Where are the locations Piedmon hides at? Want to know before I waste a lot of time there. Also I saw Justimon at Nex Machina but he ran off and I can't find him again.
Where are the locations Piedmon hides at? Want to know before I waste a lot of time there. Also I saw Justimon at Nex Machina but he ran off and I can't find him again.
What does Piedmon do? He warns me to *cough*SAVE*cough* before experimenting on my Digimon---is it something that could work majorly in my favor?
To the right of I believe the Red Room, it's in the SE corner of the main map---outside is three Toyagumon and inside is a Wizardmon.
Next, in the center town at the bottom of the hill, examine the trees around the room Monzaemon was in. He'll appear. Forgot which tree exactly.
Finally, go down to the Graveyard and into the church where Orphanimon is. Examine the brown piano to the far left of her in the corner.
What does Piedmon do? He warns me to *cough*SAVE*cough* before experimenting on my Digimon---is it something that could work majorly in my favor?
To the right of I believe the Red Room, it's in the SE corner of the main map---outside is three Toyagumon and inside is a Wizardmon.
Next, in the center town at the bottom of the hill, examine the trees around the room Monzaemon was in. He'll appear. Forgot which tree exactly.
Finally, go down to the Graveyard and into the church where Orphanimon is. Examine the brown piano to the far left of her in the corner.
Yeah, I'm on normal, but I like the extra challenge.
I know, that's the challenge I'm referring to. I'm enjoying my time with the game, why rush it?
Oh, by the way, what does it mean when your digimon has an "NG" icon after giving it orders?
Expand your adventure in the Digi'World with exciting free content:
- Additional scenario event, featuring a mysterious and powerful new Digimon!
- Agumon and Gabumon Digi'Eggs
It actually arived today! Gonna play in a bit.not bad!
It actually arived today! Gonna play in a bit.
Used? Nope.quick question, if I buy the game on eBay, does the money go to Bandai Namco?
Used? Nope.
New- probably in some form or the other.
Easy: for those new to the world of Digimon!
Normal: For those familiar with the world of Digimon!
Hm, nice trap. But you're not fooling me into a grind fest game.
tell me if I should buy yo!
Boltboutamon dlc is up in EU:
New scenario/quest & apparently talking agumon and gabumon digi eggs. The digimon evolve into their cannon evolutions which are also voiced. Combining them into omnimon results in a voiced omnimon.
No announcement or anything for this. More excited by the voiced digimon. I'm not a fan of Boltboutamons design considering the two digimon that fuse to make him have good designs imo.
Edit - nothing for U.S soz.
cheaper to go to bb or amazon if you have gcu or prime, hell BB has a deal where if you buy 2 namco bandai anime games you buy 1 get the other 50% off still. (if you want another NB game too ) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/anime-games-150425
nah man, you do what you gotta do.GAF, am I a scumbag? Last week, I picked up this game and tales of berseria from Bestbuy for 24 and 48 because of a deal they had, and then returned berseria this week, except the way the lady ran the return I got back $60 for it. So basically I got this game for $12. Im enjoying my first hour of the game, but I feel so guilty.
Yeah, according to people in the thread Normal should be pretty hard and grindy.how do you mean? you're going for easy?
holy moly, this game is long. I was planning to do a review of it but if wait to finish the game it will take me half a month.
i don't got prime, and with all the other stuff i'm buying soon i can only afford this now
how does the best buy shit work though? just order two and they take half off of one of them?
God, not having an actual Miyazaki Ayumi song for ExE is such a missed opportunity.
cyber sleuth was pretty long too but i played it like it was an addiction so i think i got through it relatively fast
They went the easy route in making the game harder for normal mode by lowering the efficiency of training and leaving the stats of the encounters the same.
This is kinda just fake difficulty though as it just means more grinding.
Boltboutamon dlc is up in EU:
New scenario/quest & apparently talking agumon and gabumon digi eggs. The digimon evolve into their cannon evolutions which are also voiced. Combining them into omnimon results in a voiced omnimon.
No announcement or anything for this. More excited by the voiced digimon. I'm not a fan of Boltboutamons design considering the two digimon that fuse to make him have good designs imo.
Edit - nothing for U.S soz.
i'll probably just do the eBay link, then.The ebay links seems fine, somebody bought 2 of them somewhere and then is reselling them i guess, unless they're stolen or something i don't see why/how it wouldn't be supporting BN, afaik they care about getting pre-orders more though. As the other person said the Amazon & Best Buy deals are better and what people were recommending [I'm not in the US] . You can use a prime trial to get the discount as well.
Yeah the best buy thing works that way, "effectively" getting two $60 games for $45 each.
well, fuck.It's longer than cyber sleuth since there's alot more to do post game. Also, the game is more difficult.
They went the easy route in making the game harder for normal mode by lowering the efficiency of training and leaving the stats of the encounters the same.
This is kinda just fake difficulty though as it just means more grinding.
Normally I'd agree, but somehow normal feels just like it should have been from the start and pretty faithful to the original. There's A TON of help to make your latter generations good by default after all. I remember beating Re digitize with all stats at 99 and regretting doing so, but it was so easy to achieve that I felt like I had to.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe normal is the standard. It was the only option in the Vita version, and they added Easy mode (hence "easy route in making the game easier") for the PS4 release.
Also, I'm kinda surprised by how many glitches I've run into. It's got nothing on the number of glitches in the original, but things like Digimon unable to change targets when one of multiple enemies is defeated, battle portraits and command points that persist after battle, invisible care bubbles. And I'm not sure if this is a glitch or a feature, but if one of my Digimon is hungry before a digivolution, they should still be hungry after a digivolution, especially if they weren't the ones to digivolve. Unless the hunger just got scared out of them. Not enough things to detract from the game, just unusual issues.
Is it a sign that a Mega is dying when they receive a large boost of fatigue when training?
Is it a sign that a Mega is dying when they receive a large boost of fatigue when training?
Expand your adventure in the Digi'World with exciting free content:
- Additional scenario event, featuring a mysterious and powerful new Digimon!
- Agumon and Gabumon Digi'Eggs
I softlocked in battle while attempting a double finisher. One of my partners would not do the powering up animation and the enemy can't damage your partners in the "before finisher" state.
Yup. Song is legit.Accentier has grown on me
What does TF mean and how do I get it? I can't remember.
"Training failures" I think. I imagine you get them by not taking them to the bathroom and stuff like that.
If you hit the requirements for more than one evolution, how is the evolution chosen? My Nyaromon had the requirements for Salamon but evolved into Biyomon. Which is what I wanted anyways but I thought it chose the first Digimon in the list?