Is there an option to export save in the PS4 version?
Thank you to PSN user NoDepth on my friend list.
I found this in my mail box today
I guess that was me(Nodepth). I killed a few Nemeses' recently so its possible that is your vengeance reward.
Is force feedback missing from Xbox 1 version?
I wish they would patch in rumble support.
The game is always online like the PC version ?
Yes. Better xp and goldI'm playing on Normal with a Crusader with the preorder items or whatever. Really enjoying the game a few hours in but it feels super easy. Should I jump to Hard? Right now I can just wade in to wherever without paying attention to my health at all.
I wish they would patch in rumble support.
Also, are the PS3 and 4 versions identical feature wise?
Just performance differences between the two?
Also, are the PS3 and 4 versions identical feature wise?
Just performance differences between the two?
PS4 version doesn't support rumble?
First time playing through the game here. I want to play around with the different classes, but is it smarter to just blaze through the main campaign with one character in order to unlock adventure mode? Does adventure mode cater to a lvl 1 hero, or is that all considered endgame content?
Basically I'm asking if I'm going to have to play through the campaign six times in order to level up all the classes.
Yes. Better xp and gold
Does the difficulty I choose matter when it comes to co-op? Like lets say I play on normal, can someone from hard join my game or vice versa?
Can anyone answer this please?
Can anyone answer this please?
My buddies were playing on Normal and I'm playing on Hard and they were able to join my game. So yeah, I think it works!Can anyone answer this please?
Yep. It's designed to appeal to all spectrums of gamers.Ok cool. Is that design intentional? Like they made Normal Easy Mode basically?
Pretty much, that is until patch 2.1 comes out for current gen versions.
There is also a difference of enemy crowd density. The PS4 has enemy packs that is similar to the PC version, the PS3 version doesn't have as many enemies on screen. It was toned down.
It does.
Wow, the framerate difference before and after the patch is ridiculous.
As in better? I only started after the patch, rock solid 60fps here on PS4.
Okay, played the last 3h this game. What a fucking waste of money. Where is the fun? I don't get it, all i do is keep pressing x and wait. And why can't I move the camera? What year is this? 1998?
Sorry but this game is not for me. Really disappointed that I bought it digitally...
Rock solid 60 after the patch. Stuttery mess before.
This game looks really fun, is it a game that you can sink a lots of hours in?
So is the ps3 version really bad? or bad at all?
So is the ps3 version really bad? or bad at all?
This game looks really fun, is it a game that you can sink a lots of hours in?
So is the ps3 version really bad? or bad at all?