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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


The Matrix is a long-established piece of Who lore, going back to the Fourth Doctor.

As for why?

The Time Lords are assholes who are really smart, but who think they're even smarter than they actually are. That's why.

Well I think I should say the Cloister Wraiths and not the Matrix.
This is what I get for not buying the Series 6 DVD... that said the only Series Six DVD I'd buy would be one that literally had Doctor's Wife and Girl Who Waited on the disc.

Seriously fuck Series 6. Unsatisfying arc bullshit.


Series 6 has a decent number of really good episodes, it's just all the arc stuff that really lets it down.

I don't mind that either-in fact it's one of the more memorable "arcs" for me. The Silence, Flesh Amy, River's identity, Let's Kill Hitler, the craziness of The Wedding of River Song. I love all that stuff.


Season 6 is good. The two part opener was brilliant. Didn't make a lick of sense even by the standards set by this show, but it was bombastic, out there and gorgeous to look at. 'The Girl Who Waited' and 'The God Complex' are also very good. And of course there is 'The Doctor's Wife' which is one of the best episodes they've done since the reboot.
Series 6 is one of the most uneven series we've had in the modern era. Proper top-shelf stuff (The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, I'd argue A Good Man Goes To War) sat right next to utter dross (The Curse of the Black Spot, The Almost People, Let's Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song).

What really hamstrung it was the fact that Moffat dropped the ball so hard on the two episodes that were really needed to tie the arc together. Between that and The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe, I'd be fascinated to read a behind-the-scenes exposé of that point in the show's development. If only Moffat was up for doing his own Writer's Tale!
Series 6 is lesser than the sum of its parts. I'm rather fond of the Rebel Flesh/Almost People. And I'm more fond than most of Let's Kill Hitler. But it just doesn't really work as a whole for me. Maybe it's because I'm really not that fond of the Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. Smith's shitty fake beard is really immersion-breaking.


Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that it was old man Rassilon and not a new president. Clearly I went deaf whenever they said his name.


As long as no one tries to defend Love & Monsters its all good. I still think Fear Her is pretty solid. But I also liked electro Master so...

See, to me at least Love & Monsters was trying something different. Fear Me was just so... pedestrian.

I get why people dont like Fear Her totally, but that L&M wrap up tho. So bad.


As long as no one tries to defend Love & Monsters its all good. I still think Fear Her is pretty solid. But I also liked electro Master so...

I loved Love & Monsters, for real.

The best episode that focuses on the people the Doctor leaves behind in his wake.

The LINDA montage is GOAT.


Garden tile BJs.

It's the best.


different regeneration surely?


I'm extremely late on watching this last episode but I kinda like it. Little weird seeing Doctor get Donna'd. I was definitely feeling the hype towards the end there. I wonder if(when) he'll run into them again.

Prepare for the spinoff series Me Who


As long as no one tries to defend Love & Monsters its all good. I still think Fear Her is pretty solid. But I also liked electro Master so...

I get why people dont like Fear Her totally, but that L&M wrap up tho. So bad.

First two acts of Love and Monsters are great. It's forever ruined the moment they reveal the Abzorbaloff. Such a shame.
See, to me at least Love & Monsters was trying something different. Fear Me was just so... pedestrian.

I agree with all of this. Fear Her is lame, but I find worse episodes in the same series.

But also the things that I dislike in Who are sometimes things that other people seem to not mind at all, and I've never disliked any of Who for looking cheap. It's part if the charm.

About Season 6, it's definitely the low point for me. But it also contains one of my absolute favorite episodes, Girl Who Waited.
Love & Monsters isn't a good episode of Doctor Who, but aside from the really off-colour blowjob joke that I dislike immensely I think it's actually one of the most interesting pieces of television writing to come out of the Who production team since 2005, up there with stuff like Blink and Midnight in that regard. It's a really clever and tight piece of TV character writing.

Even within the world of specific Doctor Who stuff, Love & Monsters is very unique. The scenes with Jackie are fucking heartbreaking; it really makes you see the Doctor and Rose from a different light and it very much works to justify how they're later ripped apart. This was one of my comments on Clara's death -- that I never truly felt like she earned that, like she'd proved to us she was enough like the Doctor to be a danger, unlike where, by Army of Ghosts, I could actually see Rose and the Doctor together had become bad for each other and worse bad for everyone around them, strangers and friends alike.





Ahead of the eagerly-awaited release of Doctor Who - The War Doctor 1: Only The Monstrous this Monday 14th December, Big Finish is pleased to reveal details of the War Doctor's next epic battle...

Available in February 2016, Doctor Who - The War Doctor 2: Infernal Devices continues the legendary conflict of the Time War. John Hurt reprises his role as The War Doctor – the secret regeneration of the Doctor, who has abandoned his peaceful code to wage war against the Daleks (Nicholas Briggs).

The War Doctor will again be joined by Cardinal Ollistra (Jacqueline Pearce), who sends the Time Lord to investigate an initiative that could change the course of the War – but at what cost?

Just a reminder that the first War Doctor audio comes out in a few days. Pretty damn hyped. Two month gap between the first and second volumes isn't too bad though the third volume coming in September is a much longer gap.

Can pre-order the first volume here: http://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/the-war-doctor-volume-01-only-the-monstrous-1380


Season 6 is like the inverse of a really good season of Who, wherein there's a couple duds and the rest are good-to-great. Coming off the high of Season 5 certainly doesn't help matters for it, either.
There is one episode of Season 6 I love, 3 that I like (two of which are halves of the same story) and one which I love the premise of but didn't quite work for me.

All of those are fairly disconnected from the overall arc.

Pretty sure that's the show's low point for me.


Love & Monsters isn't a good episode of Doctor Who, but aside from the really off-colour blowjob joke that I dislike immensely I think it's actually one of the most interesting pieces of television writing to come out of the Who production team since 2005, up there with stuff like Blink and Midnight in that regard. It's a really clever and tight piece of TV character writing.

Even within the world of specific Doctor Who stuff, Love & Monsters is very unique. The scenes with Jackie are fucking heartbreaking; it really makes you see the Doctor and Rose from a different light and it very much works to justify how they're later ripped apart. This was one of my comments on Clara's death -- that I never truly felt like she earned that, like she'd proved to us she was enough like the Doctor to be a danger, unlike where, by Army of Ghosts, I could actually see Rose and the Doctor together had become bad for each other and worse bad for everyone around them, strangers and friends alike.


I wouldn't particularly defend L&M as a great episode but when I see people approach it they just tend to run to the blow job joke first as their entire critique.

Yep it's ill fitting but beyond that, I'd take the episode for a rewatch with its imperfections over, I'd say half, of the rest of that seasons output.


Love & Monsters isn't a good episode of Doctor Who, but aside from the really off-colour blowjob joke that I dislike immensely I think it's actually one of the most interesting pieces of television writing to come out of the Who production team since 2005, up there with stuff like Blink and Midnight in that regard. It's a really clever and tight piece of TV character writing.

Even within the world of specific Doctor Who stuff, Love & Monsters is very unique. The scenes with Jackie are fucking heartbreaking; it really makes you see the Doctor and Rose from a different light and it very much works to justify how they're later ripped apart. This was one of my comments on Clara's death -- that I never truly felt like she earned that, like she'd proved to us she was enough like the Doctor to be a danger, unlike where, by Army of Ghosts, I could actually see Rose and the Doctor together had become bad for each other and worse bad for everyone around them, strangers and friends alike.

Agreed, though I found the blowjob joke amusing at least. It was just so twisted, like it was straight out of some horror anthology or something like it. Almost Tales from the Crpyt-like.


So here's a possible test for your dedication to Who:

On the backstage show for Strictly Come Dancing, there was a prop police box, which they're apparently intending to use sometime tonight. I don't know for sure what dance it's used for, but I do note that one participant is dancing a Charleston to Doctor Jazz from Jelly's Last Jam, which seems a likely culprit.

Big Nikus

Absolutely Sublime ending for Clara, and quite frankly id argue this is probably one the best series of Doctor Who since the reboot.

Man, this was one of my favourite seasons in a while. And overall a really solid 3 part finale.

There are dozens of us.

So, what happens if Clara gets shot in the head during her trip with Ashildr ?
She wouldn't die in London then, and Time would be fucked, right ?


Just watched the Snowmen again. Shame they didn't really keep up with the whole "Clara is very clever and a foil to the Doctor" thing. They tried in the next episode with Clara using social engineering to locate the baddies, but it was pretty much dropped after that. Would have been a nice thing to bring up time and again; probably would have made her progress toward Doctor-like behavior and subsequent fall more significant.


So, what happens if Clara gets shot in the head during her trip with Ashildr ?
She wouldn't die in London then, and Time would be fucked, right ?

I would say yes. I don't know what the result would be, but time would be fucked to some degree. It would be a paradox along the lines of the one created in The Angels Take Manhattan, where Rory died before he was fated to die. Who knows what would actually happen, though? Doctor Who has always been fairly loose as it comes to the actual mechanics of time travel.
So, what happens if Clara gets shot in the head during her trip with Ashildr ?
She wouldn't die in London then, and Time would be fucked, right ?

He'd have to go in and fix it. This kind of thing has happened occasionally. Remember that time he rebooted the universe?

This probably _isn't_ going to happen, if only because it would spoil a perfectly good companion resolution. We get to have fond thoughts of Clara and Arya Stark having adventures in their diner time machine. Then we forget them just as we forgot Jenny his daughter.

Big Nikus

I would say yes. I don't know what the result would be, but time would be fucked to some degree. It would be a paradox along the lines of the one created in The Angels Take Manhattan, where Rory died before he was fated to die. Who knows what would actually happen, though? Doctor Who has always been fairly loose as it comes to the actual mechanics of time travel.

He'd have to go in and fix it. This kind of thing has happened occasionally. Remember that time he rebooted the universe?

This probably _isn't_ going to happen, if only because it would spoil a perfectly good companion resolution. We get to have fond thoughts of Clara and Arya Stark having adventures in their diner time machine. Then we forget them just as we forgot Jenny his daughter.

Yeah, it was just a random thought, overall it was my favorite Moffat finale, by far.
Still, it's kinda reckless on Clara's part :p But The Doctor is the ultimate reckless person so I guess she is as well.

Holy. Just learned now that Jenny's actress is the daughter of a doctor and wife to another doctor. This is weird.

You should read this interview :) --> David Tennant's kids love Doctor Who – but their favourite Time Lord is Matt Smith
And maybe you've never seen Time Crash, the mini episode in which Tennant met his future father-in-law !
Just watched the Snowmen again. Shame they didn't really keep up with the whole "Clara is very clever and a foil to the Doctor" thing. They tried in the next episode with Clara using social engineering to locate the baddies, but it was pretty much dropped after that. Would have been a nice thing to bring up time and again; probably would have made her progress toward Doctor-like behavior and subsequent fall more significant.

Weird, I just watched it today too.

I had a few reasons. One, my memory of season 7 is fuzzy, as I was seriously burnt out from binging all of modern Who. Second, the Great Intelligence intrigues me. And last, with Clara's exit I wanted to go back to her beginning. Last, I couldn't remember what "run you clever boy" was about.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I was enjoying the episode... until Matt Smith gets active. Perhaps more of my dislike of his years was Smith himself than Moffat. But then the Moffat parts that were annoying: the convoluted rules/explanations for what was going on at the climax, and getting hung up on things like "it's a mirror" first as a shorthand then later as some sort of rule... or not. It didn't make much sense.

I think I'll cherry pick some more from this era to rewatch, I feel like I should have taken a break on my binge. But some of my fogginess is probably less that then the confusing writing, if this episode is typical.
I was mulling this over earlier and I think I'm at:

5 > 4 > 8 > 9 > 1 > 7A > 3 > 7B > 6 > 2

I rewatched S1 earlier in the year and it grew on me a lot, mainly because it now kind of looks and feels like a classic era season.
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