Only in Adventure mode actually, from Act 1 and and Act 4 bounties (act 4 can give all the rewards, so it's better to just run act 1 bounties several times for better chances)
Torment level 1 okay for it?
Only in Adventure mode actually, from Act 1 and and Act 4 bounties (act 4 can give all the rewards, so it's better to just run act 1 bounties several times for better chances)
Torment level 1 okay for it?
I believe that Normal through Torment 1 have the same chance of dropping legendaries out of the Adventure Mode caches, Torment 2 is where your chances increase. Most folks that are looking for the ring just farm on normal mode, choosing to open way more caches with a lesser chance rather than less caches with a greater chance.
Caches are what you get from doing all the bounties aren't they? The thing you open from your item menu?
What system are you playing on?
Added you - you want Akkhan pants, gloves or shoulder?
Giving them away. What do you want?
Well, DeathJr helped me a lot to finish my build so I'd like to donate my extra crusader "trade" stuff to whoever needs them.
1 Akkhans Chest
1 Akkhans Boots
1 Akkhans Shoulder
1 Akkhans Pants
Shoot me a pm with your psn and I'll gift them to whoever needs.
One of the Akkhan pieces (pants, gloves or shoulders), preferably the pants if they are still avaiable!
Thanks in advance!
Items sent to everyone
This is my current amulet, is there a better one for a crusader? It's probably the only thing I can upgrade on my current build.
I could do with Aughild's Rule and Aughild's Search from your crafting? What mats and stuff would you need? PSN ID is LordMJRAlu.Okay, so these are the sets/legendaries I have to give away (PS4):
I can craft:
Aughilds authority full set
Still have FoTF? Damn, didn't see your post *cries*. Adding you.Can someone open up the secret level for me, craft a staff of herding or give me a gibbering gemstone? Wasted another hour but that bitch Chiltara just doesn't seem to drop one.
Add me: ruthlesbarbarian
Haven't had any luck with Akkhan pieces,Fate of the Fallen,gyrfalcons Foote or RoRG for my Crusader.
If anyone has any spares they don't need please send any my way i can trade some high lvl gems.
I could do with Aughild's Rule and Aughild's Search from your crafting? What mats and stuff would you need? PSN ID is LordMJRAlu.
Still have FoTF? Damn, didn't see your post *cries*. Adding you.
Haven't had any luck with Akkhan pieces,Fate of the Fallen,gyrfalcons Foote or RoRG for my Crusader.
If anyone has any spares they don't need please send any my way i can trade some high lvl gems.
Travelers pledge is what you want, I'm using the same. Str, holy, crit chance + dmg.
Under items. Go to your inventory and select the bag. Its the second one down.
Do you have a spare? I have akkhan gloves with /crit/str/and 8 CDR on them un-enchanted. That leaves crit dmg to be enchanted on it.
Also have a unity, an rorg with 499 str, a few pair of magefist gloves with high fire rolls and str maybe some other stuff. That puzzle ring with 500str on it.
Sweet, I shall add you. "ruthlesbarbarian" yes?Forgotten souls, veiled crystals and death's breaths.
Feel free to add me on PSN : theytookourjobz
I'm around Paragon 100 and looking for people to play with (I've gone solo up until now). Rocking a Crusader and I'm about halfway to completing my Akkhan set but I still can't find a FotF or a RoRG (where do these drop?).
Is there any chance for crit/crit dmg/holy dmg? Dont care about vit/str/ar
Sweet, I shall add you. "ruthlesbarbarian" yes?
Edit: How many of each do you need for the two items? I can mail you the mats over
Sent2 each per item. So, 12 in total.
Yes, i'll send it to you shortly. Add me on PSN. Wouldn't mind the akkhan gloves or rorg to boost my stats.
2 each per item. So, 12 in total.
Can someone open up the secret level for me, craft a staff of herding or give me a gibbering gemstone? Wasted another hour but that bitch Chiltara just doesn't seem to drop one.
You can give them to berserk below. Can you send me your akkhan chest armour? Mine has a useless condemn damage stat I'll like to trade out. Thanks.
Add me: ruthlesbarbarian
PSN is messing up on me at the moment says I'm not connected. Sent you a friend request on an alt acct 'ahorrordro' thats where my stash is. will send you gloves when psn lets me. just shoot me the neck when you can. not sure if i really need it though I forgot about some extra criteria. oh wells!
What build are you running with those stats? Mine are a good bit higher and I'm currently running T2 - does it take you forever to kill?Okay I am wondering if I should move up to T3 just to find better items.
Playing as a Crusader - Paragon 45
My stats are 275k, 6559k, 13k
On T2 I have no trouble with elites unless I get cornered and cannot move but other than that I seem to work through T2 but I am not getting any legendary/set drops. Should I keep doing Rift Runs? Or bump to T3 and hope for the best?
Thanks very much!Crafted and sent.
Added you! Thanks so much again!
What build are you running with those stats? Mine are a good bit higher and I'm currently running T2 - does it take you forever to kill?
Interesting. My damage is currently 650k (or thereabouts) with Laws of Valor active. I really need some gear to drop that will allow me to tailor my build! :'(When I face an elite I invoke Fire Starter which pumps my stats to 350k+ Then just wail on them with Ice Bound hammer since I have a 30% damage increase and Phalanx (bowmen) which I have a 40% damage increase. They usually die before AC runs out, if not their minions are at least gone.
However, Rift Elites take a hell of a time to kill.
Interesting. My damage is currently 650k (or thereabouts) with Laws of Valor active. I really need some gear to drop that will allow me to tailor my build! :'(
Going to bury Kadala in blood shards tonight.
I've been doing bounties on normal for a while (for the caches and for keystones) then switching to rifts. Bounties on normal are mind numbingly dull (but efficient for keys/caches) so I couldn't just run them over and over without tougher rifts to break down the monotony.I just got into Adventure Mode this weekend so I am not sure how to farm properly. Should I just keep doing rifts or finish up bounties?
Like I took on the Butcher at T3 and besides knowing my damage is low and it took sometime I managed to kill him without fearing for my life.
Yeah I had to reboot ps4, psn was stuck. Must be the Destiny unlock hammering the servers. I sent you the amulet.
No offense but that amulet wasn't able to be rerolled to holy dmg. I said holy dmg, crit, and crit dmg. That was the criteria. You sent me a fire dmg neck that had already been enchanted to crit.
All good though!
Oh, sorry. If I get another one I'll send it your way.
I think his game will scale up, rather than the other way around.So my friend is picking this up tomorrow. We want to play together, but I'm towards the end of ACT II.
If I join his game, will my level scale down? If so, would I still get the normal amount of XP and drops for my normal level? I don't want to taint his experience with the game.
I think his game will scale up, rather than the other way around.
Probably makes the most sense to start a fresh character to use when you're playing with him.
Oh man, I thought it would be the opposite if I joined his game. :|