You know what to do now ;^)And the main story is done!
Didn't cheese the final boss with an ExE, used all my 30 20k HP heals though x)
EDIT : wait, hard mode unlocked?! They're crazy!
The base stats transfered is 10% of the reincarnated digimon's final stats if I'm not wrong. With each Reverse skills increasing said percentage. That's basically how digimon become stronger each gen since they will have a higher base to start with.How does passing on stats after death work? Is it possible to just be an asshole and slave labor your digimon to death over and over and transfer stats further and further to a higher generation? Or is there a limit to how it works?
The base stats transfered is 10% of the reincarnated digimon's final stats if I'm not wrong. With each Reverse skills increasing said percentage. That's basically how digimon become stronger each gen since they will have a higher base to start with.
And yes, if you want to do that then you can but the stats increment will significantly slow down by the 7k point up until the max of 9999 if I'm not mistaken. Granted by slave labor, I assume you meant raising them with love and care until Mega while training relentlesslySince evolving to Mega grants the biggest stats bonus for evolution and a longer lifespan to exploit.
Killing them early by non stop training and zero care can essentially do the same thing but it will not be as efficient and will just take longer than just raising them normally I would imagine.
Congrats on beating your wall man.Finally beatwith an after death eXe. Very strange that I actually got 150 OP for each mon during the fight and it wouldn't let me manually activate it. The 150 was shown in red. My guys had no negative status or anything so it was strange.Zwart D
Not sure why that guy is such a hard fight, like seriously. I went back to Logic Volcano and fought one of theand he did WAY less damage to me thanoptional level 44 recruit able Digimon.Zwart D
Into Chapter 2 at last, got those damned fish.
Recruited Etemon but my Taomon (Silver) died shortly after, but my MirageGaogamon is still going strong at least, so when my next Digimon started training got one hell of a stat boost. Ended up getting a Renamon that has now Digivolved to Leomon.
Managed to get into the Wastelands and currently in the process of trying to recruit Leomon.
From what I understand he, is that right?sets up a Dojo that, when upgraded, gives you some more control over Digivolving rather than it being entirely random
There are too many Leomons
Also, am I right in thinking that the Digivolution items you get for instantly digivolving Champions/Ultimates into particular Digimon are one use only and then they're consumed? Is it possible to replace those items later on? I've got three so far including the Omegamon one from the bonus DLC.
Congrats on beating your wall man.
The only thing I can think of is that you have used manual ExE already that day. Other than that, it's actually weird that you can't since you obviously satisfy the requirements and all that.
As for the spoiler, was it? Might be classic power creep since he's just aArresterdramondigimon compared to the boss.Champion level
None level is treated as equivalent to the Ultimate level in the Digital Monster Card Game and is equated to the Champion level in Digimon World -next 0rder- and the Mega level in Digimon Crusader.OmniShoutmon's
Gen 2 has ended...Lefty made it to Mega, ChaosGallantmon, but Righty only got to Ultimate as Aeroveedramon and no surprise since his evolutions seemed pretty high-end---last time it was the reverse, Left only made it to Ultimate and Right went Mega, so I've yet to have two Megas.
Hopefully it happens with Gen 3. Went with Tokomon and Punimon, and they ended up as Patamon and Gumdramon. Patamon is now an Angemon, while Gumdramon evolved into Veedramon. Two of his evolutions I had already gotten, MegaSeadramon and Aeroveedramon, so I was glad when he ended up as Machgaogamon. Gonna train them hopefully to Mega and go kick some Veggie Troop ass.
EDIT: I too thought another recruit did that, guess I should update the Dojo next. Do you ever get a recruit for the Builder that tells you the best place to find certain materials?
wait do coliseum coins do something, who do i need to recruit to trade that shit in?
Is it possible to get weaker? I feel like I've hit a stat wall. Longer post incoming, but if anyone could give me some insight I'd very much appreciate it.The base stats transfered is 10% of the reincarnated digimon's final stats if I'm not wrong. With each Reverse skills increasing said percentage. That's basically how digimon become stronger each gen since they will have a higher base to start with.
And yes, if you want to do that then you can but the stats increment will significantly slow down by the 7k point up until the max of 9999 if I'm not mistaken. Granted by slave labor, I assume you meant raising them with love and care until Mega while training relentlesslySince evolving to Mega grants the biggest stats bonus for evolution and a longer lifespan to exploit.
Killing them early by non stop training and zero care can essentially do the same thing but it will not be as efficient and will just take longer than just raising them normally I would imagine.
using an item seemed to make my one digimon weaker (used items to make paildramon and it became magnadramon through lots and lots of training) but the digimon i didnt use an item on went on to be stronger than said dna digivolved digimon, gen 4 otoh, i was able to get omnimon legit through the main lines of training , they feel a tad better than g2 was for me (also could be due to having better techniques available this time vs that time) My roadblock seems to be right now the boss battle in myotismon's mansion with my gen 4, probably going to try exploring a bit while waiting for my first digimon to start dieing and then train like crazy.Is it possible to get weaker? I feel like I've hit a stat wall. Longer post incoming, but if anyone could give me some insight I'd very much appreciate it.
My Gen 6 mega partners were around 6k ATT 5k STA, 35k MP and 40k HP. It felt like I was progressing every reincarnation. Gen 7 I decided to mess around with digivolution stones to skip jump straight to champion and then DNA digivolved to Paildramon. I used stones on my other partner to jump straight to Ultimate so he wasn't left behind. So I had two ultimates by day 2. I thought this would be beneficial and give me more time for training but instead it felt like I wasn't getting the usually stat boosts as I would have normally with Rookies and Champions in the Gym. By the end of Gen 7, I barely managed to match Gen 6.
Currently on Gen 8 with 12 Day old Megas (using NO digivolution stones this time) but I feel behind the 8 ball now. I'd need to grind in the gym for at least 6 or 7 days to have any shot of matching my stats from Gen 6 and 7 with no chance of making gains. It feels like I'm moving backwards. I see a lot of mega digimon on the digivolution tree which require insane stats (like Ulforceveedramon) and I don't see how I'll ever get that high with only Ultimates especially when I can't reach those stats with my megas. My last 3 generations have all been around the same end strength and I'm not progressing. Did I mess up by using digivolution stones? Is there something I'm missing when it comes to training, like using more stat boosting foods or something? My Tamer Skills are maxed for Life Type, Reverse Type, Teacher Type and Evolving Type. My gym's Training Gear is all level 3. Apologies for the long post but I'm a little frustrated because it feels like I'm nowhere near strong enough for my current story boss.
TL;DR- Gen 6, 7 and 8 partners had around the same end stats after messing with digivolutions stones and DNA digivolution. I don't feel like I'm surpassing previous generations like I should be. Several Mega digimon are still unattainable and I've already plateaued in terms of my parameters.
Just enough Leomons, gotta have a replacement somewhere amiright?
Leomon is like Lancer(fate stay series) in which they both suffer terrible deaths. Not my fault someone at NB has a huge hate hard on for him.
You're probably right. That one generation really set me back though.To sum it up, you shouldnt use that many stones on digimon + fusion, they were stunted due to the lack of training and how fusion steals stats from another digimon.
I don't just want to beat the game though. I'm looking to get the stronger mega digivolutions which require much higher stats than I currently have. That is why it's frustrating I'm not seeing progress.As long as you exe on bosses, 6k attack and 5k stamina should get you through every story fight
And the main story is done!
Didn't cheese the final boss with an ExE, used all my 30 20k HP heals though x)
EDIT : wait, hard mode unlocked?! They're crazy!
Don't know, too scared to try it, apparently in normal mode Digimons get sick more often and ennemies are stronger so I guess hard mode further enhance that.Is hard mode just further restriction on training effects? Or is there something else that changes in hard mode?
It's easier to see the power spikes in earlier gen since Gen 1 starts as basic as it gets which makes the jump to Gen 2 the biggest by far. As each gen progresses, the only way to continually get stronger is to be stronger than the gen before but as stats go higher the return from training and battle lessens. By that logic, the gap of the final stats between the two gens will become smaller as the stats gained plateaus which means the inherited stats gain will also be smaller. That's when we see diminishing returns from the generational jump.Is it possible to get weaker? I feel like I've hit a stat wall. Longer post incoming, but if anyone could give me some insight I'd very much appreciate it.
TL;DR- Gen 6, 7 and 8 partners had around the same end stats after messing with digivolutions stones and DNA digivolution. I don't feel like I'm surpassing previous generations like I should be. Several Mega digimon are still unattainable and I've already plateaued in terms of my parameters.
You are just one third into Chapter 1.So I'm about toand I'm still in Chapter 1. How long until Chapter 2? Just want to get a sense of the game's Taomon in the Server Desert
I'm on generation two of my Digimon, though I was able to get to Ultimate on my first go. Such a fun game but it's very tedious and repetitive. I enjoyed the grind in Cyber Sleuth much more.
Man after reading the comments I feel bad, you guys are getting megas around gen 2 while it took me till gen 4 to get my first one, shoot I'm on gen 9 atm with Mastemon, and Ophanimon and I still have a hard time against some ultimates. Any tip to help a noob out?
Life upgrades makes getting Megas a lot easier. Once you get the last upgrade you have around 15 days before your Ultimate dies. You have to take some time away from training to kill things because most Mega's have a Victory requirement. Also killing things has a decent chance for your Digimon to ask for Praise which makes finding out what you'll need to Digivolve quicker.
Thank you for this. You've been a huge help in this thread and I appreciate it! Restaurant alone is already making a world of difference....
This post becomes too long in the end but I hope that it will help you in training your future Digimon generations.
You are just one third into Chapter 1.
That is if we are just training normally rather than exploiting the features that we gained while playing the game. Once we reach the stats plateau, we not only have to train harder but also smarter. One of the thing that is mostly overlooked in the Digimon World games are the restaurants. Why does it exist when free foods are abundant, it doesn't make sense; actually it does.
Some restaurant meals not only satiates hunger, they also boost training results. The effect range from a 50% increase to sometimes double the stats gained from training. Eating restaurant's food to boost training from Rookie onwards will help tremendously as you will get ridiculous increase per stats early; something like ~300 per session. Seraphimon sells the best meal that increases training effectiveness of the four core stats. Restaurant meals also have a secondary effect of raising your stats a bit which adds up over time. The same meal sold by Seraphimon also increases HP by 500 each time they are eaten. A Rookie eats three times a day so that's already a free 1.5k increase per day and sometime they can eat twice.
I'm trying to decide whether to keep trying to progress or just wait until my Digimon die and start another generation. I BARELY squeaked by the boss at the end of Chapter 3. With transferring life I have about 4 days left before my first Digimon dies (with the other a few days after that). I'm also wondering if I should try going back to any of the Digimon I couldn't beat before. My Mega's right now have a bit over 20k hp and around 4.4k Strength and Stamina.
Edit: Ok I'm stuck right now. I need to recruit more Digimon but I'm not sure where to go. Wizardmon once offered to take me to a place I've never been to called I think Absolute Zero but I have no idea where that's at.
I never considered the possibility that the meals could be that potent compared to the regular training boosting ingredients... Well, time to start using those.
I'm currently fully invested on the lvl 3 Stock Market, now if only the prices would trend up...
Absolute Zero is accessed through Faulty Ex Machina. You have to do a couple of quests there to expand the available areas first though.
Alright, I'll head there. I still haven't been able to get the two Veedramon in the desert to come either.
Oh, I almost forgot. If you haven't done the area expansion quests yet you need to enter from MOD cape.
Some restaurant meals not only satiates hunger, they also boost training results. The effect range from a 50% increase to sometimes double the stats gained from training. Eating restaurant's food to boost training from Rookie onwards will help tremendously as you will get ridiculous increase per stats early; something like ~300 per session. Seraphimon sells the best meal that increases training effectiveness of the four core stats. Restaurant meals also have a secondary effect of raising your stats a bit which adds up over time. The same meal sold by Seraphimon also increases HP by 500 each time they are eaten. A Rookie eats three times a day so that's already a free 1.5k increase per day and sometime they can eat twice.
Alright, I'll head there. I still haven't been able to get the two Veedramon in the desert to come either.
Thanks although I felt like you're giving it too much credit lol.Thank you for this. You've been a huge help in this thread and I appreciate it! Restaurant alone is already making a world of difference.
Your posts are worthy of being linked in the OP somewhere, honestly. They'd be a huge help to people wanting to understand the late game systems and really maximize training efforts.
You need to talk to Ikkakumon in Absolute Zero first before you can recruit Seraphimon.I need to get myself Serphimon but when I spoke to him I can't do anything with him?
Red Digizoid is a super rare metal found in Logic Volcano. The hidden house area there have a mining spot that have a higher chance to get Red Digizoid.I can continue Chapter 4 now but I'm probably going to wait for my Digimon to die. In the meantime I'm try to upgrade some buildings. I need to find where to get some Red Digizoit and DigiStarwood.
Red Digizoid is a super rare metal found in Logic Volcano. The hidden house area there have a mining spot that have a higher chance to get Red Digizoid.
DigiStarwood is uncommonly available in Ohguino Wastelands and Bony Resort. Though there is a farm spot at the edge of Rose Palace near the cliff that will give you tons of DigiStarwood.
Also in general, you can check where to get them from the builder menu by pressing triangle after talking to Veemon. It will pull up a list of all the materials you collected and will tell you where to generally find them by highlighting it.
Yup, only discovered it recently myself. Made it easier narrowing down where to look.Didn't know he'd tell you where they're located.