Are you and athlete that makes your living from your body willing to travel to Brazil and potentially be exposed to zika wich can cause paralisis and who knows what else possibly ending your carreer in athletics?
Yes because Zika is endemic to the Caribbean and South America which is visited by US tourists a lot more than West Africa.
You guys are worried about poop on the water? Come on, we're already past that.
An arm was found floating in Baia de Guanabara (yes, in Rio de Janeiro, and it's one of the places that will have some of the competitions):
Complexo vira-lata going strong as always.
Why do I feel like Trump is going to benefit greatly from this?
What what? I'm sure you are familiar with the term.
Truth is even if things were running smoothly Brazilians will still tell you to never go to Brazil.
I completely understand, I don't blame you but I feel it does get out of hand at times.
Is Zika a concern? Hell yes, People should be aware and inform themselves, if you are pregnant you should consider not coming (several acquaintances and friends are pregnant though), but it's not the only problem out there, its not even the most problematic disease, in terms of zika being an STD (it's not) we are talking about Rio so you should be concerned about safe sex anyway, and honestly these negativity always happen with these events.
I can predict exactly how it will be, negativity will keep rising, the games will happen and they'll be fine, tourists will be fine and even happy, the games will close and then people will go back to the mess the country is in after they are over.
Basically what happen in the world cup.
I want to see them have the guts to cancel it.
Political turmoil, polluted water, Zika Virus. Come on now.
Is there much to fear from people speeding up its outbreak?
I mean mosquitos don't really travel in your luggage and the only thing I've seen person to person is the potential for sexual transmission not anything determinative though
And how widespread is Zika? Tbh id be more worried about crime, toxic rivers and non completed infrastructure
What the fuck did I just read?Yup. People always forget that folks fuck like rabbits during the Olympics.
And someone going back to Europe or the Midwest has no risk of this because the mosquito isn't there.
Except it's not. Condom sales and distribution go through the roof for Olympic venues. Also, just use your brain: It's hundreds upon hundreds of the fittest, incredibly attractive human beings that are full of testosterone. The orgy thing is real.That is a joke spread by the athletes.