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Does anyone out there actually think the DS will last?


First tragedy, then farce.
Disclaimer: the last portable system I bought was a gameboy pocket.. I *might* get a PSP, but Im still not sold on it completely (namely the games all seem to be games I can allready get).

In any case, the DS just doesnt seem like something that will last at all. As someone who got burned by Sega multiple times and Nintendo once (Virtual Boy) I see this as another gimicky design that doesnt have alot of apeal. The graphics dont look all that great, the launch lineup looks pretty horrible and the price point is pretty high. On top of that, less than a year ago people just got through flanking out 99 bucks for Nintendo's last handheld.

Does anyone out there think this system will apeal to anyone outside of the most hardcore of gamers? Do you think your typical gamer will see the benefit of the stylus.

I know alot of people are excited about this thing, but ever since it was announced it left me scratching my head as to why anyone would ever think someone would want to buy this. If someone out there could explain to me what exactly the apeal of this thing is going to be I would really appreciate it, because at this point I will be impressed if the thing isnt aborted within 18 months of launch and brushed under the rug.


I think it will sell gangbusters, actually.

(this will probably be the nicest post in the thread BTW)

Yes i do think it'll last.

You're underestimating the power of Pokemon.

I think it's going to have quite a foothold before even Pokemon hits, but yeah, once Pokemon does hit it is so the done deal.


I think it's target is a bit higher than that of the GBASP's, which is already popular with adults as well as teens and children.

If all else fails, Nintendo has those two Pokemon games to propel sales.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Yes i do think it'll last.

You're underestimating the power of Pokemon.


No. Gameboy is still a huge seller, I can't see people making the switch to DS. No one besides the hardcore actually cares about touch screen or a dual screens. My opinion might change if the newly annouced Pokemon title turns out well, but for now, I don't see DS actually lasting.


king zell said:

Final Fantasy III alone is a reason for DS not to fail

Yeah, the machine has way too many big hit potential games on the way. It's cheap (and it'll get cheaper once they sell out to the early adopter crowd), the touch screen is going to go over in a big way, it's got mad support in the industry, the ad campaign looks good, and it's got Pokemon.

It'll be big.


First tragedy, then farce.
Im not questioning the quality of it.. hell I thought that Virtual Boy had a couple of really good games on it and Saturn is my favorite system of all time... I just think they are going to have a hard time selling the concept.. however I saw the add for it and if they pimp the wireless gaming features that could sell alot of systems...
king zell said:

Final Fantasy III alone is a reason for DS not to fail

I doubt it will sell millions over there, unless anyone can recall how well FFI+II did, I'm really clueless, but here it'll do well if it's advertised a great deal as "The Lost Final Fantasy" or something.

But I'm willing to bet that even if the DS isn't a huge success Square will still port out FFV and FFVI. Hell they didn't give up on the WS ports.


kitchenmotors said:
Yeah, Mario 64 is pretty horrible!


But yeah, Mario64 is going to be enough for the early adopter crowd. They could have pulled a N64 and had it and maybe too other games available at launch and still sell out their initial shipments. I'm glad they didn't have too, though.

(although Mario 64 is all I plan on buying at launch, as it's still my favorite game of all time)


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think that Nintendo is doing some pretty smart things with the NDS. It'll last. It may not be as big as the GBA (and for the record, I don't think the PSP will be either), but it'll have legs.


If nothing else, unlike the Virtual Boy Nintendo is throwing the full arsenal of its library at the DS. If the DS fails, it won't be for lack of trying on Nintendo's part.
I think the fate of the DS will be sealed at launch time in Japan. It's not too far ahead now. Nintendo needs to release Pokémon DS ASAP if they are to have a chance.


You know...I wonder why you ask this question...because you could ask "Does anyone out there actually think that the DS won't last" just as easily, but you chose this one, as little but a troll. Why?

It won't fail. It will sell out in Japan and NA, especially the latter. Long term it may be outsold by the PSP, but it will in no way be a failure, and it will in no way die. Get that out of your head! You can not enjoy the system, or not believe it is the right move for Nintendo to make, or believe that it is too close to the market of the GBA, but damnit, there is no way it's going to be a colossal failure as you seem to enjoy prognosticating.


StoOgE said:
The graphics dont look all that great, the launch lineup looks pretty horrible and the price point is pretty high.

Come again? I plan on buying half of the launch lineup, and I havn't done that since N64 (which doesn't really count).


DarthWufei said:
I doubt it will sell millions over there, unless anyone can recall how well FFI+II did, I'm really clueless, but here it'll do well if it's advertised a great deal as "The Lost Final Fantasy" or something.

But I'm willing to bet that even if the DS isn't a huge success Square will still port out FFV and FFVI. Hell they didn't give up on the WS ports.
Well, it is the only game that hasn't been re-released, so I would imagine that it'll do very well out there. Especially if Nintendo gets behind it.


being watched
32Xish Stopgap to be honest.

Having said that, the PSP lineup is total shit in comparision. I just feel the bells and whistles razz a' dazzle 'em of PSP will win through with the style council casuals.

Personally I'd rather have a DS rather then a PSP. But that's from a gamers POV. Personally I'd rather have a G-Mini from Archos then either of 'em.


Nintendo Loyalists+same ol' lineup as most Nintendo launches+Final Fantasy+Pokemon will ensure that it's a constant seller, although the same-price PSP will put a chink in its armor


I don't think it will last. How many years before the GBnext comes out? 2? if so, why would people get this thing?


sohka88 said:
I don't think it will last. How many years before the GBnext comes out? 2? if so, why would people get this thing?

Because 90% of purchasers are not going to KNOW that information...jeesh, not every single person has indepth Nintendo business analysis at their fingertips.


The DS really does seem like a stop-gap like the 32x. It blows my mind that, even after seeing the PSP's games and demonstrations, Nintendo made no effort to boost the graphics capabilities of the DS.

Maybe one day graphics won't matter just like Nintendo is saying, but we are not there yet. There's a huge difference between DS and PSP. We can only hope that Nintendo's next system has PSP-like capabilities in three years.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I don't see it doing too well in the near future... Maybe in a year or so. There's no buzz or demand. The SP's holding it down on its own.

I think Nintendo should release it in Japan, staggering the US release a bit when more content is available.


hyperbolically metafictive
it would've been a hard sell even before the $200 psp announcement. now it's fucked.

and mario 64 without an analog stick sounds pretty horrible to me. shrug.


It's launching unopposed in America, it'll sell out immediately. They can release some big pokemon title when the PSP comes out in in the US

EDIT: Theres an analog mode using a thumb strap and the touch screen. You can also run/walk by toggling the Y button i think.


maybe 1-1/2 to 2 years before a DS SP (if its successful) or a new GB, cause that's how frequently Nintendo's been releasing new handhelds since the Virtual Boy


I'm interested in a few games on the DS. Namely Advance Wars and Wario Ware. I won't be sold on the system until more (inevitably) is announced/unveiled.

StoOgE said:
On top of that, less than a year ago people just got through flanking out 99 bucks for Nintendo's last handheld.
...huh? A year and eight months ago, actually. Your point remains - just much less significant.


Not really. Nintendo better whip out a couple North American Poke'mons before March 2005.

Also, if Nintendo makes a major Pokemon RPG for the DS and not GBA, IMO that'd be a REALLY stupid step. I doubt the DS is going to see an origional Pokemon RPG until it gains some ground.


hyperbolically metafictive
LowTecky said:
Theres an analog mode using a thumb strap and the touch screen..

i'd heard about this, but honestly i don't understand how it would work. would you just use the touchscreen as if it was a trackpad?

mario 64 is one of my favorite games as well, but it seems like a strange fit for the ds. i understand that mario ports sell like mad on gba, and that the ds can handle mario 64's graphics, but beyond that it's perplexing. the game's lasting merits are control and level design. the ds can't replicate the control. i don't see what multiplayer would add to the game either...i guess there are a bunch of new minigames?

Kon Tiki

Vagabond said:
Not really. Nintendo better whip out a couple North American Poke'mons before March 2005.

Also, if Nintendo makes a major Pokemon RPG for the DS and not GBA, IMO that'd be a REALLY stupid step. I doubt the DS is going to see an origional Pokemon RPG until it gains some ground.

Already been announced and are being worked on. The last Pokemon rpg already has DS hooks in it.

So ND has poor 3rd party and now poor 1st party games? I know some of you fund it hard to believe but Nintendo IS supporting its own platform with its games. Fucking mind blowing, but true.


drohne said:
i'd heard about this, but honestly i don't understand how it would work. would you just use the touchscreen as if it was a trackpad?

mario 64 is one of my favorite games as well, but it seems like a strange fit for the ds. i understand that mario ports sell like mad on gba, and that the ds can handle mario 64's graphics, but beyond that it's perplexing. the game's lasting merits are control and level design. the ds can't replicate the control. i don't see what multiplayer would add to the game either...i guess there are a bunch of new minigames?
Yes, theres about 30 new minigames. Watch the footage on gamespot, you'll become a believer :)


Will start substantiating his hate
snapty00 said:
It blows my mind that, even after seeing the PSP's games and demonstrations, Nintendo made no effort to boost the graphics capabilities of the DS.
Because graphics are not everything. Nintendo is trying to do something new with DS. They're taking a risk and they know it's a risk. Hence why Iwata warned that maybe not everyone would like it once it was finally unveiled.

Personally I think PSP is boring as hell but I can certainly understand why someone would be impressed by its technical capabilities and the large screen. However, comparing the two on a technical level is simply not getting what the two companies are trying to achieve. The NDS and the PSP are two entirely different products with different goals and ambitions behind them that just happen to be competing for the same disposable income.


I will buy a DS ASAP LA releases some of their point and click adventure games with stylus control support. droools.ssssssssssss...


cybamerc said:
Because graphics are not everything. Nintendo is trying to do something new with DS.
Saying "graphics aren't everything" is just your defense mechanism. No shit graphics aren't everything. You're just stating the obvious.


Nintendo puts most of its business in handhelds, so unless they already have a successor gearing up for release in a year, the DS should be around for a while.


Society said:
Already been announced and are being worked on. The last Pokemon rpg already has DS hooks in it.

So ND has poor 3rd party and now poor 1st party games? I know some of you fund it hard to believe but Nintendo IS supporting its own platform with its games. Fucking mind blowing, but true.
Master of Magic 2 was being worked on before Master of Orion 3. I doubt it'll se release anytime in the next year. I also doubt we'll see Pokemon DS in the next year. Maybe a late 05 or early 06 release for Japan



Will start substantiating his hate
snapty00 said:
Saying "graphics aren't everything" is just your defense mechanism. No shit graphics aren't everything. You're just stating the obvious.
But why does it blow your mind then? Nintendo is trying to do something different. They've even said that the focus is on 2d.

No doubt the graphics capabilities could be better but so could the PSP's. Nothing is perfect and everything can be improved upon.
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