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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Forever Platinum
With regards to mice, I have an original naga that I bought for swtor, god rest the tortanic, in Dec 2011. I've used it since and have had very few problems, I get double clicks every so often and the mouse wheel button is starting to get spotty but that's it. I love the side buttons and I never want to go back to playing without them. Dota can be really twitchy sometimes and not having to worry about using items and skills at the same time on my left hand is really nice.

For those saying it's too much to manage, I submit that you just didn't give it enough time or really try to learn it. I used the thumb trainers that come with it, stuck them on in a checkerboard pattern so my thumb could get used to where the buttons were and slowly took them off. WoW/TOR was probably what helped me pick it up, had to use all of the buttons on it pretty often. Either way I don't even think about it now, but it took me probably three or so months to get accustomed to it. The only thing I can compare it to was going from a pad to a stick for fighters. It's really awkward at first and you feel lost on the buttons, but over time you will pick it up and it will be second nature. If you feel like the full 12 is too much go for the hex, I only use 9/12 for dota and you could pick up the difference on your kb no problem.

TLDR: Naga is awesome if you want to use the keybinds and don't worry about ultra precise sensors (lol counter strike nerds), but don't expect to be comfortable right away. Takes practice.

I'm pretty happy with my Naga Hex (love my side-buttons), but Synapse is a pretty busted piece of software. Only just recently got it working again, they need to back up profile data to the mouse and not just to the cloud, program FUBAR'd itself for a while because of that.

Luckily you really only need to use it once.


Am I right in thinking Furion doesn't have to offlane. My buddy is adamant that I can't play a NP in captain's mode unless I offlane, and I said it'd make more sense for me to jungle and get my farm and let someone else offlane. To which he responded "No one in the International did it so clearly jungling isn't the thing to do"

Am I wrong about this?


Am I right in thinking Furion doesn't have to offlane. My buddy is adamant that I can't play a NP in captain's mode unless I offlane, and I said it'd make more sense for me to jungle and get my farm and let someone else offlane. To which he responded "No one in the International did it so clearly jungling isn't the thing to do"

Am I wrong about this?


Watching pro's is always helpful, and you can always learn from them, but I'm 100% sure that I saw Prophets go jungle at the international. I think they usually just started offlane for a few minutes and then left though. Though I guess it also depends on the rest of your lineup.


Am I right in thinking Furion doesn't have to offlane. My buddy is adamant that I can't play a NP in captain's mode unless I offlane, and I said it'd make more sense for me to jungle and get my farm and let someone else offlane. To which he responded "No one in the International did it so clearly jungling isn't the thing to do"

Am I wrong about this?

No, you're not wrong. Your buddy is an idiot if that's his line of thinking for anything DotA related.

After all, how many heroes weren't picked? There must be no reason to play them as well since they weren't picked in the International too right?


Luckily you really only need to use it once.
Wanted to fiddle with the DPI again, so I went through the trouble of fixing it last night. Not sure if I'm going to make too much use of the keybinds, though I did stumble across a few settings I hadn't seen before (like the lights turning off if the monitor sleeps).


Forever Platinum
Wanted to fiddle with the DPI again, so I went through the trouble of fixing it last night. Not sure if I'm going to make too much use of the keybinds, though I did stumble across a few settings I hadn't seen before (like the lights turning off if the monitor sleeps).

I just turned all the lights off of mine, especially those for the numbers. I really didn't like the heat.


Hi dota gaf!

I have ~250 hours logged and its really frustrating still basically being a noob. Have a few questions to run by you guys.

I notice when I play, I'm pretty much gold starved and underfarmed about 40% of the time by 15 or 20 minutes in the game. So I think I need some guidance on farming. Often I'll get harassed in lane, have low HP, have to run back to fountain, blow some cash on a TP scroll to get back to lane and fall into this same sort of cycle. Am I overextending basically every time and this is my punishment?

Doesn't help that I play with a buddy who has about 80 hours in and absolutely does not grasp the concept of gold priority going to carries. Its a viscous race to the last hit with his guy to the point where he gets pissed if I'm the carry and I steal his last hits. When I tell him that I literally need more gold than his support or I become useless, he throws back that he can't do shit without gold and just doesn't understand that supports have higher base skills / damage and can do without for a bit. Any way for me to break this knowledge to him to make him understand? Example from two nights ago, he was windrunner and I was kunkka, dude demanded all the last hits and ignored his recommended items to build a crystalys/daedlus because damage lol

Finally, jungling. Is there a noobs guide to it? I have totally ignored the jungle for 200 hours and think its time I start learning how to pull/stack and farm jungle efficiently. I botch furion something terrible because I try to jungle initially and run out of mana, become underleveled, and then drag down the team.

Sorry for the wall of text!



Watching pro's is always helpful, and you can always learn from them, but I'm 100% sure that I saw Prophets go jungle at the international. I think they usually just started offlane for a few minutes and then left though. Though I guess it also depends on the rest of your lineup.

Well the way he reasons it is, it wouldn't work at a high level of matchmaking, so why learn jungling when offlaning is the "pro" way to do it. To which I say, jungling is still viable, and it's unlikely I'd ever get to a stage where it wouldn't be. So I have well and truly given up arguing xD
Game impact has nothing to do with the power of his nukes. Lion has strong spells too, but he is hardly a game changer

Visage is played (mostly) as a 4 position, hence your team won't depend on you carrying the game.

if you are new at microing, not only your units will die, you will too (ie diving with your main along with your summon) . Feeding as a Lone Druid is a terrible terrible idea

A support carries the early game. Whether you win or lose your lane depends mostly on the supports and Visage is one of the strongest offensive supports in the game. I do think that this qualifies as high-impact. Sure, he won't carry the game at 30+ minutes since Visage probably hits his peak at levels 7-11 but in that time, you need to make shit happen, or the hero falls off. Similarly for Crystal Maiden, she has a very strong lane presence which you need to capitalize on.
Well the way he reasons it is, it wouldn't work at a high level of matchmaking, so why learn jungling when offlaning is the "pro" way to do it. To which I say, jungling is still viable, and it's unlikely I'd ever get to a stage where it wouldn't be. So I have well and truly given up arguing xD
It's like watching the super bowl and basing your backyard empty lot after elementary school games after it.


Forever Platinum
Hardly notice it on mine, though my hands typically don't sweat and the lights in the Hex are LEDs (no idea about the mainline Naga).

My hands don't sweat at all, just find it uncomfortable. And yeah, normal naga, lights under the thumb. Hopefully it's better on the new one.


Hi dota gaf!

I have ~250 hours logged and its really frustrating still basically being a noob. Have a few questions to run by you guys.

I notice when I play, I'm pretty much gold starved and underfarmed about 40% of the time by 15 or 20 minutes in the game. So I think I need some guidance on farming. Often I'll get harassed in lane, have low HP, have to run back to fountain, blow some cash on a TP scroll to get back to lane and fall into this same sort of cycle. Am I overextending basically every time and this is my punishment?!

Yes, hopefully courier is upgraded and you can get salve delivered. If not walk of shame. You also might want to try heroes that can kill creeps more easily like doom or alchemist.

Doesn't help that I play with a buddy who has about 80 hours in and absolutely does not grasp the concept of gold priority going to carries. Its a viscous race to the last hit with his guy to the point where he gets pissed if I'm the carry and I steal his last hits. When I tell him that I literally need more gold than his support or I become useless, he throws back that he can't do shit without gold and just doesn't understand that supports have higher base skills / damage and can do without for a bit. Any way for me to break this knowledge to him to make him understand? Example from two nights ago, he was windrunner and I was kunkka, dude demanded all the last hits and ignored his recommended items to build a crystalys/daedlus because damage lol!
Get him to watch a pro game. Those supports play with bare bones - support the carry - then get items from assist gold - it's a more efficient way of doing things, but most people can't last hit anyways so what you gonna do - monkey-see monkey-do what every other pub does or play smart?

Finally, jungling. Is there a noobs guide to it? I have totally ignored the jungle for 200 hours and think its time I start learning how to pull/stack and farm jungle efficiently. I botch furion something terrible because I try to jungle initially and run out of mana, become underleveled, and then drag down the team.

Sorry for the wall of text!
Sure there are lots of youtube videos. Just don't jungle mindlessly for 20 minutes. Some people do this to very bad results. Gank the side lane and buy stuff that will help you fight at least at 10 minutes. If you haven't ganked the lane you are not helping your team.



Yay. Next target 1000.

#100 was this leshrac game. He is so much fun.


I don't really think anyone who plays a lot should have a single hero they've never played.

One of the first things I did when I got into real matchmaking was play everybody once and it was a very valuable learning experience. There are still many I've played only that once but it's much better than never.

Lowest games played hero?

Centaur Warrunner - 1 game played

Hours of DotA - 1600
people dislike dazzle? wow. i think he's pretty underrated. give him a mek and arcane at a reasonable time and he can do a lot

most underrated heroes imo: dp, undying, dazzle. necrolyte is a lot better than people give him credit for too
Hi dota gaf!

I have ~250 hours logged and its really frustrating still basically being a noob. Have a few questions to run by you guys.

I notice when I play, I'm pretty much gold starved and underfarmed about 40% of the time by 15 or 20 minutes in the game. So I think I need some guidance on farming. Often I'll get harassed in lane, have low HP, have to run back to fountain, blow some cash on a TP scroll to get back to lane and fall into this same sort of cycle. Am I overextending basically every time and this is my punishment?

Doesn't help that I play with a buddy who has about 80 hours in and absolutely does not grasp the concept of gold priority going to carries. Its a viscous race to the last hit with his guy to the point where he gets pissed if I'm the carry and I steal his last hits. When I tell him that I literally need more gold than his support or I become useless, he throws back that he can't do shit without gold and just doesn't understand that supports have higher base skills / damage and can do without for a bit. Any way for me to break this knowledge to him to make him understand? Example from two nights ago, he was windrunner and I was kunkka, dude demanded all the last hits and ignored his recommended items to build a crystalys/daedlus because damage lol

Finally, jungling. Is there a noobs guide to it? I have totally ignored the jungle for 200 hours and think its time I start learning how to pull/stack and farm jungle efficiently. I botch furion something terrible because I try to jungle initially and run out of mana, become underleveled, and then drag down the team.

Sorry for the wall of text!

Maybe you could try to teach him about stacking and pulling. If he can farm the jungle creeps you might not have the problem of splitting last hits. In your example the lane would keep pushing because of tidebringer and you would need it pulled back from the enemy tower.

For jungling every hero is different. In Furion's case I get a basileus and a couple of clarities at the start. This gives you mana regen, damage and extra armour for your treants so they survive longer. When you start in the fountain you can summon some treants in your base (at the 5 second mark) and send them out to the jungle and return to the fountain to refilll your mana. Then when the neutral camps spawn at 30 you should be in the jungle to summon another set and you will briefly have 4 to work with. Use your clarity but be careful to not take a hit so that it gets cancelled. Micro the treants so that you move them out of aggro range before they die. You want as many summons as possible alive and dealing damage.
a couple of days ago I mentioned Undying and Shadow Demon were on the table for a rework. The person who told me that was incorrect, they're only being changed for the Chinese client.

That leaves
Shadow Fiend (apparently this one is badass)
Venomancer (he'll look more like a cobra and be easier to make items for)
Viper (will be shipped before TI3. Wait a minute...)
Ogre Magi (still in the very early stages, will be a huge change)
Storm Spirit (still pretty early stages. Making him bigger and more muscular. Still a fat blue man)
Zeus (nothing is known other than this is happening)

so yea, some interesting changes happening soon to a bunch of heroes.
people dislike dazzle? wow. i think he's pretty underrated. give him a mek and arcane at a reasonable time and he can do a lot

most underrated heroes imo: dp, undying, dazzle. necrolyte is a lot better than people give him credit for too

You shut your mouth. The longer Dazzle stays underrated, the better. I've loved him since I first started playing during 6.73.
Shadow Wave target count increased from 3/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6.
Shallow Grave can now be cast on magic immune allies.
Shallow Grave cast range rescaled from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000.
Poison Touch level 4 cooldown decreased from 9 to 7.
Shadow Wave Damage AoE increased from 170 to 185.
I fear for the day that icefrog realizes he's created a monster.


I'll just leave this link to some cosplay here...


NSFW if you don't want to see some ladies in swimsuits.

jesus christ drow

and why does windrunner have a watermelon

damn stealth edit. glad I clicked, though.

Isn't there a drawing of windrunner with a tide watermelon? Think she's copying that.

For the entire set: ...damn.

That CM should have done Drow too..

Oh lawd <3.


got damn dat windrunner chick looks like Lindsay Lohan in her prime.
I pity the fool who doesn't respect undying. Dude is a beast.

I feel that pugna is the most underrated. No one says he's awesome. No one says he sucks. No one talks about him unless it's silly YouTube videos about skywrath.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I pity the fool who doesn't respect undying. Dude is a beast.

I feel that pugna is the most underrated. No one says he's awesome. No one says he sucks. No one talks about him unless it's silly YouTube videos about skywrath.
Pugna was one of those heroes like Shadow Demon that I didn't initially "get" when I played him a couple times. But whereas I still really suck with Shadow Demon I know think Pugna is goddamn awesome


Dazzle, Witch and Pugna are such great supports.

I can see why Witch isn't picked in pro games, because he tales off a bit if the enemy gets BKBs, but his laning presence is far superior to Crystal Maiden's IMO.

You don't see Pugna supporting much. Most people just rush scepter. The problem is, if Pugna is getting enough farm for scepter, surely there are better heroes you could have run in that position. You can get by just on mana boots.

Edit: Bad habit of using HoN names instead of DoTA. Witch Doctor == Voodoo Jester


I can see why Witch isn't picked in pro games, because he tales off a bit if the enemy gets BKBs, but his laning presence is far superior to Crystal Maiden's IMO.

The ult is physical damage. I always love when a carry goes BKB. Drop the Death Ward and watch him wonder wtf is going on and why his team just got rampaged.


109 are there any rules about agility morphing on morphing early game. Morph as much as you can afford to survive their strongest magical attack? or just enough to last hit easily?


So I made a team logo/banner/base image for my team, uploaded it and everything and it loads fine and looks cool when I check on my own in a lobby. The second someone else joins, when the game starts they don't load, it stays plain. Then when they leave if it is just me left they suddenly appear everywhere.

Any ideas? It has been asked a lot on the interweb but never answered.
So uh, this may be a bit out of topic but I guess I'll post this only once: Looking to sell both my Garrad + Indigo EF Yak for USD 750. PM me if interested.
Dota taketh away, and Dota giveth.

Need to play more Storm by the way. QoP too. I don't play mid with fun, snowbally heroes like those often enough.

109 are there any rules about agility morphing on morphing early game. Morph as much as you can afford to survive their strongest magical attack? or just enough to last hit easily?

<--80%+ winrate Morph

I don't have any hard and fast rules with him. Usually enough to feel comfortable, while still having enough agility to last hit well. Don't want less than two "bars" though. Mid-game I usually like to hover around 1200-1400 HP with any strength not required for that in agility. Typically I keep the treads toggled to strength.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Think I'm heading in to 7 or 8 losses in a row. Last game my team had an Aghanim/Linken Gyro. :(


So our Brewmaster and AM decided to first item Vlad's for the winz and I encouraged the rest of our team to follow suit on this pro build unfortunately OD didn't follow suit so we lost. GG NOOB OD DELETE DOTO



So our Brewmaster and AM decided to first item Vlad's for the winz and I encouraged the rest of our team to follow suit on this pro build unfortunately OD didn't follow suit so we lost. GG NOOB OD DELETE DOTO

typical dota player

starts feeding
pretends hes trolling
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