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Dirt 3 |OT| "If in doubt, flat out"


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
One of my most hated things, after cruelty of man and the aids virus is when they take away control in menus just to have to listen to some assface describe what the options do or some other inane BS.
Corky said:
One of my most hated things, after cruelty of man and the aids virus is when they take away control in menus just to have to listen to some assface describe what the options do or some other inane BS.

Oh God, I tried to start DiRT 2 again tonight for a quick 10 minute spin, but this shit forced me to close it down.


I got through the first of the gymkhana crap. Yeah it's crap, I get the complaints. I laughed when the guys were freaking out about a ramp that caused 3ft jumps.


Got this on 360, enjoying it so far.
It crashed right after my first event, but it's been fine for over four hours, apart from one 4 second freeze (maybe my xbox is dying).
The game looks great, sounds great and I love the soundtrack. Had some good fun online with the staggered start rallying. I'm not too keen on the Gymkhana stuff, but it might grow on me.
My only complaint is the OTT voices, I can live with it, but it's annoying.
I want pure rally as much as most of you here but I enjoy the Gymkhana stuff, it's a challenge to hit plat and I have no problem doing the stuff they ask. I prefer it over tons of buggy and truck shit from dirt 2.


Diablohead said:
I want pure rally as much as most of you here but I enjoy the Gymkhana stuff, it's a challenge to hit plat and I have no problem doing the stuff they ask. I prefer it over tons of buggy and truck shit from dirt 2.
Same here, I really wish Dirt was just cars. Trucks and buggies really bring the game down.
InertiaXr said:
Does anybody know who that guy was that made the mod for Dirt 2 that removed the piss filter? I think he was a GAffer; I sure hope he's planning on doing the same thing for 3.

That was Skyjone on the dirt 2 codemasters forums, I was adjusting it to my tastes but sadly lost the files so gave up, right now I love how dirt 3 looks so I myself won't be touching it for a while, someone out there will as they seem to always do now.

Crag Dweller

aka kindbudmaster
op_ivy said:
wow, first snow rally in mid-day norway. absolutely kick ass and damn is the road hard to make out! i may have to resort to some brightness/contrast adjustments to better make it out :p

You could always turn on the racing line. ;P
Downloaded this overnight and played through the first set of races this morning. It's beautiful and I can't wait to get home to play more tonight. I think it'll be worth moving the computer over to the TV (Kuro) via HDMI for this one. Initially had the red sun display issue on my HD5850 but that's really my fault for not updating my drivers in so long.
Delightful Oonsk said:
Yeah I think the main problem with Ken though is the one guy is all

"These jumps are siiick! Ken, explain how the master gets so much air dude!"

Ken: "Well you go off the ramp at a straight angle."

Dudemanguy: "Sweet! time to get your jump on bro."

All the while talking about a ramp that elevates you off the ground maybe two feet.

That was beyond ridiculous. All the chit chat and the fact that yeah... Those were 2ft jumps. The dude was having an ogasm right there, I wonder what he'll feel if I ever get to do bigger jumps later on. I'm furiously pressing A in the menus to skip all the videos and random talk from that girl with the other guy. Basically they're all a bunch of random guys and girls. At least on F1 2010 my manager had a face and a name, and I 'respected' her more because of that.

By the way I have Ultra options on DX9. The only ones I can't have on Ultra are Cloth and Post Processing like in Dirt 2, pretty sure of this. Cloth is barely noticeable, I've barely seen it so far up until Season 2, and Post Processing nearly didn't do anything in Dirt 2 and I bet it doesn't do anything you'd notice while racing on this game either.

Edit: Wow so... Only 7 locations in the game? I was looking forward to find out some new ones after season 2 like how you unocked new areas in Dirt 2 while leveling up but... Bah. Even less than in Dirt 2. Monte Carlo and Shibuya can't come son enough I guess...


Really enjoying Dirt 3 so far. I usually don't play racing games, but was in love with Dirt 2, and 3 was one of the few games I was really looking forward to this year. Was able to get it and really am liking it.

Is it just me, or is it harder than 2? Maybe I'm just not used to Dirt because I haven't played 2 in a while.


1-D_FTW said:
The thing that irks me is, Codemasters and Helios_CM don't even seem to care. It's clearly a well known issue. I would love to provide them with the MS error crash reports (that mean nothing to me, but must provide some quality answers to engineers), but silence is the approach they take. Don't acknowledge it's an issue. Maybe it's not even their fault. Maybe they could place the blame on Nvidia and provide them the evidence of what needs addressing in drivers. But it's just crickets.

I sent an email to the devs not just this morning about this issue, the team are investigating now and trying to replicate the issue in-house.

We've got a bug reporting thread going on our forums atm, if you have an account on our forums and could post details about the issue in there that would be a great help.




Pimpbaa said:
I haven't had a crash with Dirt 2 or 3 with my 460 in DX11.

Clearly it's not effecting everyone. And some people have noted it running cards that aren't 460s (although it's fairly common for 460 to be singled out). I wonder if it's a manufacturer issue. Or if there are some defective cards (with the majority just being 460s) that function fine, unless they're exposed to whatever Codemaster is doing in DX11. It wouldn't be the first time Nvidia has large quantities of flawed chips in the wild. I've run other DX11 games and never had a single crash in those games, so it's clearly not a wholesale problem. Just exclusive to whatever Codemasters does.

That's why it's puzzling why they'd rather sweep it under the rug. If it's purely a driver issue (based on certain manufacturers), or whether it's a chipset issue, expose the problem and place the blame on Nvidia. My 460 card is still under warranty, so if it's a flawed chip that's giving Codemaster's such a bad name, they should expose it. I'd love to do an RMA if this is the problem.

I'm sure if they took the Crash reports from all of their disgruntled customers, they could probably isolate the issue fairly quickly (or at least get help from MS to determine what it means and what the common link is).

Helios_CM said:
I sent an email to the devs not just this morning about this issue, the team are investigating now and trying to replicate the issue in-house.

We've got a bug reporting thread going on our forums atm, if you have an account on our forums and could post details about the issue in there that would be a great help.



I'm looking for a thread I made months ago that listed error reports from Dirt 2 and F1 2010. I'll post when I find (if I can).

EDIT: I'll have to play later this evening and generate some new error reports. It's impossible to find old threads through google anymore.


Bought for the PS3.

First thing is that does not feel like a 30fps game at all. It's really really fluid and nice to look at ( if you don't notice some "last generation" things like people and marshalls roadside ).

Did not have time to mount the wheel, tried only with the pad, disabled all aids. There is too much grip on gravel and snow, but apart from that fells at least decent, fun for sure.

Cars feel different one from another, and the differencies between them are as expected.

Car sounds are good, co-pilot is sometimes different to hear.

Really waiting to find the time to mount the wheel and test more.
Some new fans arrived today, now I can play more :D

I just unlocked a chrome lancer skin from earning fame rank 10 online, bet that looks rather cool in a race replay.
Played this for a few hours at a buddy's place. (pc version)

I enjoy the driving a lot more than in dirt2 , powerslides are a lot more satisfying, you get rewarded with speed more for taking corners well, more variation in handling between car types, buggies and trucks no longer suck balls, image quality is impeccable thanks to proper msaa support, very stable framerate.

Driving feels a lot closer to the old colin mc rae games (which is a good thing) than in dirt 2.
Nothing will ever come close to CMR2 tarmac racing fun though, best feeling of grip ever.

The rumble effects on my dual shock 3 were a lot better than in dirt 2 too (played dirt 2 on the ps3 though, not on pc)
The game controls well with a pad too, unlike gt5 and shift which really need a wheel to be enjoyable (if you are used to a wheel).

Sound is really good during a race, all the little sound effects from the road surface and passing by objects and water splashes and gear changes.

Some things that really bug me though:
-Loading times : what the fuck, I spent so much time staring at long loading screens, unacceptable on pc.

-Piss filter: it's still there... less saturated than in dirt 2, and with several different colors depending on the track, but it's still there and I still despise it.

-Voice overs : why won't they stop talking? It took forever to get into the first race from the set up menu because they simply wouldn't... stop... talking...
They shut up more after that, but man that was annoying.

-Graphics: It was only on a dx10 card, so we couldn't max every setting but :
Car models are seriously dissapointing compared to gt or even forza.
Textures aren't very good, it looks pretty good in motion but the car and road textures are fairly low res.
Interiors look a lot better than in dirt 2 though.

-default controller settings on pc are terrible: there's a huge deadzone, your entire steering range seems set in a very small movement range on the controller.
After adjusting the deadzone down and the sensitivity spread it became ten times better to control.
No wonder people in the dirt 3 videos always sucked so much at driving... I can't even imagine trying to steer with those settings if you also have to deal with vsync input lag and lcd tv input lag.

-It's still very very arcade, it's a bit less forgiving than dirt 2 and the handling is a lot more fun, but turning all the assists off doesn't really do anything it's still very easy.
Even with everything turned off I'm pretty sure there's still something similar to skid recovery force active from GT5.
I'll throw the car around too much, should be spinning out wildly after landing a jump but it just auto corrects itself even if I didn't touch the stick.

The game does a good job though to make you feel like you are driving well, which is always nice in an arcade racer.

I should have taken my wheel along to try that.

-GFWL: I hate it so much, the game takes an annoyingly long time to start because of the gfwl crap, first time set up, having to enter the stupid code etc took way too long.


Anyone get that lag/stutter randomly in the game, where you lose control and it skips frames?

I can hold 66 fps at High setting with a Core 2 Duo and a Radeon 4870, but this random stutter throws off my driving.

And holy shit, spent 20 minutes on this GFWL garbage, what a piece of trash.


SneakyStephan said:
Played this for a few hours at a buddy's place. (pc version)

-Loading times : what the fuck, I spent so much time staring at long loading screens, unacceptable on pc.

That's dependent on the PC, for instance my games load super quick...although in multiplayer that does mean I have to wait for the slow coaches (Acrid) :)
Orgun said:
That's dependent on the PC, for instance my games load super quick...although in multiplayer that does mean I have to wait for the slow coaches (Acrid) :)

Well we played some shift 2 (controller wasn't working cos the new ds3tool update apparently defaults to digital generic pad mode even if you select 360 controller emulation, so we tried another game to see if it was just dirt 3 or ds3tool) and loading was really fast.
Other games have also always loaded plenty fast on his pc.

But here it was literally 10-20 second loading times...

So let me rephrase: loading times were unusually long compared to most other games on the same pc.
I guess the game doesn't bother caching much into your ram between races (console port n all).


Hey amigo! I don't know if it's supposed to be more varied this time around but it totally feels much more repetitive than the two other Dirt games to me so far dude.
This one's got more (1min) rally events- ok muchacho ... maybe, but we get less varied locales & lots of shitty events like drifting and Gymkhana shit.. rockstar!.. which, in my opinion, is much less rad than trucks & buggys.

It does feel more rushed than Dirt2 .. maybe less budget?


Shaneus said:
How did you fix it? Not that I need it, but others have been having pretty severe problems with DX11 and nVidia cards.

I had AA enabled in the Nvidia control panel, and set to override whatever the game was using. I disabled that and ran te 8x qscaa directly through Dirt 3. Went from ULTRA everything (1080p) with 8x qscaa from 15fps to 60 fps. I'm also using the beta drivers on my 580. Don't know if they help any, but I haven't had a crash yet.


SneakyStephan said:
-default controller settings on pc are terrible: there's a huge deadzone, your entire steering range seems set in a very small movement range on the controller.
After adjusting the deadzone down and the sensitivity spread it became ten times better to control.
No wonder people in the dirt 3 videos always sucked so much at driving... I can't even imagine trying to steer with those settings if you also have to deal with vsync input lag and lcd tv input lag.

Would you mind posting what your controller settings are? I've played about 10 hours so far using default settings with a 360 controller on PC, and never thought too much about it, but as I read what you said I now can understand what your saying...


Man the crashing when on a loading screen and a notification/dashboard opens is fucking ridiculous. 5 times now, twice cos of achievements.

Am I the only one having this problem? Xbox 360 obviously...
HixxSAFC said:
Man the crashing when on a loading screen and a notification/dashboard opens is fucking ridiculous. 5 times now, twice cos of achievements.

Am I the only one having this problem? Xbox 360 obviously...
I've probably spent around 8 hours playing it so far and haven't had any issues.


Do you have it installed?

It's not just a game crash, completely locks up the console, have to press the power button for it to do anything.
InertiaXr said:
Would you mind posting what your controller settings are? I've played about 10 hours so far using default settings with a 360 controller on PC, and never thought too much about it, but as I read what you said I now can understand what your saying...

Leme ask ,I'll write em down for ya and post here in a bit.

@deathistheend (nice name btw): obligatory your console is already dead.gif
weird, game doesn't launch full screen for me on steam version

initial impressions - ugly limited draw distaince environments for rally. then tried kenya - at sunset. wow, looks amazing. game redeemed.
cleveridea said:
weird, game doesn't launch full screen for me on steam version

initial impressions - ugly limited draw distaince environments for rally. then tried kenya - at sunset. wow, looks amazing. game redeemed.

yeah the visuals are kind of all over the place.
Grey rainy day stages look ugly, the first nighttime buggy race in the snow looked great because of the lighting, kenya looks awesome too.

Cars look good from a distance but up close the models suck, so low poly, interiors look great etc etc.


How do you drift in this? I'm new to car games; when I brake before a turn I can't keep my car from doing a 180 degree turn.


moojuice said:
Great, 360 version keeps freezing on the load screen after the very first race. Tried it three times, froze every time, then tried turning off autosave, still froze fourth time. I'll try uninstalling it then racing to see if that fixes it after I don't feel like snapping the disc in half anymore.

I have the exact same problem. I was beginning to think it's my system (360s). Now I'm not so sure. I bought Dirt 3 on PC too. It also crashes on loads, but it seems random on PC. Looks like it might be a DX11 issue.

Can anyone tell me how to force DX9?
Ken said:
How do you drift in this? I'm new to car games; when I brake before a turn I can't keep my car from doing a 180 degree turn.

Try to set steering
Deadzone 10-15 degrees
Saturation 80 percent
Linearity 3

In the controller options, it helped make things a lot less finnicky.

Inertia this also answers your question.
I play in DX9 because my card is DX10 only, loading times for me in this game take 15-20 seconds and obviously if the car is already in memory it's a little quicker, some people get much faster loading in dx11 for whatever reasons but I can't try it.

If you are getting loading times beyond 20 seconds on pc (and i'm not pointing the blame here) but it must be to do with the hdd data speeds or something, if you are getting 40+ sec loading on pc something is choking somewhere.

To compare Dirt 2 loads in the same time but because that game had transaction animations it felt longer then it needed to be.
SneakyStephan said:
-GFWL: I hate it so much, the game takes an annoyingly long time to start because of the gfwl crap, first time set up, having to enter the stupid code etc took way too long.
Might be because I own multiple GFWL titles but all you do it enter your cd key on bootup and that's it, if you keep the box ticked for auto login, every time I play the game gfwl just does its stuff in the background and that's that.

First time gfwl setup might be a little longer but once you done it before it's stored and saved.
Corky said:
One of my most hated things, after cruelty of man and the aids virus is when they take away control in menus just to have to listen to some assface describe what the options do or some other inane BS.
Yeah. That stuff is really bad.


HixxSAFC said:
Man the crashing when on a loading screen and a notification/dashboard opens is fucking ridiculous. 5 times now, twice cos of achievements.

Am I the only one having this problem? Xbox 360 obviously...
Never once had this problem, sorry... Maybe clear your cache and delete/reinstall?

Delightful Oonsk said:
Yeah I think the main problem with Ken though is the one guy is all

"These jumps are siiick! Ken, explain how the master gets so much air dude!"

Ken: "Well you go off the ramp at a straight angle."

Dudemanguy: "Sweet! time to get your jump on bro."

All the while talking about a ramp that elevates you off the ground maybe two feet.
Haha so true


zorbsie said:
I have the exact same problem. I was beginning to think it's my system (360s). Now I'm not so sure. I bought Dirt 3 on PC too. It also crashes on loads, but it seems random on PC. Looks like it might be a DX11 issue.

Can anyone tell me how to force DX9?

Go the config. Should be in My documents/My Games/Dirt 3/Hardware settings (maybe). Open config in text editor change dx9 mode = false to true.

cleveridea said:
weird, game doesn't launch full screen for me on steam version

initial impressions - ugly limited draw distaince environments for rally. then tried kenya - at sunset. wow, looks amazing. game redeemed.


exit the game. it should now launch into full screen.

Thanks to denog for that tip btw..was bothering me last night as well.


SneakyStephan said:
Try to set steering
Deadzone 10-15 degrees
Saturation 80 percent
Linearity 3

In the controller options, it helped make things a lot less finnicky.

Inertia this also answers your question.

Appreciate it, just a few races with this so far and it's starting to feel and look more like how rally should be.

Edit: Wow, this makes Gymkhana go from openly frustrating and something to outright avoid to something I can endure for the points to advance the Tour thing. Feels much better controlling the car and easier to do donuts around the bigger stanchions.

In another vein, is there any way to actually customize your UI? If you turn the minimap off in the options it either gives you both the minimap and the huge thing on the side telling you how far in the stage you are, or neither. Why is there even an option menu for customizing the UI if you can't actually customize the UI to your wants? I want the minimap at the top only, not the huge thing on the side telling me how far into 1 minute 30 seconds stages I am. ugh
I forgot to talk about this earlier, I find that all the night races are too bright, the moon is up and we are in a forest yet there is a light source from somewhere, it's unrealistic. What I do is stick the ingame brightness to 0.7 so it makes the trees in the distance near pitch black like they should be, then only the car lights or any road side lights are your guide and it's really good, it's how night time races should be not this mid grey toned fake night time stuff.

*edit* my new fans working a treat, c2d idles at 38c now and while playing only reaches 44c :D much better then hitting 60's


Orgun said:
That's dependent on the PC, for instance my games load super quick...although in multiplayer that does mean I have to wait for the slow coaches (Acrid) :)

That's because Acrid is DX9. From my previous experience it's about 3 seconds to load those games in DX 11 mode and a good 20 seconds to load when in DX 9 mode.


whenever i take a screenshot using afterburner it comes out black, i think its something to do
with dx11 but its never happened in other games
Freezing on 360 is terrible. I've played about 3 hours, and had 4 freezes, all occurred during a loading screen between 2 events.

I have no other games freezing, and my 360 is a new slim, so there it is not my Xbox at fault.


i haven't had any freezing on 360. I have the game installed if that makes a difference.

Controls are so much better than 2, also it seems a little harder
Keyser Soze said:
Freezing on 360 is terrible. I've played about 3 hours, and had 4 freezes, all occurred during a loading screen between 2 events.

I have no other games freezing, and my 360 is a new slim, so there it is not my Xbox at fault.
I've heard about other people having this problem (I haven't personally). Not sure what the cause is but it can't hurt to clear your cache and reinstall your game.
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