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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Low Tier
109 are there any rules about agility morphing on morphing early game. Morph as much as you can afford to survive their strongest magical attack? or just enough to last hit easily?

I usually go ring of prot double tango salve and 2 branch. Morph til you're around 65-70 dmg. Coupled with morph's decent animation, you should be able to out last-hit most heroes. You'll be hovering around 450 health or so, but you're gonna be safelane/mid anyways, so you should be fine.

I mean, morph's not gonna have much lane presence until ~4 or so, when his high armor+right clicks coupled with waveform allows him to easily trade dmg with whoever you're up against.



OK, kids, let's see those favourite heroes.
Spirit Breaker is still damn annoying after 200 matches. Can't believe how some of you guys say he isnt OP :p Well maybe at a very high level/professional you can counter him, but in pubs its a damn sorrow every time the opponent chooses him.

He has what, the highest armor in the game and huge hp? And can stun lock you to death? I could understand if he was a glass cannon and could do a lot of damage but have Lina's health, but nope... even at the start of the game its hard to gank him since he has so much health and armor and can even charge away. I know I can try to ward and also stun him before he charges, but sometimes its just impossible when he initiates a team fight or even if its a 2x1 and the stun just scratches him.


On a 6-game win streak now after a 9-game loss streak. Yesterday I faced a team that had a Chaos Knight who ended the game at level 14 with just a Dagon in his inventory as well as a Troll who had quite a few middle game items but no boots at all. I dread the day when matchmaking decides it's my turn to team up with guys like these.


Finally got a 50% win / loss ration, mostly thanks to weaver and tree, and good team mates. I love winning a match without losing a single tower due to the power of heals.
Ok I was just in a game with some friends, I was playing as Anti-Mage and things weren't going so well, the SF on the other team was getting out of control. But I was off to a pretty good start (6:30 midas).

I had a bit of trouble after that because SD would disrupt me and the illusions would almost instantly take out all my mana, so I only got my BF after ~25 mins.

At this point SF was going full medieval on our team. I thought I needed some health to be able to stand my ground and fight a bit, so I build a SNY. One of my friends started going crazy over how I should never build SNY on AM, and that I should've went for Manta. I thought of Manta, but the 2100 gold required for UO was kinda risky to go for since SF could basically instagib me out of his shadowblade anytime.

Anyway, game went on. I started splitpushing and getting crazy farm while the rest of my team was holding the line. Got a few towers that way and was forcing tp's back.

Got Manta, then got Butterfly, and then started to work on an Assault Cuirass. My friend was going out of his mind about this idea. He started yelling into the mic that I should get a heart instead.

My thought process was this: I don't die anymore, therefor I don't need more health. However, SF's minus armor aura is causing a lot of trouble along with Weaver and Alch's. By getting a AC I would not only make myself more survivable, but also the rest of my team. Also the attack speed would get my mana burn going even faster, resulting in more kills.

Turns out we won and I wrecked shit all over the place

Here's a link to the game.

So can you guys help me figure out if I was in the right or wrong? Should I have skipped SNY to get a Manta straight away? Should I have gotten a Hearth instead of AC?

The other guy was Gyro.

Here's the full build I went:
Clarity (ended up giving to disruptor because he was spamming skills to get me free farm)
Healing Salve
Quelling blade
Hand of Midas
Sange and Yasha
Manta Style
Boots of Travel
Assault Cuirass

I went some unconventional build and my friend was dissaproving. Was I right or wrong?


Corporate Apologist
IMO one of the safest heroes to learn how to micro with is Visage.

Tanky, low game impact and if you lose your familiars, you can respawn them quickly without giving too much of an advantage to the enemy team

I honestly think Warlock is by far the easiest, to the point that people forget he does require some micromanagement.


I honestly think Warlock is by far the easiest, to the point that people forget he does require some micromanagement.

nothings more embarrasing than marching my 4 golems with my team down to the enemy rax and realizing I forgot to select myself and am now way behind everyone else


So yeah, I just had what may have been the closest, most tense game yet in Dota. I was Ursa, and didn't snowball as much as I hoped, but I was doing pretty good. Our team was ahead in kills by quite a bit, but they had a NP who kept split pushing. My team would bunch up and follow each other so it worked pretty well. I couldn't get many pick offs on NP due to invis/TP so he didn't have any problems with me. They got 2 of our barracks and I thought we were done. But then we got a good team fight and managed to push their mid rax.

We were still at a disadvantage but we were doing ok, then they nearly took our last rax with a sneaky NP teleport but we closed them down. The end of the game ended in a throne race between most of my team, and their Furion, thankfully we had a weaver in the base defending. I'd bought boots of travel just to keep up with the split pushing. We somehow won in the end and I let out a sigh of relief. The funniest part was the fact every team fight the gem of true sight I bought would change hands, and most of the time it didn't land in ours -.-

Spirit Breaker is still damn annoying after 200 matches. Can't believe how some of you guys say he isnt OP :p Well maybe at a very high level/professional you can counter him, but in pubs its a damn sorrow every time the opponent chooses him.

He has what, the highest armor in the game and huge hp? And can stun lock you to death? I could understand if he was a glass cannon and could do a lot of damage but have Lina's health, but nope... even at the start of the game its hard to gank him since he has so much health and armor and can even charge away. I know I can try to ward and also stun him before he charges, but sometimes its just impossible when he initiates a team fight or even if its a 2x1 and the stun just scratches him.

If the enemy team picks spirit breaker then just pick omniknight, pugs NEVER buy diffusal against omni unless it's already in the recommended build for their hero (and then they take 30 mins to farm it :p)
When you see him use his ult you have almost 2seconds to repel his target.
Between repel, your ult and the healbombs spirit does pretty much nothing in teamfights.


If you don't let SB get early ganks, which is easy to avoid by rushing back to the tower as soon as he charges, then he doesn't get momentum and is a pushover in the mid to late game. No one seems to pick him anymore when I play pubs.

Razzle Dazzle

Neo Member
pls ppl stop building midas
Yo Midas is super good in certain situations.

Take the Luna in my last game. The enemies had a NP and an Abaddon (who was the one farming in a very strong, safe lane, duo lane.) who both got a early midas. Our free farm Luna went for a early Yasha, which is often fine.

But than for some reason she forgot how to right click neutrals, and we ended up rolling into mid game with no damage from her at all. Basically a 4v5. A midas helps people with the inability to farm, actually get some gold. In her situation a midas would have made up for the lack of creep-killing-ability and maybe we could have gotten somewhere.

It really depends on how early you can get it but midas is pretty important at times. Especially in pubs.
Had a game once where SB totally dominated us early to midgame. All of us were afraid to wander alone and come late midgame, we started winning fights and SB's threat was negated. We won the game. I have seen this scenario a couple of times where SB owns early and fall hard late game, unable to capitalise and snowball from his early dominance.


Yo Midas is super good in certain situations.

Take the Luna in my last game. The enemies had a NP and an Abaddon (who was the one farming in a very strong, safe lane, duo lane.) who both got a early midas. Our free farm Luna went for a early Yasha, which is often fine.

But than for some reason she forgot how to right click neutrals, and we ended up rolling into mid game with no damage from her at all. Basically a 4v5. A midas helps people with the inability to farm, actually get some gold. In her situation a midas would have made up for the lack of creep-killing-ability and maybe we could have gotten somewhere.

It really depends on how early you can get it but midas is pretty important at times. Especially in pubs.

Wait what? "Midas is an items for people who have an inability to farm"??? I don't get what you are saying.

Midas is an item you get when you basically have free farm and can get it very quickly so that it accelerates your farm after 20 minutes after buying it (according to calculation I saw in a few different topics).
If your farm is already shit, I wouldn't recommend getting a Midas since it actually slows you down because it takes about 20 minutes to generate profit from it.
And what do you mean lack of creep-killing-ability? We're talking about a Luna here, she can pretty much decimate creepwaves/jungle camps with that bouncing glaive.

This has nothing to do with her not getting Midas, sounds like she just didn't know how to farm properly.


Wait what? "Midas is an items for people who have an inability to farm"??? I don't get what you are saying.

Midas is an item you get when you basically have free farm and can get it very quickly so that it accelerates your farm after 20 minutes after buying it (according to calculation I saw in a few different topics).
If your farm is already shit, I wouldn't recommend getting a Midas since it actually slows you down because it takes about 20 minutes to generate profit from it.
And what do you mean lack of creep-killing-ability? We're talking about a Luna here, she can pretty much decimate creepwaves/jungle camps with that bouncing glaive.

This has nothing to do with her not getting Midas, sounds like she just didn't know how to farm properly.
What he said.
Q: Can you convert Steam $$ to Real $$ ?
No. Just another area where valve lags behind blizzard
Can't want for blizzard all stars


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Don't listen to boken midas is the best item midas on every hero.


It still blows my mind how well some items sell, and for insane prices. Absolutely blows my mind. I think it's incredible that such a market has grown out of the game. So cool.

Just finished up two more items for you fine gentlemen, a shadow shaman mask/headpiece, and an enchantress spear. I'll post the workshop links before I go to bed. I have a couple more singles coming then I'm back onto a set. All in all it's about 8 singles total with 6 finished so far, yeeesh! haha :)

I've been playing Razor more, man he is freaking awesome once you get used to him. I tried using Naga Siren, she's very interesting, I'll probably be playing her again!
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