Would this game be a good start if you never played a turn based rpg before?
I was always kinda ignorant to the genre but the high praise makes me want to try it out.
So would this be ok for a beginner or should I start with something more "basic"?
If you've never played something like this you'll probably have more problems with the amount of options and choices in front of you than the battle system itself.Would this game be a good start if you never played a turn based rpg before?
I was always kinda ignorant to the genre but the high praise makes me want to try it out.
So would this be ok for a beginner or should I start with something more "basic"?
How much will be lost by not playing this game co-op?
I've got a couple friends who may go in on this on PC, but the actual opportunities to play together will be limited. Still worth it for solo?
Absolutely, it's great solo. You still get 3 other party members. This is the first game like this I've played where I can't wait to play it again in coop just to do things differently. I'm purposely leaving out a rogue from my group because I want to play that style with a buddy.
Are the improvements and QOL changes large enough, that I can skip the first?
Got a question for those that have played it;is it possible to do a no combat playthrough or are there obligatory dungeons and what not in the game?
Got a question for those that have played it;is it possible to do a no combat playthrough or are there obligatory dungeons and what not in the game?
Congrats to Larian on the big success,now all i need is release dates for Six Ages and No Truce With The Furies to complete the CRPG renaissance for me.
Are the improvements and QOL changes large enough, that I can skip the first?
Shit. Want. This wasnt even on my radar since I have no gaming PC.
Can't have, but want.
2017 is fucking nuts.
But when is the ps4 version? I don't have a pc :'(
This is quite a bit spoilery for Act 1 so thread carefully.https://twitter.com/bleatingheart/status/909652050304290816
Hmm, I wonder what this is about. She's reviewing the game for Polygon.
I loved the first one after buying it on sale. Knew long before I got finished with it that it was exactly the type of game I had been wanting to play, which struck me odd as I couldn't muster the strength to play through Pillars of Eternity even though I backed it.
The most surprising thing though is how much I'm enjoying playing Co-op with my brother. It boggles my mind how they managed to make a battle system like this work with multiple players. That said, my fights usually play out like this.
Is the story and dialogue as cheesy as the first one? I stopped playing that game because all that corniness would destroy my immersion.
Hmm, I wonder what this is about. She's reviewing the game for Polygon.
This is quite a bit spoilery for Act 1 so thread carefully.It could be that she's forced to kill one of the companions, or more of them later in the game. Sebille's(or elven really) god told me I would need to get rid of my companions at some point because they're competition. And he also straight up told me to kill Lohse right now.
Hmm, I wonder what this is about. She's reviewing the game for Polygon.
Definitely wouldn't stop me, but who knows, people are different. It's either something along those lines or she found something in the game to be offended about.I doubt that'll make her want to stop playing. Yeah, it was a huge plot twist but not game-breaking.
Probably related to mid-age craziness (racists, sexists, slavery, etc). The game is very heavy on those.
Oh dear - an RPG is forcing the player to make a decision that they may feel terrible about either way! Heavens no!![]()
Story and writing so far (35 hours) have been miles better than the first game. It's more serious and darker.
Definitely wouldn't stop me, but who knows, people are different. It's either something along those lines or she found something in the game to be offended about.
But it still has humor, it doesn't go fully grimdark. They nail the balance much better this time. It's serious when it needs to, story beats have the weight they need to have and there's some very dark and serious quests, stories and characters. The writing knows how to loosen the tie when appropriate, the world still has humor and amusing characters without taking away from the story.
That sounds really nice. In theory I have no problem with full "seriousness" but in practice it often becomes a slog. Most of my favorite RPGs, like The Witcher III, Final Fantasy VII and Baldur's Gate II are all punctuated with moments of levity, which really makes them much more compelling journeys given the length and the commitment that they ask of you.
"Humor" isn't something I actively look for in RPG writing, but having moments of lightness is critical in longer games.
Not many reviews yet, I guess no one got early code?
Not that it really matters to any of us, I think we all know this game is awesome
But more exposure for Larian would be good.
I am loving this game so far, so I am glad it is reviewing well. The fights on the harder difficultly don't pull any punches either. I had to play smart even during the initial tutorial fights.
I love how many options the game gives you. For one fight I teleported the enemies into a closed off space where they were trapped for the whole fight.
I'm doing it Co-Op on Classic and...while having 4 people makes it chaotic to the point I'm kinda unsure whats actually going on...the scope of things you can do blows my mind. We felt like we "broke" a puzzle section, and cheesed another encounter but the fact the game gives you this wide range of tools isn't gonna hold you back if you find the winning combo is lovely.
I think we are about 2/3 through Act 1, according to my friend who played EA, and that's at about 12 hours or so (although it'd be 15-16 if the saves still counted times we had to reload). Also once I finally got enough gold to nab a bunch of skillbooks for my Shadowblade I'm not zipping around the battle-field, dealings tons of damage.
I one shot the (mid/late Act 1 spoilers)with Ruptured Tendons as after she started to run away she basically flopped over and died straight away. It made the fight feel easy but in a pleasant "We did really well" way rather than "This game is piss easy" etc.Witch in the Cave, near the Dragon
Feels like it'd be my GOTY so far, although it depends on if we finish it before the year is up :
I am going it solo and tactician and boy are the enemies tough. I died on the first fight since it was two and one and had to get a good strategy to win. The physical and magic armor really adds depth since you can't immediately cheese status effects. I enjoy setting poisonous enemies on fire since every time attack them physically, they release more poison which immediately explodes and deals extra damage. I am still at Fort Joy myself since I am combing every inch of the place and fooling around.
The only complaint so far is you get to pick your companion's class, but not how the initial stat points are distributed. Ask someone to be a thief and they put no points in the thief skill, which is made more frustrating by how long it takes for you to gain civil skill points.
I only scratched the surface I'm only 5 hours in but I can already tell it's going to make my GOTY list for sure. The characters are all so likeable especially Fane. The narrator and voice actors are really helping me to immerse myself into the game which is a big plus compared to the first game. No surprise the reviews are that good it's so hard to not like this game if you only have a tiny bit of interest in RPGs. It has a chance to make even my Top 5 best RPGs of all-time and I played alot of them. Larian and Cdproject are making me excited what the future holds for the Rpg market.
I wonder if there will be a mod that address that. My main gripe is that I can't build my party like I want, but i suppose that gives it more of a sense of "these are actual other people who had lives before they met me on Ft. Joy"
You get free, full party respecs in Act 2 but that is a fair bit into the game obviously.
Excellent reviews. I want to play the previous one first.