Only Bloodcyka and Silencer were disabled on Valve's Allstars mode.guize
Can dirge be picked in 10v10?
Must know for important 7k research.
Only Bloodcyka and Silencer were disabled on Valve's Allstars mode.guize
Can dirge be picked in 10v10?
Must know for important 7k research.
Only Bloodcyka and Silencer were disabled on Valve's Allstars mode.
How's 10v10? I imagine it will get old really fast due to some heroes getting more advantage in that setting.
I got a pic with MattMatt, I couldn't ever track you down to swap my extra set of Nature Prophet Emoji for a team secret shirt. Closest I got was seeing you was you coming in on Day 2, but it would have been too rude to stop you there so I just wished you guys good luck :/
Global and stack heroes dominate IE silencer, spectre, prophetHow's 10v10? I imagine it will get old really fast due to some heroes getting more advantage in that setting.
I can understand why Silencer wasn't allowed (LOL THAT INT STEAL) but why Blood?
obviously it's because he was replaced with Abyssal Underlord![]()
Everyone already bitches about him with only 5 enemies in the game. Do you really want him running around with +400 damage and +400% speed?I can understand why Silencer wasn't allowed (LOL THAT INT STEAL) but why Blood?
Well I didn't even realize Thirst increases damage, I thought it was just move speed
It's a terrific skill to have when the other team's Gyro is a fucking idiot and doesn't know how to properly clear stacked jungle camps, unless that Gyro is on your team![]()
Support Brew new meta.
Yesterday we played one of the wildest lineups ever: solo offlane AA, mid pugna, safelane CM, jungle doom and then the icing on the cake, necros ancient farming (me). Can't believe we dominated at all stages of the game, they got completely shut down.
First game of Dota in ages, offlane silencer goes 4 for 15, blames it on me, anti-mage going 14 for 7, because I didn't build manta (the enemy had earthshaker)
Fuck this game
First game of Dota in ages, offlane silencer goes 4 for 15, blames it on me, anti-mage going 14 for 7, because I didn't build manta (the enemy had earthshaker)
Fuck this game
First game of Dota in ages, offlane silencer goes 4 for 15, blames it on me, anti-mage going 14 for 7, because I didn't build manta (the enemy had earthshaker)
Fuck this game
I'd still go manta. But yeah, fuck Silencer.
To be fair, you still want to go Manta(but I like that you tried to adapt to the enemy heroes rather than blindly follow recommended items) but just mute fools if they're reducing your enjoyment of the game. People that attack you for not following the status quo are awful.
Is the potential trade off for manta worth it? Feel like I'm potentially fucking up my team.
Manta synergizes very well with AM, I can't really think of a situation where he doesn't want it unless you need a different item even more after you're six slotted.Is the potential trade off for manta worth it? Feel like I'm potentially fucking up my team.
Fantastic Four
Michael B Jordan deserved better than this
I couldn't even laugh, I was just sad
Compendium and Compendium points are officially off the Dota 2 store.The following items have been removed from the Dota 2 store.
The International Compendium 2015
The International Compendium 2015 - Level 50
The International 2015 Collector's Cache
The International 2015 - 5 Compendium Levels
The International 2015 - 11 Compendium Levels
The International 2015 - 24 Compendium Levels
Alrighty, so I'm going to assume by this point that everyone from Pillow's team that wants a courier has received one, so time for the open raffle. If you've played under one of the aliases in the list below during IHL, please send me a private message on GAF with your steam/dotabuff so I can confirm your identity, add you, and give you a courier (thanks to Big Dog for the courier donations)!
If there are any unredeemed couriers after about 1-2 weeks, the remaining ones will go to the second place team (Cobra Kai).
Winners (PM me on GAF with a link to your steam/dotabuff acct. to claim your courier!!!):
1) Loki_demi
2) xanavi
3) TheClaw
4) Crow
5) Hanxter
6) Waxinlyrical
7) mastershake
8) Taco_Human
9) Hayvic
10) Quesa
11) Galactic Explorer Astro Cosmo
12) docbon
bolded = messaged me
6 million dollar effigy
11........damn you paid to see that shit?
At least there was good food at the Japanese place we went to
Man, after getting seeded to 2.6k mmr, the people I've gotten teamed up with have just become completely fucking braindead morons. Probably 3 of the worst games I've had in my 400 games so far.
you know that you have been playing with those same dudes before this right?