Hey, I won't talk from the grave again, just this one time to clear up something.
I didn't get banned for talking about GMOs. I got banned because I was discussing them in a thread about Bernie Sanders and race. At best it was wildly off topic and inconsiderate to everyone else in the thread. At worst it made me look like a #alllivesmatter asshole (ewwww). I was drunk and emotional as I had attended a seminar about GMOs and world hunger earlier that day, I woke up and read my posts and said man those are dumb. It also wasn't solely that, but combined with the last few months of my shitposting in general earned me a perma as I obviously didn't learn from the previous bans. Anyhow I knew better and deserved it.
I had been using gaf less as a constructive place of conversation and more of a blowing off steam end of day nonsense post for a while anyhow, so it's probably better I moved on for my own and everyone elses sake.
This and the giant bomb thread are the only places I'll miss, and it's not that big a loss since we're mostly all friends on steam. If you ever need anything just hit me up, and if someone in the thread is asking for someone to queue up with even if they're bad don't be afraid to recommend me still.
Anyhow, love all y'all (yes even you heavy's and shugg), play dota with you soon!