Empty Space
Isn't the thing that Korea and the Chinese teams excel at execution? As a consequence they do really well with micro and landing skill shots, but they kind suffer when it comes to being flexible and making the unconventional choice. League and SC are about having executing a preset plan flawlessly and if things deviate from that plan everything falls apart. Dota by contrast strives to be about adapting to the situation at hand and having lots of situational hero and item picks. Western teams are really good at doing those things instead. That at least is my understanding of how things are between the two disciplines, but I could be wrong. This also isn't a really hard truth anymore like it was a few years ago when it comes to Dota, but it might be what prevents Korea from becoming an unstoppable force if they really commit to the scene. I don't really care either way as long pro games stay reasonably enjoyable to watch and the game's balance keeps evolving in an interesting way.