Anyone else watching the SingSing Omni+Wisp game? I don't understand how this works at 6k mmr.
Yes mi lord.
Godlike in 10 minutes lool
this is ridiculous
Anyone else watching the SingSing Omni+Wisp game? I don't understand how this works at 6k mmr.
Yes mi lord.
I'm going to need an updated list of Cancer for the month.Techies isn't cancer![]()
GyroI'm going to need an updated list of Cancer for the month.
Still needs a slap on the wrist. Annoying fucking hero with the "Get out of jail free" cards.not u still trying it with slark![]()
Still needs a slap on the wrist. Annoying fucking hero with the "Get out of jail free" cards.
Got a gold bloodseeker!
How much am I looking at if I wanna sell a gold chest/item
but that's how the hero works. it's even his backstory.
Spectre is different than Slark. I'm not asking for an entire rework of the hero, just a minor change, mainly an animation for Dark Pact or CD increase on ult. I played against one the other day because that bug happened where you first see someone come out of fog and it plays their spawn animation. Slark's spawn animation looks similar to the one when he finishes Dark Pact. I figured DP was on CD, so I zipped in and Orchid...aaand purged it... Fucking bullshitSpectre needs nerfs more than anyone with the bs "Kill all supports on the map for free" cards tbh.![]()
Spectre is different than Slark. I'm not asking for an entire rework of the hero, just a minor change, mainly an animation for Dark Pact or CD increase on ult. I played against one the other day because that bug happened where you first see someone come out of fog and it plays their spawn animation. Slark's spawn animation looks similar to the one when he finishes Dark Pact. I figured DP was on CD, so I zipped in and Orchid...aaand purged it... Fucking bullshit
EternalEnvy said:As monster energy enters his eyes he foresees a great prophecy...
yas king slark countering shit spirit. icon.
complaining about slark while playing storm spirit is a bit perverse to me. you see which one gets slapped on the wrist in 6.85
I have no doubt Storm will get nerfed, but replace that situation with any hero with an Orchid other than Storm and it still applies.
Slark still needs a slap on the wrist.
but i mean what you're describing happened because of a bug. the conclusion of your anecdote isn't 'so anyway, nerf slark', it's 'so anyway, fix this bug'.
Why not both?
If there was a starting animation for Dark Pact, that situation would have turned out differently.
There isn't anything to read unless you already saw him use it before or he is completely out of mana. It's a guessing game beyond that.the mindgames, gotta read your enemy
There isn't anything to read unless you already saw him use it before or he is completely out of mana. It's a guessing game beyond that.
TA is a much different story: You hear her activate refraction. Her attacks sound slightly different with refraction on. On top of that, unless you know otherwise, you would also approach a TA with the assumption she already has refraction on. If you find out she didn't, then lucky you....and that's the point? it's like seeing a TA. does she have refraction up or not? who knows, so i better not use laguna blade on her. it's about mind games.
Dude we've been over this. People who are much better at Dota than either of us think slark is actually weak right now. You can argue to the ends of the earth that he's bullshit, just as I'll always complain about fucking qw invoker, but that doesn't make it OP.There isn't anything to read unless you already saw him use it before or he is completely out of mana. It's a guessing game beyond that.
Wonder if fire spear man gets a rework. Very rarely picked whatever the meta is.
But that's the mind game aspect. You approach TA as though she had refraction on even if she doesn't. It gives her an information advantage, that you can't see when she has refraction up. Same way that you should approach Slark as though he's about to dark pact. The fact that the game bugged out doesn't make Slark OP, it means that you encountered unhelpful bug that needs squashing. Post about it on Reddit, it's the most reliable way to get bugs fixed.TA is a much different story: You hear her activate refraction. Her attacks sound slightly different with refraction on. On top of that, unless you know otherwise, you would also approach a TA with the assumption she already has refraction on. If you find out she didn't, then lucky you.
How about burning spear having split shot. LmaoSlark and Huskar buffs? The age of BSJ is upon us.
But that's the mind game aspect. You approach TA as though she had refraction on even if she doesn't. It gives her an information advantage, that you can't see when she has refraction up. Same way that you should approach Slark as though he's about to dark pact. The fact that the game bugged out doesn't make Slark OP, it means that it's an unhelpful bug.
And Refractions charges are independent, so attack sounds isn't a reliable indicator. More mind games.
Attack sounds means "Yes she has popped refraction". You don't know how many shield charges she has left and that's fine. You hit her until they go away and then blow your big spells. It's not like Slark because she won't randomly go "Nah fuck your disables" without warning. It's just like how playing the guessing game with runes was before Bounty Runes were ever a thing.
You are focusing way too much on the bug argument. I was trying to say there that I look for the animation to make sure he used it and then go from there.
Attack sounds means "Yes she has popped refraction". You don't know how many shield charges she has left and that's fine. You hit her until they go away and then blow your big spells. It's not like Slark because she won't randomly go "Nah fuck your disables" without warning. It's just like how playing the guessing game with runes was before Bounty Runes were ever a thing.
You are focusing way too much on the bug argument. I was trying to say there that I look for the animation to make sure he used it and then go from there.
Ive read alot of your posts claiming stuff but this right there might be the most hilarious thing ive seen you claim.
Baiting slark into using it is no rocket science. Jump him -> he uses it -> orchid
It's an information advantage. That's the whole point of not being able to see Refraction and Dark Pact. You're supposed to approach the situation differently than if you could see either of them. TA might say 'fuck your Laguna Blade', Slark might say 'fuck your disables' (assuming he has half-decent timing).
I'm not focusing too much on the bug argument because it's the foundation of your anecdote. You look for the animation, which is good and fine; it's what you're supposed to do. In this situation the game bugged and you thought you saw the animation when actually you didn't. So the conclusion to draw isn't, 'nerf Slark', it's 'this bug needs fixing'.
Ive read alot of your posts claiming stuff but this right there might be the most hilarious thing ive seen you claim.
Baiting slark into using it is no rocket science. Jump him -> he uses it -> orchid
Especially with storm seeing as slark is in a total catch-22 where if he doesn't immediately dark pact he's dead, and if storm holds his spells, he's also dead.
Best way to react to a storm jumping you as slark is to pop dark pact and mash ult, I find. Not exactly an elegant solution.
i mean storm always has the advantage of being two screens away and waiting for slark to farm a wave with q, then immediately jumping as the duration ends.
but realistically speaking storms a much bigger problem than slark is
except lina is still the queen of imba
sell ur arcanas while u can
It goes in circles though: Bait him into using it -> He baits you into using whatever -> bait him into using it -> So on and so fourth until you haven't caught him and now he's gotten away. Or he just pops ult. I would think popping ult is a pretty elegant solution to getting away from a storm jumping you.
It goes in circles though: Bait him into using it -> He baits you into using whatever -> bait him into using it -> So on and so fourth until you haven't caught him and now he's gotten away. Or he just pops ult. I would think popping ult is a pretty elegant solution to getting away from a storm jumping you.
When are announcers gonna be enabled in the beta? I miss my tusk announcer.
Storm has AOE damage that goes through ult, he can zip away to break leash, and with an orchid he has two disables. It's not a surprise that according to Dotabuff, Slark is one of his 10 best matchups.