Shadowfiend is pretty OP in Hearthstone IMO:
On par stats if you top deck him, super cheap card if you can start with him.
Shadowfiend is pretty OP in Hearthstone IMO:
On par stats if you top deck him, super cheap card if you can start with him.
typing in 100+ heroes by hand is hardWhy can't I pick Naga for nerfs?
Yeah data is a fuck up at this pointOh lol I definitely would've added Naga for nerfs if I saw it in the list
Now here's something you might need to think about, is that one game worth all of the crap games you had to endure? If so, you need to keep going until you eventually get matched up less with assholes(though there will ALWAYS be gameruining assholes in any skill bracket, not because the MOBA community are assholes but because people in general are assholes).Well after that horror of a game, I just played my most fun game ever. Both teams were friendly, back and forth team fights throughout, no rage quitting. If every game was like that I'd play all day. I did a couple of massive Witch Doctor ults with AS as well which didn't hurt my mood! I'm literally smiling like a Cheshire cat after that game. That takes me to 1 - 5 in my casual Dota career![]()
Yeah data is a fuck up at this point
oh well
zai is partying up with puppey![]()
Ya, I remember that one time a bloodseeker on my team used bloodrage on the enemy gyro and he ended up getting the both of us killed.
And then he started raging in dutch. People online are the worst.
And there's always these players that can't stop picking cancer heroes
Ya, I remember that one time a bloodseeker on my team used bloodrage on the enemy gyro and he ended up getting the both of us killed.
And then he started raging in dutch. People online are the worst.
How are Gofu and Steve permed and yet the Hylian,and the fake Meeru get banned evey other month smh.
I was in agreement with the common theory that it was for deadmau5, since his pack was released in Dota recently. We just weren't sure how it would come up.
The lack of anime girls saddened me as wellgreat post hylian, thanks for sharing I enjoyed reading it.
also where the fuck is TUSR on the pictures, why you no show up at bandits
Well after that horror of a game, I just played my most fun game ever. Both teams were friendly, back and forth team fights throughout, no rage quitting. If every game was like that I'd play all day. I did a couple of massive Witch Doctor ults with AS as well which didn't hurt my mood! I'm literally smiling like a Cheshire cat after that game. That takes me to 1 - 5 in my casual Dota career![]()
Now here's something you might need to think about, is that one game worth all of the crap games you had to endure? If so, you need to keep going until you eventually get matched up less with assholes(though there will ALWAYS be gameruining assholes in any skill bracket, not because the MOBA community are assholes but because people in general are assholes).
Relax, you're doing fine!
Great post hylian, thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed reading it.
also where the fuck is TUSR on the pictures, why you no show up at bandits
Couldn't get a reliable wifi signal on my phone, and I got dicked by Canadian telecomms on international rates.We kept losing TUSR throughout the week. He was probably with the other two people he brought with him.![]()
Puppey dotabuff (the one he is using on the stream)
Puppey proving everyone wrong, going against the general thought that TB is trash tier hero.
Yep TI5 was fucking incredible aside from the technical issues the first two days (which were quite bad).
what happened to steve![]()
what happened to steve![]()
what happened to steve![]()
You probably haven't gotten a reply because no one knows.Welcome back hylian.
Can someone answer how long we get points for challenges in the compendiums? I've seen it asked multiple times with no answer. I'm not surprised if no one knows and it still seems to be working. I had thought it was ending on Thursday but only need two more wins in reborn for the fifteen.
Nobody knows. Shit expires October 1st, that's about the only clueWelcome back hylian.
Can someone answer how long we get points for challenges in the compendiums? I've seen it asked multiple times with no answer. I'm not surprised if no one knows and it still seems to be working. I had thought it was ending on Thursday but only need two more wins in reborn for the fifteen.
Seriously, Valve needs to have some alternate setup ready by TI6.
There has to be some way to allow LAN play locally while "broadcasting" it to a computer connected to the external internet. Yes it would suck if you were at home unable to watch, but at least the players wouldn't be interrupted.
There's no reason they can't, Valve just hasn't yet bothered to put the resources into solving that particular problem. It was a big enough issue that I'd expect them to work it out before next year, maybe even before the Majors.
I wanted to comment on this issue back when TI was happening.
The way I see it, there really wasn't much more Valve could have done. Every time caster feed went out, you could see the players on the stage still playing for a few minutes. They were clearly on LAN.
Part of the point of the tournament like this is so people can actually see it, that's why pausing is necessary if the casters can't get in.
The players were also experiencing lag and there were DDOS issues. I don't believe they were on LAN at all.
Did one of them say they were? I was sitting pretty close and it looked like things were fine from what I could see on the screens.
There were multiple times when the lag was visible and the players did mention it in game chat. Also they confirmed DDOS issues.
I hope you had that post added to your favorites do not want to miss the chance to respond. I can help with some more links if you need to add to your folder "shit I got to respond to because ..... I got to respond to" No one cares, you are a reference when it comes to people who are soft and respond to every damn thing and think they are the center of the world.I want to address this post in particular for a few reasons. First of all, I'm really sick and tired of the vendetta against me some people here seem to have. I really don't get banned as often as you think. Hell I would say two of my four bans were unnecessary and uncalled for in my opinion, and I know a lot of people agree with me on that. So maybe drop the silly vendetta, as it's really fucking childish.
DBZ is so casual that we can think of it as non-anime like Pokemon.😏How dumb do you have to be to think DBZ isn't anime. Shit's anime as fuck.
DBZ is so casual that we can think of it as non-anime like Pokemon.😏