it. It was OP the day they fixed the Sentries but instead they sat on it for months. Ditto for old Rimeheart/Furnace and Exploding Palm.
Wow. I would just make a perfect version of every well-rolled weapon and have one of each.Don't kill me.
That's how it always was, originally someone reported it by saying it was 100% but when the pics came out they were clearly 1000%.The clones are 1000% damage, not 100%.
It's confirmed, the patch changes have a typo. The Marauder 2 piece bonus is ABSURD! It gives damage bonus to pretty much everything (40% per Sentry for Generators AND Spenders minus Strafe) not just Generators as it says in the patch list and you get to keep your 4 piece bonus from before (all Companions).
From the looks of things DHs are actually dishing out MORE BURST DPS.
Yeah if they keep it this way I'm actually pretty okay with the changes honestly, having the damage buff to most of the spenders is worthwhile. Also makes Krider pretty OP though.
Just noticed they fixed Bane of the Trapped for Monks.
Monks gonna be top 3 class in this patch... I am calling it right now.
LMAO @ being "OK" with a legitimate buff.
That is hands down one of the best 2 piece set bonus in the game. You can legitimately make some non M6 custom builds that can crush GR35+ with just the 2 piece bonus.
Imagine combining the new 6 piece Multishot set with just the 2 piece Marauder assuming the 6 piece Multishot set has a piece that doesn't overlap with M6 (like say a Belt). That would be absurd.