troll's ulti cooldown might change, that's about it
troll's ulti cooldown might change, that's about it
Dota 2 ot2 Guess what Hylian is streaming
Isn't advertising against the tosDota 2 ot2 Guess what Hylian is streaming
Matchmaking in this game is beyond shit, in fact it's possibly the worst experience I've had in an online environment, totally discouraging for new players. A friend and I started playing 2 weeks ago and are now finding ourselves matchmaking v's people with 600-700+hrs playtime or more, whilst everyone on our team is seemingly sub 80 hrs.
That's a massive experience disparity and we aren't learning anything other than this a waste of our time.
Just means that they didn't learn shit in all that time and that you might have learned quick. The match making is better than you think.
Isn't advertising against the tos
Isn't backseat modding against the tosIsn't backseat modding against the tos
Isn't backseat modding against the tos
Isn't backseat modding against the tos
Matchmaking in this game is beyond shit, in fact it's possibly the worst experience I've had in an online environment, totally discouraging for new players. A friend and I started playing 2 weeks ago and are now finding ourselves matchmaking v's people with 600-700+hrs playtime or more, whilst everyone on our team is seemingly sub 80 hrs.
That's a massive experience disparity and we aren't learning anything other than this a waste of our time.
Isn't backseat modding against the tos
Isn't backseat modding against the tos
Isn't backseat modding against the tos
Guys I can't for the love of god play as Nightstalker. I always fail my ganks, end up dying, losing XP and money and being useless.
I'm not sure on what I'm doing wrong
I start with silence, nuke and then attack until Nuke comes up again
Guys I can't for the love of god play as Nightstalker. I always fail my ganks, end up dying, losing XP and money and being useless.
I'm not sure on what I'm doing wrong
I start with silence, nuke and then attack until Nuke comes up again
Bloodseeker is actually shit though.
How many matches have you played + link your dotabuff if you're actually confident about this. My guess is that you are actually pretty close to 50/50 win/lose or you have exceedingly few matches.
66 games according to stats and 55% win rate, so higher win rate puts me up against vastly more experienced players? Seems unfair when I've barely even seen never mind played half the roster.
I don't keep up at all with the meta game or even do much really besides just play doto, why do people say bloodseeker is lacking? Is there a tuning in the works for him?
Seems like the MM is doing a great job. If your win rate is around the 40-60% rate then the system is doing it's job.66 games according to stats and 55% win rate, so higher win rate puts me up against vastly more experienced players? Seems unfair when I've barely even seen never mind played half the roster.
Speaking of Bloodseeker, someone datamined Dota 1 and found some ability remakes which may or may not ever happen.
Rupture looks less anti-fun and might have a lesser burden of knowledge.![]()
i'm not saying he'll ruin or break the game and i'm not saying he's the new pre-nerf ls or pl
i just think he needs a bit of a nerf, probably against his early game
You haven't even given tournament players the chance to learn to play with and against Troll Warlord. Unless a hero is grossly, undeniably overpowered like old Tinker when he could rearm BKB, you leave the hero alone and let people figure it out.
You haven't even given tournament players the chance to learn to play with and against Troll Warlord. Unless a hero is grossly, undeniably overpowered like old Tinker when he could rearm BKB, you leave the hero alone and let people figure it out.
You haven't even given tournament players the chance to learn to play with and against Troll Warlord. Unless a hero is grossly, undeniably overpowered like old Tinker when he could rearm BKB, you leave the hero alone and let people figure it out.
Go ahead and guess how we laned this. Go ahead, guess
Go ahead and guess how we laned this. Go ahead, guess