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Dirt 3 |OT| "If in doubt, flat out"


DarkUSS said:
Game looks gorgeous and runs at about 50-60fps on ultra settings for me (Q9550 and GTX 460 1GB), however, I'm experiencing random crashes during the race/return to menu loading screens. Any ideas why this happens?

Another minor nuisance is that the game always starts with windowed mode and I have to press Alt+Enter to switch to full-screen mode every time.

Playing on a console will fix that right up.
Awesome, because the PSN Store is down. PS3 guys can't even play online since the VIP Pass doesn't offer a trial to avoid entering a PSN code.


(Returning and getting for the 360, me thinks)


got to play for about 1/2 hr today. 360 version.

it looks and plays great. i think it looks a good bit better than 2 on PC. the handling seems great so far too, i love how different it feels from Dirt 2. a bit tougher, but more realistic.

youtube feature is cool, but 30 seconds isnt much.

cant wait to play more.


Oneself said:
1) Oh I guess you mean, when you hit something real hard... it's a special effect actually...
Seriously?! Are you sure? Whose brilliant idea was that? If intentional, that static effect looks horrible and had me thinking it was a major glitch or that my PS3 was jacked up. Not a good choice.

Not just that, but it doesn't make logical sense. I mean, if the whole game were presented as though it was from the perspective of a video screen that might make sense. Then a heavy hit would seem like it was messing with the signal. But as it is, it comes out of nowhere and looks like shit.

And the overall framerate issues have me thinking that this is one of the first racing games in a while that should really be played on PC. A racing game that regularly drops to 20-25fps is not really acceptable--even on a console.


Looks like Ultra is only available on certain settings. I'm running:

Core i7 2600k @ 4.6ghz
ASUS DCII GTX 580 - newest beta drivers

With everything at Ultra (that can be tuned to ULTRA..rest High) and High post processing I'm getting avg fps of 69 and a minimum of 60. This is with 8x MSAA. (from benchmarking tool)

With 8x QCSAA enabled I got avg/min of 15 fps lool.

Will probably leave it here since I'm still getting 60 fps with everything pretty much maxed.
conman said:
A racing game that regularly drops to 20-25fps is not really acceptable--even on a console.
Ouch, well my interest in this title just evaporated.

I watched the gametrailers review and it did look like there were framerate issues, but they didn't mention anything about it.


thanks for the replies. think i am going to pick up both actually. i love racing games and even though my backlog will hate me for it i know i will play them both someday. and 2 is really cheap right now. for the poster that mentioned the story, thanks for the laugh (seriously).


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Neuromancer said:
They really didn't tone down the dude bro stuff at all. Codemasters, I am disappoint.

that, and for all the "simplification" of the menus they are just as slow and difficult to navigate and still have loading to access them. i think i preferred the car parks from 2!


derFeef said:
This game is amazing. No Hud cockpit all the way.

cockpit view in this game rules!

the only other game ive played where ive used it was PGR4. but this is just as good. its a bit harder to play in that view, but it looks so good and feels really immersive. love it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wow, first snow rally in mid-day norway. absolutely kick ass and damn is the road hard to make out! i may have to resort to some brightness/contrast adjustments to better make it out :p


Does anybody know who that guy was that made the mod for Dirt 2 that removed the piss filter? I think he was a GAffer; I sure hope he's planning on doing the same thing for 3.
This game is a lot of fun. No assists from the start, all 1st place and platinum so far. The DC events and gymkata can be tough. Don't understand all the hate for the menus and dialog, sure the dudebro is corny but is anyone playing this for story?. Could give a fuck what happens in between events as long as the pace notes are good and it handles well. Plays well on PS3...other than online. Heheh
Just learned over in the official forum they took out being able to race any kind of vehicle on any track in an online, unranked Jam Session, like you could in Dirt 2. Major bummer. Playing the landrush and trailblazer tracks with regular rally cars was so much fun. In fact I don't think you can even do it any more in single player either.



THRUSTMASTER T500 RS + DIRT 3 Youtube Video

Picked up the PS3 version of Dirt 3 today and tried it out with the Thrustmaster T500 RS. All I can say is Holy Crap what an amazing experience. The video doesn't do the combination justice as it can't really convey the feeling of the force feedback and all the nuances in the varying road surfaces.

I do have to say though there are a couple of minor bugs that hopefully Codemasters will patch in the near future.

one thing is the wheel will jerk to the left during the results screen when it's showing you the rewards. for each reward notification the wheel will jerk to the left about three times total.

another thing is during races, if you try to use flashbacks, the L1 and R1 buttons do not work so basically if you are using this wheel, then no flashbacks lol. but you shouldn't anyways since that's pretty weak.

Other than those two, one minor thing when you are setting up the wheel is just go to advanced wheel settings and change the scaling/ wheel acceleration to zero. I also turned up the force feedback strength to max and set the wheel resistance to max. default is at 50.


If you have a dedicated sound card in your PC you could use that in Dirt 2, the option for hardware sound rendering seems to have been removed in 3. Rapture works well enough but I'd much prefer to offload sound duties to dedicated hardware since I have it.

I'm going to jump on the "BRO SICK RACE BRO" hate bandwagon, worst bit of an otherwise spectacular game.


A friend of mine stopped by this evening with the PS3 version. We played about an hour of splitscreen (tried each mode once) and I wasn't impressed with the visuals. I'm guessing that single player looks much better but I didn't get a chance to see it. Overall it's pretty solid, but it's far from being the rally-focused game that many of us were hoping for.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Mylene said:
I do have to say though there are a couple of minor bugs that hopefully Codemasters will patch in the near future.

one thing is the wheel will jerk to the left during the results screen when it's showing you the rewards. for each reward notification the wheel will jerk to the left about three times total.

happens with the MS wheel too


Gettin' a bug here on the PC version. For some reason the sun and anything else pure white shows up as pure red or blue or purple. Menus, races, doesn't matter. The weird thing is when I run the game windowed it looks fine. Tried disabling steam overlay, but no good. I'll probably try redownloading it overnight to see if that fixes it. Pretty bummed atm, but I guess I'll just play windowed for now and hope for the best tomorrow.

HD5850 btw.

edit - seems a simple graphics drivers update might do the trick. Shoulda thought of that.
e2 - Yup, totally fixed it. I'm an idiot.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
really looking forward to doing some time attack in the near future - this is an instant classic for rally fans. the stages and handling definitely provide for the seat of your pants racing excitement, particularly norway and the cross over stages.


Played some online and was pleased with the way they've implemented a hardcore mode with the fixed cockpit view and no assists or hud, so everybody is on equal footing. That wasn't in the previous game right? It's definitely a hell of a challenge when you've yet to learn the tracks or cars!

With the steam version, the steam screenshot feature doesn't seem to be working for me. Is this a known issue or is there some setting I've messed up?


Neuromancer said:
They really didn't tone down the dude bro stuff at all. Codemasters, I am disappoint.
"Hey amigo, that's so rad, that's totally awesome, you're a rockstar muchacho"

Pleeease make it stop!

No offense but Ken Block doesn't sound like a genius either.

Mobius 1

First impressions (PS3):

- The Dudebro bullshit is toned down. Not gone, but bearable in light of what's in the game.

- The rally stages I've played so far are short, but enjoyable. Road surface detail is good and the scenery is spectacular.

- Difficulty only becomes interesting at 5. The first thing you need to do is go into the settings and disable all assists, then bump the difficulty/opponents to 5. The game then shows it's quality - reminds me of the gameplay from CMR2, and that's a very good thing.

- The car selection is AWESOME. It's unfortunate that some of the classic livery isn't available, but the cars look and sound great.

- Replays are amazing. Even though some of the camera angles are stupid, when it works it gives you a FUCK YEAH feeling.

- Soundtrack is great.

- Even installed to the hard drive, the load times are not short.

- Not enough rally, but that's a personal preference. Toss out all the x-games rubbish and give me a classic WRC inspired title.

- Did I say it's visually amazing?

If you even remotely enjoy rally, go buy this. Once multiplayer is up and running for us ghetto PSN dwellers, it's gonna get out of control.
Oneself said:
"Hey amigo, that's so rad, that's totally awesome, you're a rockstar muchacho"

Pleeease make it stop!

No offense but Ken Block doesn't sound like a genius either.

The amigo thing is weird. Do people talk like that outside of Mexico?


Finally fixed issue. No way I should've gotten 15 fps on a gtx 580 with 8xqcsaa. Ran test again and ended up getting avg 68 fps with minimum of 60 fps with everything max (except vsync). Now that that is settled I can finally play the game tomorrow with my g27 :p

Just curious...how do the console versions run FPS wise?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Smokey said:
Finally fixed issue. No way I should've gotten 15 fps on a gtx 580 with 8xqcsaa. Ran test again and ended up getting avg 68 fps with minimum of 60 fps with everything max (except vsync). Now that that is settled I can finally play the game tomorrow with my g27 :p

Just curious...how do the console versions run FPS wise?

360 here and i havent noticed any drops from 30fps


360, So much loading screens...more time in the menus and loading screen than actual racing. The cars sure are sensitive, It's taking me awhile to perfect it. I played on Advanced and I still got first place in the races :D


Smokey said:
Finally fixed issue. No way I should've gotten 15 fps on a gtx 580 with 8xqcsaa. Ran test again and ended up getting avg 68 fps with minimum of 60 fps with everything max (except vsync). Now that that is settled I can finally play the game tomorrow with my g27 :p

Just curious...how do the console versions run FPS wise?
How did you fix it? Not that I need it, but others have been having pretty severe problems with DX11 and nVidia cards.


1-D_FTW said:
I'm beginning to wonder if EVERYONE who has the crashes on Codemasters games in DX11 is running a GTX 460.

I haven't had a crash with Dirt 2 or 3 with my 460 in DX11.


jlevel13 said:
Played some online and was pleased with the way they've implemented a hardcore mode with the fixed cockpit view and no assists or hud, so everybody is on equal footing. That wasn't in the previous game right? It's definitely a hell of a challenge when you've yet to learn the tracks or cars!

so thats what Hardcore is? that sounds fantastic. cant wait to try that out online after a bit of practice.


akskiller said:
I have a gtx460 and no crashes. How do I know if my game is running DX11? Is it on by default?
Pretty sure that if you can select "Ultra" on some of the graphics options (not all) then you're DX11. That's how it's been with other Codies games, anyway (afaik).


Shaneus said:
Pretty sure that if you can select "Ultra" on some of the graphics options (not all) then you're DX11. That's how it's been with other Codies games, anyway (afaik).
Yeah, I have Ultra on some settings including AO.


I've encountered pretty weird stuff with my laptop.

Desktop rig runs it fine above 50fps (1366 x 768 with everything on Ultra on E8400 + GTX 460).

But when turning to the laptop (i7 Q920 Geforce 445m, 4 Gigs), I am strangly obtaining MUCH greater scores on high settings (Min 30 fps for same resolution as above, for 34 fps average) than medium settings (18fps min for 21 fps average). All that on the Benchmark mode... I am yet to find an explanation so far.

Has anyone encountered similar issues? I was hoping that medium settings would allow me to gain some fps (I usually don't mind 30 fps, safe for racers and fast paced shooters).

When I'm home, no issues to play it on the desktop though, and it's amazing, driving sensations have been slightly improved since Dirt 2(not a huge gap though), the game looks even better, Dudebro mode has been toned down and the focus on rally is greater...what else can I ask (well, aside from even less Dudebro)?


Love this game!!! Just spent about 5 hrs online with the same bunch of random guys and had a freaking blast!! Ill be online in this version alot more than i was in Dirt 1 or 2.


Finally got my game to launch *shakes fist* at Codemasters.. I'm only a few races in but I'm already in love. I really need to look into getting a wheel.


Oneself said:
No offense but Ken Block doesn't sound like a genius either.

Yeah I think the main problem with Ken though is the one guy is all

"These jumps are siiick! Ken, explain how the master gets so much air dude!"

Ken: "Well you go off the ramp at a straight angle."

Dudemanguy: "Sweet! time to get your jump on bro."

All the while talking about a ramp that elevates you off the ground maybe two feet.
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