I don't get people who root for Secret. What's the point of supporting the strongest team by far? Where's the fun in that?
C9 is where it's at.
I don't get people who root for Secret. What's the point of supporting the strongest team by far? Where's the fun in that?
C9 is where it's at.
I don't get people who root for Secret. What's the point of supporting the strongest team by far? Where's the fun in that?
C9 is where it's at.
and I don't get how people can support c9... the drama, the below average performances, envy's personality and to an extent all of the other 4 personalities...
I don't support any team, I support good Dota/matches. This isn't football.
Do you guys have a list of must watch matches so far?
and I don't get how people can support c9... the drama, the below average performances, envy's personality and to an extent all of the other 4 personalities...
I don't support any team, I support good Dota/matches. This isn't football.
I checked a random game of theirs today and they got curbstomped.c9 games from day 1
I checked a random game of theirs today and they got curbstomped.
C9 was involved in virtually >50% of all games that are considered classics in the history of Dota 2 eSports. C9 vs Alliance at ESL One was the single most exciting game I have ever seen.
I don't get people who root for Secret. What's the point of supporting the strongest team by far? Where's the fun in that?
C9 is where it's at.
thats why watch day 1
vs lgd and vs navi
mine is ti4 game 2 vs vg
after that mindblowing game we get their game 3 in classic c9 fashion
C9 was involved in virtually >50% of all games that are considered classics in the history of Dota 2 eSports. C9 vs Alliance at ESL One was the single most exciting game I have ever seen.
You can also count their Speed Gaming MLG Cinderella story too
gyro and naga are way way worse
roflGyro is bad.
Dota is dead
Cant search for games
Cant watch my downloaded replays
Network keeps dropping
Im going to play the superior MOBA HotS
I just realized ut today that they add slow to Lesh lightning. No wonder he's so dominating this TI.
yeah and the slow only used to last 0.5s iircits been there since 6.81 i think?
yeah and the slow only used to last 0.5s iirc
watch SGDQ, eat ramen, and naptusr-kyun its depressing outside. Dota is ruining my sleep schedule again![]()
watch SGDQ, eat ramen, and nap
that's all my life is
join me
Gyro is bad. Naga is only bad if you have your thumb up your ass for the first 20 mins when your playing against her.
Lesh is instant autowin mid. Hes fastee than most heros, spammable spells, way too much hp to begin with.
watch SGDQ, eat ramen, and nap
that's all my life is
join me
Guys am I really going to do this TI trip again this year?
I'm starting to think about all the shit I could spend this $1,000 on. Someone help me keep my eyes on the prize or something.
watch SGDQ, eat ramen, and nap
that's all my life is
join me
It's a vacation.
true. I guess I'm just a bit down right now. Need a pick-me-up.
Have fun in Seattle! Make out with TUSR! And CharpyImpact! And SteveWinwood! All at the same time!true. I guess I'm just a bit down right now. Need a pick-me-up.
I immediately thought of you when I saw himS4's older brother is too much
true. I guess I'm just a bit down right now. Need a pick-me-up.
Steam down?
- Abaddon
- Faceless Void
- Jakiro
- Medusa
- Mirana
- Ogre Magi
- Spectre
- Warlock
- Weaver
Imo these will be picked for sure
alchemist maybe but highly doubt it![]()
A list of the 26 unpicked/unbanned heroes in the first 2 days:
- Abaddon: pretty bad lane presence, you can get a Lotus Orb to get the purge on some spells
- Alchemist : useless hero
- Death Prophet : horrible hero
- Doom : terrible cast animation
- Elder Titan : LOL
- Faceless Void : situational but could be picked
- Jakiro : meh, there are better, more complete heroes that can also push (Chen)
- Kunkka : underwhelming
- Lich : pretty poor, past lane stage
- Lifestealer : far surpassed by other carries
- Lone Druid : terrible hero
- Luna : okish, could be picked anytime with a decent strat made around her
- Medusa : same as above
- Meepo : nerfed too much with the respawn timer
- Mirana : T_T Icefrog buff pls!!!![]()
- Morphling : very good, could be picked anytime
- Necrophos : meh, subpar hero
- Ogre Magi : good pick as well
- Outworld Devourer : BKB, then what?
- Riki : shit hero
- Sniper : decent, but hard to fit in this meta
- Spectre : situational, but probably will be picked on the following days
- Terrorblade : yeah, right
- Troll Warlord : very underrated. probably wont be picked, but it should
- Warlock : MVP pls
- Weaver : some teams runs her, but I think the hero is very very weak in this meta
I'm quite surprised at the bolded ones.