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Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


God, Launch was awful. Nothing like getting a legendary wand with STR as it's main stat. The loot system was just asinine over all.

I played my WD up to 46 in the launch window and pretty sure I got fewer than 5 legendaries in that entire time... let's just say it's been a lot more fun to get my first legendary at 17 in the console version.


My brother and I both waited until the PS4 release to play this online, and are loving it. So worth picking up, at least if you have someone to play online with.
That happens. Then one day you'll get two badass drops on 100 of them. Or maybe not. I still haven't. Kadala gives me crap legs when I get them from her.

I'm not even getting them as loot drops, I must've thrown away like 15 or so legendaries because they're either lower stats (including Thunderfury) or 2-handed. I'll send them out to whoever needs them, most of them are one handed legendaries with 2000+ dmg.


So far I'm finding the wizard to be an interesting class. They do crazy dps yet also, somehow, have ludicrous defense. I don't get it. lol


GAF, what's wrong with me? This game gets universal praise so I bought it on PS4. I'm supposed to like it.But I've been trying to play it for the past week and I can't get into it. It feels too repetitive to me. What's the magic spark that makes this game so great?


Mine's an Arcane build with Temporal Flux as its centerpiece, but talking you through it might help you understand some of the synergies which can be achieved with a proper build. I also normally run Glass Cannon, which is a pretty good description of my entire build, but that's okay, because I exclusively duo with my GF's barbie, who tanks and Invigorates me with her Inspiring Presence. ;)

My primary attack is Disintegrate: Intensify. I like it because it fucks shit up, it's easy to spray crowds with it, and I can dole out just enough AP to achieve the damage and/or effect I'm looking for. That last bit is important. Even though Disintegrate is my primary damage dealer, Intensify and Temporal Flux means simply spraying a mob with the beam is incredibly useful, even if I don't train it on them long enough to do significant damage. TF applies an 80% slow effect for 2 seconds to anything grazed by Arcane Damage, and the Intensify rune debuffs mobs by 15% to all Arcane damage for the next 4 seconds.

Arcane, as in damage done not only by the Disintegrate itself, but all of my other skills deal Arcane as well. So a 0.3s spray across a crowd not only effectively immobilizes them while I can move freely, it also softens them up for anything and everything I choose to throw at them after that.

For example, my Arcane Hydra. The 245% Arcane Damage may not seem like much, but they can shoot at mobs off-screen, and the shots they fire have a 10-yard burst radius, so it's especially effective at dealing with crowds, and doubly so when you give that AoE the 80% slow effect from TF. For even more synergistic goodness, the initial spray of Disintegrate not only gave me time to call the hydra unmolested, its Intensify softened them up for the hydra's damage too. Now while the hydra goes to town, I can get back to dancing around all of the slow-mo mobs, erasing them with D:I as I see fit. The AoE slow also makes them very effective at holding back herds of flanking mobs while you stay focused on the main threat.

My tertiary attack is Black Hole: Event Horizon. The main thing I like about it is EH erases all of the stuff that make elites so annoying; walls, lava, arcane lasers, etc. Indeed, that's really my primary use for the skill, but BH makes a pretty effective nuke on its own — especially on enemies who have already been Intensified — and it's got a nice 15-yard AoE. And being Arcane, it procs the slow from the TF and is boosted by Intensify, of course.

Now, that seems like a lot of spenders, which Lima wisely warned against. But really, Disintegrate is the only real spender I have. The hydra costs 15AP, but it lasts for 15s, and does a significant amount of damage over that time; way more than 15AP worth of Disintegrate would do, to be sure. Not to mention the fact that I can still act freely while the hyrda is dealing out all of that death. So a hydra can actually save you a good amount of AP, especially in the more drawn out fights, which are the fights where AP management is the biggest concern anyway.

BH:EH is also a spender, but at 20 AP, it's pretty cheap as far as nukes go, and the cooldown is only 12s, which is also quite manageable, especially if you happen to have any CDR. As the only cooldown I even have though, I don't really feel compelled to seek out CDR in my gear, which is nice, since I can look for other affixes instead. As I said, the skill is mostly just there for elite containment, and I find it perfectly affordable for that role.

I also maintain Magic Weapon: Deflection, as it gives a nice global damage boost, and the shield helps protect me a bit in the more chaotic fights. I usually also run Familiar: Cannoneer (<3 AoE slow), but if I'm gearing up for a particularly big fight, I might swap that out for Energy Armor or something like that. All of these cost AP as well, but even the familiars last at least 10 minutes, so you just need to remember to refresh them after a fight, and maybe right before the big boss, so it's all effectively free AP-wise.

So because of all of the synergy I've built, AP management is generally a non-issue for me, even as a channeler. Most fights simply don't last long enough for me to deplete my initial pool of 108 AP.
I just dinged 70 last night, so my gear is still mostly shit.
That said, there are always fights which drag out, so I do need a reliable method of recovering AP quickly in an emergency. Enter Shock Pulse.

I run the Prodigy passive, which gives you 5 AP every time you cast a signature spell, like Shock Pulse. That procs even if you're alone in the room, so simply holding the X button adds 5*AttackSpeed to your normal AP recovery of 10/s. So if your attack speed is 1.5, holding X for two seconds gives you 15 AP from Prodigy, plus another 20 that you recover through natural healing. That's 35 AP in two seconds; a third of my entire pool, and more than enough to cast any spell in my arsenal. Plus, I'm not just refilling my battery, I'm also spraying damage around the room in the process — both from the Shock Pulse and my AoE-slow familiar — and my hydra is already hammering away with AoE-slow too. No, I'm not actively disintegrating right now, but I certainly haven't stopped dealing damage. In fact, Prodigy alone allows me to refill half my pool in less time it takes for the last dose of Intensify to even wear off.

But it gets even better!! By running the Power Affinity rune on my Shock Pulse, I convert its Electric Damage to Arcane Damage — so it now procs slow and gets boosted by Intensify — and I also recover an additional 2 AP for each enemy hit, and each attack fires three shots. So now my two seconds of "resting" goes from 35 AP to 53 AP, and that's before you add in any APOC or anything like that. This last boost depends on being in a target-rich environment, but if there's nothing left to shoot, there's no hurry to charge my battery anyway.

Now, all of this seems like it's terribly complicated, but it's really only complicated in the build phase. My actual fights are almost stupidly simple. They all begin with a quick spray of D:I, which tenderizes the mobs and gives me time to drop a hydra if the herd seems big enough to warrant it. From there, I just dance around disintegrating stuff, tapping Black Hole when bad stuff happens or Shock Pulse if I run out of juice. Once the fight is over and I've collected my loot, I tap Circle-Triangle to refresh my buffs, and it's on to the next fight. Easy peasy.

For gear, as I said it's shit right now, but obviously I covet Arcane Damage Increase, along with anything else that boosts my overall DPS. I also stay on the lookout for Hydra and Disintegrate DI, naturally. Shock Pulse DI is a nice bonus, but I would never sacrifice for it, because SP is all about AP recovery for me; the damage and slow it does in the process is just a bonus.

HTH :)

Holy crap man, you know your stuff! Based by the way I like to play, the build you describe sounds right up my alley. I'm gonna have to note that all down and play with my wiz build. Sorry for short reply but it's cardio time! All of your input is highly appreciated!
I am REALLY enjoying my current crusader build. :D

Question: When do you know if it's time to move up a difficulty level?

Right now I'm playing master and I die every so often in rifts, not much anywhere else. Generally speaking, every death is the result of getting mobbed on all sides, and the dive-roll failing me (why can't you roll over an enemy the size of a large frog?! WHY?!).

Is there like a damage number or armor number that you should hit before considering moving up?



I'm considering buying D3 vanilla for PC for 20 bucks.

Would that be wise? Never gotten into a Diablo game before and it sounds fun as well as current. Or should I wait until a deal comes out for vanill and RoS?

Also, would it be possible for me to play with my 360 controller on the PC?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I am REALLY enjoying my current crusader build. :D

Question: When do you know if it's time to move up a difficulty level?

Right now I'm playing master and I die every so often in rifts, not much anywhere else. Generally speaking, every death is the result of getting mobbed on all sides, and the dive-roll failing me (why can't you roll over an enemy the size of a large frog?! WHY?!).

Is there like a damage number or armor number that you should hit before considering moving up?


There's literally zero risk in moving up. Try it and if you die too much, move back down.

GAF, what's wrong with me? This game gets universal praise so I bought it on PS4. I'm supposed to like it.But I've been trying to play it for the past week and I can't get into it. It feels too repetitive to me. What's the magic spark that makes this game so great?

I'll never understand these kinds of posts. You want us to tell you how to like the game? Not everyone likes every game. If you tried it, and don't like it, then move on :)


Unconfirmed Member
So far I'm finding the wizard to be an interesting class. They do crazy dps yet also, somehow, have ludicrous defense. I don't get it. lol
I started a Wizard the other day and was pretty surprised at their defense, too.
Anybody have any good witch doctor builds that work in torment 1 rifts?

I'm not having.much luck.

I hit 70 with my Witch Doctor a couple of days ago, here's a Zoo Doctor build that I use. It works pretty well, though I may tweak it here and there.



You get 3 Dogs, a Gargantuan, and a Fetish army, with a bonus Fetish every now and then thanks to the Fetish Sychophants passive. My two attacks are poison based, but you can also go fire based: Replace Plague of Toads (Rain of Toads) with Firebomb (Flash Fire or Fire Pit). Change the Poison rune to the Fire one for Zombie Dogs, and you can replace Acid Cloud with Zombie Charger (Explosive Beast). Or use Piranhado (Bogadile) for massive damage.

Spirit Walk is super useful, it's basically a Get Out of Jail Free card when you need to GTFO of a battle. It's also a good idea to Spirit Walk through a pack of enemies so all your Pets will follow you and engage them (since sometimes their A.I. doesnt work perfectly).


I'll never understand these kinds of posts. You want us to tell you how to like the game? Not everyone likes every game. If you tried it, and don't like it, then move on :)

Maybe you can tell me what everyone else seems to like about it? I'm just bummed that I wasted 70 based on positive reviews and word of mouth. Maybe I'm not playing it right?


Maybe you can tell me what everyone else seems to like about it? I'm just bummed that I wasted 70 based on positive reviews and word of mouth. Maybe I'm not playing it right?

I don't know, I mean for me I had never played a Diablo game before until this and I was hooked almost instantly. You've got all sorts of skills you can change up and try different builds, and you're always trying to get better gear. I found that pretty addicting and the gameplay never really felt repetitive for me. I'd say just keep playing some more, and google some builds for your character (or look through this thread, lots of great posts) then try and work towards them. This game is all about the long haul.


I'm considering buying D3 vanilla for PC for 20 bucks.

Would that be wise? Never gotten into a Diablo game before and it sounds fun as well as current. Or should I wait until a deal comes out for vanill and RoS?

Also, would it be possible for me to play with my 360 controller on the PC?

You can't play with a controller on PC, the game doesn't support it. D3 without RoS is not really worth it in my opinion.


Unconfirmed Member
Beat Diablo on Hardcore a little bit ago! I was playing on Expert but bumped the difficulty down to Normal just to be safe, lol. No sweat.

I'm not a huge fan of the Crusader thus far. I'm level 44 or so and honestly pretty bored. I want to go back to my Wizard, but I want to finish up the Hardcore achievements.
Yeah, I mean, I can be swarmed with mobs and my health bar doesn't go anywhere. I don't think my Crusader has even close to the same level of defense. lol

Really? It's the opposite for me; my Crusader is a great tank, while I have to dodge around with the Wizard. Sure, my Wizard can take a couple of hits, but she's no tank. What difficulty are you playing on?


Permanent Junior Member
I think I'm done for awhile until 2.1. These bounties are obnoxious. Changing the requirement from 5 fragments to 1 will be a godsend.


Well my addiction has become depression.

I've spent 2500 shards now looking for lut socks and nothing. I have six pairs of blackthornes boots though, so I guess that's something hahah


Really? It's the opposite for me; my Crusader is a great tank, while I have to dodge around with the Wizard. Sure, my Wizard can take a couple of hits, but she's no tank. What difficulty are you playing on?

I'm still leveling this character, so just hard, and my crusader is T3 so obviously there's a difference there, lol, but I'm just amazed at how much the Wiz can take. I don't recall my crusader being able to take such a beating while he was being leveled. On the flipside, my DH dies if someone gives him a dirty look. haha
I can't wait until each person needs to spend a keystone to enter. I hate how everyone just waits back in town until someone caves and spends the 5 stones.

That or you buy one for 5, clear half of it, and the host leaves and wipes it. I always stand around just to make sure the host looks like they're going in too before I open one up with strangers.


I don't know, I mean for me I had never played a Diablo game before until this and I was hooked almost instantly. You've got all sorts of skills you can change up and try different builds, and you're always trying to get better gear. I found that pretty addicting and the gameplay never really felt repetitive for me. I'd say just keep playing some more, and google some builds for your character (or look through this thread, lots of great posts) then try and work towards them. This game is all about the long haul.

Hmmm, is it way better co-op? I was playing alone.
Nice Twin Peaks avatar btw.
Yeah, I mean, I can be swarmed with mobs and my health bar doesn't go anywhere. I don't think my Crusader has even close to the same level of defense. lol

You guys are overestimating wizard defense. I can pretty much crush T4 and even T5 if I'm careful, but if I get trapped between 3 elites and a wall even on T1, and I don't have teleport, I'm done within 3 seconds. Its basically a kite class, nowhere near as good as barb or crusader up close with high level monsters.


So far my only complaint with the wizard is his appearance. And it's not just a Diablo thing. In fantasy games, why do male casters almost always have to be portrayed as a small, hyper-effeminate dude? There's nothing wrong with that if that's how you want your toon to look but it really makes me wish Diablo had character editing.


She gives them. It's random.

I spent 2000 shards to get the Mask of Jeram. On my last shards I got three of them in a row.
If she gives them I'll keep trying I just don't want to waste my time if she does, I have like fore walkers, crudest boots, green set piece boots, but no Luts


GAF, what's wrong with me? This game gets universal praise so I bought it on PS4. I'm supposed to like it.But I've been trying to play it for the past week and I can't get into it. It feels too repetitive to me. What's the magic spark that makes this game so great?

Ummmmmmm, maybe the game just isn't for you. Do you have to like every popular game?


Neo Member
Question, that I hope someone can answer. If I have the option between a socket, or 90% crit hit damage, which gives the best dps increase, considering the highest tier red gem to put in the socket?

The past weekend was pretty damn amazing, gear wise. Woke up one morning, and a friend had sent me Nemesis mail which ended up being the Solemn Vow sword I needed for the set bonus. Friend gave me a rrog, and thunderfury. Got 2 unities, thundergod's vigor, a fulminator, and even the necklace that gives me immunity to all lightning, and heals me instead. 2 piece earth, blackthornes, and 3 piece aughilds. I either combine those, or put another set together that gives me 50% ligtning skill damage, but less dps. It's cool to have the option to switch it up.

Cleared t3 solo, at about 550-600k dps, so I guess what I'm really looking for is some lut socks, a stone of jordan, and some better rolls on the current gear I have. Maybe reroll a demon hunter since I couldn't transfer my other from ps3.

Thanks to all of you who sent a new guy a friends request! Even though I had to remove someone for leaving every game that I joined him in. Why even bother friending me lol...


GAF, what's wrong with me? This game gets universal praise so I bought it on PS4. I'm supposed to like it.But I've been trying to play it for the past week and I can't get into it. It feels too repetitive to me. What's the magic spark that makes this game so great?

Well it took me a while to get into it. I was bored the first couple of hours but then I got to about level 30 and had some cool skills unlocking that I could play around with more and starting act 2 was a nice change if scenery. Playing on expert so at the start I did die a few times but now I can handle most enemies.

Tl:dr it gets more interesting the further into it you get.
Holy crap man, you know your stuff! Based by the way I like to play, the build you describe sounds right up my alley. I'm gonna have to note that all down and play with my wiz build. Sorry for short reply but it's cardio time! All of your input is highly appreciated!
No problem. I'm glad you found it useful. :)

I thought of another good example of the synergy it provides with regard to AP management. Channeling attacks basically take your regular attack, and divide it up in to chunks 1/60th of a second long. So at Attack Speed 1.0, a normal attack would take a full second to perform, do the listed damage, and consume the listed AP. With channeling, you aren't obligated to perform the full attack. If you hold the button for 0.5s, you'll only do 50% of the listed damage, but you also only consume half of the listed AP. A 0.3s burst only uses 30% AP.

So, AP management. Let's assume I got caught with my pants down, and I've got a fresh crowd rushing me with a measly 3 AP in my pool. That's completely useless, right? Can't cast shit with that, can you? Well, I can cast 1/6th of a Disintegrate "attack" with it. It only lasts 167ms and does a trivial 85% of my base weapon damage, but it's more than enough to proc the TF and Intensify effects.

That gives me plenty of time to backstep away from them, and once I've leapt to safety, I can lay in to them with my Shock Pulse, continuing to pin them in place while feeding on their insolence to recover my full strength.

Muahahaha! (&#8745;&#65344;-´ )&#8835;&#9473; &#9734;&#65439;.*&#65381;&#65377;&#65439;


I hit 70 with my Witch Doctor a couple of days ago, here's a Zoo Doctor build that I use. It works pretty well, though I may tweak it here and there.



You get 3 Dogs, a Gargantuan, and a Fetish army, with a bonus Fetish every now and then thanks to the Fetish Sychophants passive. My two attacks are poison based, but you can also go fire based: Replace Plague of Toads (Rain of Toads) with Firebomb (Flash Fire or Fire Pit). Change the Poison rune to the Fire one for Zombie Dogs, and you can replace Acid Cloud with Zombie Charger (Explosive Beast). Or use Piranhado (Bogadile) for massive damage.

Spirit Walk is super useful, it's basically a Get Out of Jail Free card when you need to GTFO of a battle. It's also a good idea to Spirit Walk through a pack of enemies so all your Pets will follow you and engage them (since sometimes their A.I. doesnt work perfectly).

Thanks. I'll try this.been using builds with bear and I don't like how close I have to be.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
GAF, what's wrong with me? This game gets universal praise so I bought it on PS4. I'm supposed to like it.But I've been trying to play it for the past week and I can't get into it. It feels too repetitive to me. What's the magic spark that makes this game so great?
I think you need to have that slight-OCD streak that leaves you hunting for loot that improves your current build.

It's all about finding something that is slightly more powerful or has more effects, and leveling up to get new skills that decimate mobs of enemies. It's part of what sucked me into Monster Hunter for months. If you don't get excited by that prospect of new gear, it might not be for you. But that's how I approach the game - the battling is just a means to an end to get sweet gear!


Just finished the main campaign for the first time since I completed in on vanilla PC back in the day.

The game really goes to shit after act 1. That act is so incredibly atmospheric, ripe with mystery and dread. Act 2 is fun for a bit, but looses its luster after a while. 3 is terrible and 4 is just a chore.


Just finished the main campaign for the first time since I completed in on vanilla PC back in the day.

The game really goes to shit after act 1. That act is so incredibly atmospheric, ripe with mystery and dread. Act 2 is fun for a bit, but looses its luster after a while. 3 is terrible and 4 is just a chore.

You should.like 5. It's a Lil more like 1
I'm not even getting them as loot drops, I must've thrown away like 15 or so legendaries because they're either lower stats (including Thunderfury) or 2-handed. I'll send them out to whoever needs them, most of them are one handed legendaries with 2000+ dmg.

Would love a 1H for my Monk if you have one going spare please. Got a nice main hand but OH isn't great. PSN: AbandonedTrolley

Thank you.
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